Hi everybody! My main speedcube is a regular zhanchi but to be honest, I don't like its speed too much. Actually it is as fast as my guhong v2 (which feels a bit faster and lighter), it has almost the same feel (silky smoothness) and sometimes I can't use it because it gets faster only after a lot of solves. I have disassembled and relubed it many times but it hasn't changed a lot. So I realized that maybe it's just the way it is built. So I compared it with my friend's one and I have to say that they are totally different: my friend's cube is extremely fast and light, it's smooth but not silky smooth, it's like there is zero friction between the pieces and it's also much more stable then mine. So I want a zhanchi to feel like that and while I was watching videos on youtube I found this one of CubeorCubes:
That zhanchi feels exaclty as my friend's one but it is a 55mm. Now, I heard that there are many "versions" of the zhanchi and that 55mm zhanchis are different (=better) than the normal ones, so I'm thinking about buying a 55mm.
What do you think about my considerations? Then, I know this is a stupid question, but is it better to buy a DIY kit or not? And finally, my friend's cube and that showed in the review are white/uncolored cubes. Mine is black and I want a black cube. Is the plastic (and the cube) going to feel the same?
Thank you for reading all this long post,