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What cube brand do you use?

Which brand do you use

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You misspelled Diansheng.

My favorites are Dayan (3x3, mega, FTO on the way), Gan (562), and Moyu (Aosu v7, Meilong v2 big cubes). I also have Qiyi clock and YJ Square-1, which basically win those events by default.
Bare in mind, I do not consider myself a speedsolver. My 3x3 average is sub 25 seconds. I have a PB of around 14 seconds. But I don't consistently work to improve those times.

Since getting the Stickerless Rubik's 3x3 Speed Cube, it has become my most regular pick up and solve 3x3. The other speed 3x3 on my desk is the new stickerless DaYan GuHong. I love the way that they both feel, but for completely different reasons lol.