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What 2x2 method do you use?

What 2x2 method do you use?

  • LBL

  • Ortega

  • CLL

  • EG

  • Guimond

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GAN 356 X

Aug 10, 2019
Somewhere in the cubing universe
Simliar to the 3x3 method thread, this one is for 2x2. I personally use Ortega because I cannot be bothered to learn that many algorithms for an event that is so fast anyway. Instead I am working on Ortega optimisation through watching J Perms videos

There is a good chance I have missed out on a few more obscure 2x2 methods, I'll add them upon request
I learned Ortega several years ago, and I just recently got back into cubing and learned Guimond. I quickly beat my old Ortega PB average with it. I think Guimond is a pretty fun method and doesn't need a lot of algorithms.