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Weekly Competition 2024-04

Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
Visit Channel
These weekly competitions are sponsored by TheCubicle - check them out for all your speedcubing needs.

Each week, a random competitor will be drawn and given a $15 giftcard to TheCubicle (winner's prize must be claimed within 30 days).

For the weekly competition, we are now accepting results in three ways:
1. Select the "Competition" menu choice above; the competition has been integrated into the Forum. It will allow you to compete under your Forum username, with no additional login necessary. You will need to be logged into the Forum to use the integrated site. Hopefully use of the website to enter your times will be self-explanatory, please contact Mike Hughey by PM on speedsolving.com if you have questions.
2. Post in this thread, as usual.
3. If you have competed prior to the integration with the Forum, continue to use the old site. Note that no further accounts will be created for the external website; if you have not already competed this way, you should use the integrated version with the "Competition" menu choice above instead.

We follow the WCA regulations for all events. Here are some things that people often don't know, or are different from the regulations:

  • For Multi-BLD you can choose how many cubes you are going to do (let me know if 70 scrambles is not enough). If you attempt 5 cubes you must use the first 5 scrambles.
  • For one-handed and with feet you can use both hands during inspection.
  • For 3x3x3 Fewest Moves there is a 1 hour time limit. Provide an explanation in the comments describing how you arrived at your solution.
  • For relay you have 15 seconds of inspection in total, you can use any order to solve the cubes and the rest of the relay-rules should be obvious.
  • 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 will use an average of 5.

Notation and scrambling:
  • For all WCA events, beginning in 2021 we are using the official TNoodle scramble generator to generate scrambles. Please see the official WCA regulations for questions regarding scrambling notation.
  • Kilominx, Redi Cube, Master Pyraminx, and Face-Turning Octahedron random-state scramblers were provided by xyzzy (Thank You!). For FTO, to scramble, hold the puzzle with a corner facing you. The four faces visible to you together make a square. Orient the puzzle so that each of the four faces are directly above, below, to the left, and to the right of the corner facing you. These make up the U, F, L, and R faces, respectively. For the four faces on the back, B is adjacent to U, BL is adjacent to L, BR is adjacent to R, and D is adjacent to F.
  • 15 Puzzle scrambles are being provided using Ben Whitmore's random-state scrambler (Thank You!).
  • Curvy Copter random-state scrambler was provided by whatshisbucket (Thank You!). See the thread SALOW Notation for Curvy Copter for more explanation.

This competition starts now and ends Monday/Tuesday nightchange GMT (officially). Automated results will close at the official time, but if you are slightly late, go ahead and post your results here and we will include them at our discretion if we think it's reasonable.

1. R U' F' U2 R' U R' U F2 R U
2. U' R U' R' U R U R' F U' R2
3. R U2 R2 F R' U' R U' R2 F U'
4. R' F U' R2 U2 R2 U' F2 U2 R U2
5. R' U2 R U' R F' R2 F' R2 U R'

1. U2 B' U' B' D2 L' D B' F2 L U2 L2 D2 R B2 L U2 F L
2. B' U F2 D' L2 B2 L2 F2 D F' L R' F L2 B' R' F2 D' R
3. U2 L2 R2 F2 D' R2 D2 U2 R' B' F D L' D' F2 L2 D L'
4. R' F2 U R' F' B' D' L2 D2 R2 L2 F' B' L2 F L B' L' D
5. F2 U2 F R2 F2 U2 L2 U2 R2 D' B F' U' L B D' F R' B2

1. B F2 U2 F2 L' U2 D2 L2 D2 F2 L' F' L U2 B2 U' R L F' U' Fw2 L' R2 D' Rw2 R2 U' Fw2 L D2 Rw2 Fw' Rw2 D Fw R2 U2 F' Rw' Fw D F' Uw2 Rw'
2. U2 B' R U' B2 D' R2 B2 U L2 U' F U2 F' U B2 D2 F Rw2 U2 B Rw2 Uw2 L2 D' Fw2 Uw2 D F' Rw' F2 Rw F Rw2 R' Uw2 Rw' D2 Fw L' Uw F
3. F' R B2 R F2 U' L2 U' L F D2 F2 L2 R' B2 F2 R' B2 L2 Fw2 D' F' Rw2 F' D2 F D' L2 Uw2 D Rw' F2 Uw2 B' L D Uw' R' Fw' Uw' Rw2 B Uw'
4. L2 D2 R2 D' L' B' R2 B2 D R2 D R2 F2 D B2 D' L2 U B R' Uw2 B' Rw2 Uw2 L2 D B Rw2 L2 U' R2 F2 Uw2 R D Rw' D' L2 Fw2 Uw Rw' R' Fw2 Uw' L' Uw'
5. R2 B' L' F' D2 B' L' D R U F2 R2 L2 D B2 R2 F2 U2 F2 U2 Fw2 U' Rw2 L R Fw2 R2 U F2 U Rw2 D Fw' F' L' R2 B2 Uw L2 B' Uw B2 Rw Fw

1. R2 Dw2 R' Bw Lw R2 Fw2 Dw Rw' Lw' Bw' F2 L' Lw Uw2 Lw F U' Bw2 Uw2 Dw' Lw2 U Uw' D' Rw2 Uw' Lw2 Dw2 D' Rw' F2 Rw2 Dw B' Lw2 Bw B' F2 Lw2 L Bw Uw' Lw R D2 Fw' B Bw Lw2 L' F' Dw D L2 Fw' Rw Dw Rw' Uw2
2. L R' Rw F' R' Lw U2 Bw' Rw B' D2 U2 Bw' Fw U' D' F R F Bw Fw2 Uw' F Fw' R2 B' F' Uw' Bw2 Lw' U2 Rw2 Dw' R2 U2 F B' Lw2 Dw D F Fw2 Rw2 R' U Rw L U2 B Bw' Uw' Dw2 Bw R Lw2 Fw' F' B Uw' Bw2
3. R2 U2 D Uw2 Rw' F' U' Uw B2 Rw' B' Fw' Lw Fw Rw2 Lw Fw2 L' Dw2 Uw F' Bw Fw' R' F2 Bw2 U2 Dw' F Bw2 Fw R' U Uw' Lw2 Rw L2 U2 Dw2 Uw' B' Bw L2 B F Uw R2 Bw2 Fw F2 Uw' D Dw Lw' Uw2 L' D L B D'
4. U2 L' Uw Fw2 R Rw Dw2 L' B U2 F2 U2 Fw2 B F2 Dw2 B F Rw Bw B' F Lw R' L' U Fw U D' Bw2 D' L Rw2 F2 U' Uw2 B D' U' F' Lw' R U' F Dw' Rw2 F' Lw' Fw2 Dw' Uw' Fw2 Dw R Fw2 B2 L B Fw Rw'
5. Lw' L F' D2 Dw F2 R2 Rw B Dw' F' Uw F2 U' L' Fw Dw Uw' B' F2 Rw2 L2 B2 Bw Lw' Dw R Bw Rw Dw Bw L Fw' Uw' R2 Bw' B Fw L B2 D2 Dw' Uw2 L2 Rw' Dw' Uw F2 Fw2 Uw R B2 D2 B2 Fw2 Uw Fw Uw D Lw2

1. 3Uw Rw2 Dw B Rw R' Lw2 U Dw2 B' Uw B U' L2 Uw Lw' D Dw' 3Rw L' Dw2 B' R D Rw' Uw2 L 3Fw' Uw2 3Uw' 3Rw Fw L R2 B' Lw' Uw D2 3Fw' 3Uw Lw2 B2 3Fw Uw' Fw 3Fw2 Dw' B Fw' Uw Dw2 Rw' U' B' 3Fw L Dw U2 F 3Fw' Lw' F' Lw2 Rw' Fw Lw' Dw2 L2 3Rw' 3Uw' U2 Rw 3Fw Bw D Lw' 3Uw Lw D2 Dw'
2. 3Fw2 Bw' L Bw Lw2 D' 3Rw 3Fw Lw Dw2 R Dw U L' 3Rw 3Uw' B' Lw Rw' 3Uw2 3Fw2 Uw' Lw' Uw2 Dw2 Bw' U2 Bw' L' Rw' F' D' Lw 3Fw' Bw2 Fw' B' Rw D Rw' 3Fw' Bw D2 3Rw2 U2 Uw' Fw 3Fw' 3Rw2 U' Fw2 3Rw2 F Uw2 L F' Rw 3Rw L' Uw2 3Fw' F2 Rw2 3Rw2 L' D2 B2 3Rw2 Uw' L R2 U2 L2 R2 D2 B' 3Uw2 F' R' B
3. R Dw B 3Fw2 Uw' Fw' D B2 Dw' 3Uw2 3Fw Uw U' Dw' D' B' Dw' Fw' Rw Bw2 B F2 Dw2 Fw Rw2 Uw2 3Rw R' Rw U2 Lw2 B R Fw' Bw D' B' 3Rw 3Uw2 Dw2 B 3Rw' Dw' Rw' L B R' 3Rw' Bw' Dw2 Rw U' 3Rw' Uw' 3Uw2 3Rw2 Fw Bw' L2 3Rw' Dw2 D2 Lw' 3Fw' Bw2 Fw' Rw2 U' R D' 3Rw2 Bw' U 3Fw2 Bw' 3Rw 3Uw U' B' 3Uw2
4. L2 Rw' D2 U2 Uw' 3Rw 3Uw2 Fw2 Uw' U' 3Uw' 3Rw2 U Lw' Fw' B2 Bw' U2 D2 L' Uw2 Fw' B F' Bw Lw2 3Uw2 Bw L2 Fw2 Rw' Fw Rw' F2 Dw' Rw U Lw B' F U2 Bw2 Uw' Rw2 Bw 3Uw B F' Lw2 Rw' Dw2 3Fw' R2 L' F2 Uw' Fw2 D R Uw2 U' Fw2 L2 B2 U2 F' Fw Dw' R2 D' 3Uw' Lw' B Dw' Fw' D B' 3Rw' 3Fw2 Bw'
5. B' R2 3Fw Rw R' D' Bw 3Fw D 3Fw' Bw 3Rw Bw2 R 3Rw B' Lw' Bw' Fw' 3Fw2 Uw' D 3Uw2 L' 3Fw' F' Dw2 Uw U Rw2 B D2 Uw2 Fw F U Fw2 D2 Fw2 F L2 R' 3Fw' B2 Lw Dw2 3Uw' Fw2 Uw2 D' F R' 3Uw2 Fw' F' B' U2 3Rw F Lw2 Fw Rw L' Fw' Uw2 Rw D Lw 3Rw2 Rw2 B Uw' 3Fw' Rw2 Lw' F2 Uw 3Uw' Bw2 3Rw

1. Uw Lw2 F2 R2 L2 3Bw Bw2 3Fw L Rw' 3Uw' 3Lw Lw Uw 3Bw2 3Dw' 3Fw L B' Uw 3Dw2 3Fw Dw 3Lw Bw' Rw' Dw' U' B 3Uw Lw 3Fw2 3Rw2 Bw F 3Rw' L B Uw Lw R2 3Dw Bw 3Rw2 B Lw2 L' Bw 3Uw' Dw' L2 3Bw2 3Fw 3Lw Rw2 Dw' Fw' U' Bw 3Dw' 3Fw F' Bw2 L Bw2 B' Dw' Bw2 3Rw Dw2 3Dw' 3Rw D2 Fw2 Rw 3Uw2 3Dw Fw' Uw2 R' Uw2 R Bw' Rw' 3Rw' 3Fw2 Uw2 B 3Fw 3Bw R 3Dw' U L2 B' 3Lw2 Dw2 Fw 3Dw2 3Uw'
2. F' 3Fw U 3Dw' Uw2 3Fw 3Dw2 3Rw2 3Uw R' Fw L' 3Lw D 3Lw' 3Rw' 3Dw R2 U' Rw' D' 3Bw 3Fw L 3Rw Bw2 Fw' F' 3Dw' 3Lw2 3Bw' Fw' Uw2 L2 3Lw' Fw' L Rw' 3Lw2 3Rw' Fw2 3Bw2 Bw R2 D2 Uw Bw2 Fw2 U2 L Bw' 3Rw Dw2 Fw Bw2 3Fw2 F' L' F 3Uw' U2 F' B 3Dw' B' 3Dw Dw Lw2 U2 3Dw L Fw' L' Dw' F2 Fw 3Fw R2 Lw F 3Uw2 Bw2 3Lw2 R Dw Uw2 3Lw' Rw2 U2 3Dw2 Dw D' F' B2 3Uw L2 3Uw2 Lw2 3Rw 3Dw2
3. 3Fw Uw' D 3Uw Rw2 3Uw' Fw B Rw' Fw 3Dw' Fw2 3Lw2 Lw Fw2 L Lw B F' 3Fw2 L Dw Lw' Dw R' Fw2 Uw' U B U2 R2 3Bw Bw' Dw2 F U F L' R' Uw2 3Rw U' Lw Fw Bw 3Rw2 Lw Dw' 3Lw' 3Dw 3Bw2 R2 F2 L' 3Fw' F' Bw' Fw' 3Bw2 D' Bw2 R2 3Rw 3Dw2 3Uw' Rw 3Bw2 3Dw B2 3Dw' 3Uw2 U2 D L2 3Fw 3Rw D F2 Rw2 Dw' Lw2 U2 3Dw Bw U' 3Bw L2 U 3Lw2 3Bw' L 3Uw2 3Rw' Lw' L2 Uw' R 3Uw Fw2 3Lw'
4. F2 L2 Lw2 3Bw Lw2 Rw' 3Dw2 F B2 Lw2 R 3Dw2 D2 Fw' L' Lw D 3Dw L B U 3Rw2 L F2 3Dw Rw' 3Bw2 3Fw2 Uw2 L' Lw2 3Uw' Rw 3Dw' L 3Bw 3Uw' 3Lw 3Fw F2 R 3Bw' 3Rw2 Fw 3Rw2 Dw Bw' 3Uw2 D2 Fw' Uw' 3Dw2 F2 3Rw2 Uw2 D2 3Bw Dw2 3Dw' F' 3Fw' Dw' 3Dw2 U2 D' 3Rw' 3Fw2 D Fw 3Lw' 3Dw2 Bw F' Rw' U' Dw2 Rw 3Fw 3Uw 3Fw Fw2 B2 Dw2 Lw L' Fw' R Rw' L 3Uw2 Dw 3Bw Rw2 Lw' L2 3Dw D 3Lw' R' 3Fw
5. Dw' 3Fw 3Uw' Fw' R' L2 Rw 3Dw U Fw2 Bw' Dw' Bw 3Dw' Uw D' Lw' 3Rw' Fw 3Rw Dw L' F2 3Lw' L2 3Uw' 3Bw B' Lw2 U 3Rw' 3Uw' L' 3Rw B' Rw2 3Dw Fw D' Fw U' 3Fw L U2 Bw' Lw F' U2 Bw' L' U 3Lw2 Bw' 3Uw Bw' 3Fw Fw 3Rw' R' 3Fw' B U2 3Uw' Bw2 3Fw2 3Bw' Dw2 D 3Bw' U2 Rw2 U Fw' Lw U' F' Lw2 R' Dw' 3Bw2 3Rw B2 F Fw' 3Fw2 U2 3Lw 3Bw' 3Rw2 Dw' Fw' R' 3Dw Uw Lw2 Fw' F' L2 Lw2 3Uw'

2x2x2 Blindfolded
1. U2 R' U2 R U F R U' R U R'
2. R' U' R2 U' F R2 U' R2 U' R U'
3. R' F U F R U2 R U' F U2 R2

3x3x3 Blindfolded
1. D' L F2 R D R2 B2 D F2 R2 U2 B2 U2 B' F2 R' U' R' B' D Rw Uw'
2. F2 R2 D2 B R' B2 F2 R B2 L' R' U2 D' B2 D2 F L' R' U Fw Uw2
3. B2 D' L' D' R B L U F' D2 R' B2 R B2 L U2 L D2 R U2 Rw' Uw

4x4x4 Blindfolded
1. D' F R' L2 F2 R' U2 L2 U2 F2 D2 U' F B' D2 B U' F R Uw2 Rw2 R' U' L Fw2 D Fw2 D' Fw2 L D Fw U2 R Fw D' Rw2 B Rw U F2 D' z' y2
2. U' F U2 L2 B' F2 U2 R2 L2 U2 L2 D B' F' L U' B2 D2 R U2 Rw2 Uw2 D F2 Rw2 R' F2 U L' U2 Fw2 Uw2 Fw Uw2 F' D2 R L2 Fw Uw R Uw' Rw' U' F' x'
3. L2 D2 R2 L F D U2 F D2 U R2 L2 B2 D U2 R2 D' R2 F' D' Uw2 Rw2 R F' B2 Rw2 Fw2 R' B' L U2 F2 Uw' F D' L' F' R Rw U' Fw2 Rw B' U' F2 y'

5x5x5 Blindfolded
1. Fw' R' L' Fw D2 Lw2 Bw' F2 D2 Uw B' Fw' D2 Rw F B2 D' L Uw' Fw2 D Uw2 L' Rw2 B' U2 Dw' Uw2 L' U' Uw2 Rw L2 Dw Uw2 F' Bw' L2 F' D' Bw' B R' Bw' D B2 D' Dw2 Rw' Bw' Dw2 D2 Rw' Bw' Uw B L Bw2 Dw 3Rw 3Uw2
2. R L2 D Fw Rw' Lw' L Uw2 B' Uw2 Lw L' B2 F R2 Lw2 Uw' Dw Fw2 R' B U' R2 Rw2 D L' Lw2 Dw' D2 Uw' B' Bw2 Rw2 L D2 F' B' Lw2 Fw D' Uw' Bw2 Uw2 Fw D2 Dw Uw R2 U2 Dw2 D F2 Dw Lw Uw2 Bw2 F2 Uw2 D' Lw2 3Uw
3. D B' F2 Dw' F2 Lw' Rw' Bw2 B2 F' Uw' Bw' U' R2 F U' R L Rw' U Uw Rw B U B F' Uw' Fw2 Bw2 Rw2 Fw2 R' D R Uw2 Fw2 Lw Rw L Dw D' R Lw' U Lw Bw2 Lw' Fw2 R Bw Fw' D U' Lw D Uw Rw' L U' Lw' 3Uw'

6x6x6 Blindfolded
1. Dw 3Uw2 Uw R' L2 Fw2 B2 Rw R2 B' D2 B' U2 Uw2 R2 3Uw D2 3Rw' B' Bw' 3Fw Dw2 3Uw Bw2 F' Uw2 L' 3Rw' Bw' D2 3Rw' R B 3Fw2 3Uw' Lw F R2 F2 Dw2 U2 3Uw' 3Rw' U2 Dw' Fw F2 3Uw2 Bw' B' Lw F' Fw2 3Rw2 F' 3Rw2 3Uw' F Bw Dw R B2 Fw2 D2 F' Rw 3Rw Fw2 Lw' Bw' Uw2 R2 L2 3Fw Lw' L2 3Fw' 3Rw2 D Dw2 z y2

7x7x7 Blindfolded
1. L' 3Dw2 R' Uw' 3Dw U Fw B2 3Dw 3Rw' Dw2 Lw2 U' Fw' Bw2 3Bw' 3Fw' D Bw' L 3Bw2 D Uw 3Dw L 3Dw Dw' 3Uw' Rw B2 L' 3Lw D2 Lw2 Bw' 3Uw D' 3Lw2 3Uw' R' 3Dw2 Dw L2 Rw2 Bw' 3Uw2 3Rw' 3Bw2 U Fw' Bw D2 3Fw' Uw2 Bw2 D U' Fw B' 3Lw' Fw' B' D2 F B 3Fw2 R 3Bw' 3Lw2 F2 Lw' L 3Rw' 3Fw' Uw' Dw 3Uw U2 B2 Bw' Lw' R2 3Dw' 3Lw' D B2 Dw 3Uw' L2 Bw2 Dw Bw Lw 3Bw' Bw' 3Fw2 D2 3Bw' R' U2 z' y2

3x3x3 Multiple Blindfolded
1. B L U2 B' D U2 B2 R2 D U B2 R2 F' L2 D L' U' L D Fw
2. U' L2 D' L2 B2 U' L2 U' R2 B U' B2 L2 R' B F R F2 U Fw'
3. U L2 B2 L' D2 F2 L D2 R U2 R' B' D2 L D U' L U' R' Fw' Uw2
4. F2 U2 L' U D2 B' L2 R2 U2 B D2 U2 B R' U2 B L' R U' F2 Uw
5. D L2 B2 D2 L2 B' D2 R2 B' L F2 D L2 R' D2 R B U' B' Uw'
6. B' D2 U2 B2 L' D2 L R2 F2 L' B R2 D' L' B2 D2 R2 D B Rw2 Uw'
7. B' L2 B2 F' D2 R2 F2 R2 D R' D R2 U' L' D' L B' D' F Rw Uw'
8. B U2 L F' D F' U' D' R L2 F2 R' F2 U2 R' F2 U2 R U Rw2 Uw
9. F R D' L U' B' R2 U2 L U2 F' U2 B2 U2 D2 B' L2 R D2 Rw2
10. L2 D U2 B2 D2 U R2 B L2 F2 U2 L U' F R B D L F Rw Uw2
11. L' U L' F2 R B2 F2 R2 B2 U2 L' B' U' R' U F L' F' U R' Fw' Uw'
12. B' D2 F2 U' R' U' L B' R2 F2 D2 F2 R' B2 R' L' F2 U2 D' F Rw
13. R U R D2 B2 U F' U2 B2 R2 U2 B2 U2 L' D B' R B Rw2 Uw
14. U' F2 R' B2 U2 L' B2 L2 B D' L' B L' D' R2 D' R' D' Rw
15. D2 R2 U2 R' U2 L D2 R U2 L' D F L' F2 R' D' B L U B Rw' Uw
16. B' U B2 R' F' B' D2 L' D R' F R2 U D F2 B2 R2 D F2 Uw
17. F' U' B' D B2 D' R' U2 R2 F' R2 F' L2 F2 L2 R' D' B D' Rw'
18. L2 R2 D B2 D2 B2 L2 D' F' L' U B2 D L' B2 U L' R F2 Rw
19. D2 B' D' B2 U2 B R D' B2 U R2 U F2 B2 D2 L2 R' B Rw' Uw'
20. D F' U' F2 L U' L' U B' R' L D2 L' D2 B2 R L2 D Fw' Uw
21. B' R2 F' B' L' U' B U' D F B2 U' B2 U' B2 L2 D B2 L2 Uw
22. R2 B' D2 F2 U2 L2 B L2 F' L' F R2 U F' R2 D2 L' U Fw Uw'
23. B R' U2 F2 D2 F2 R2 U2 B' F' D' B' L2 D2 B U' R' F' R2 Fw' Uw2
24. D2 L2 U2 B2 F U2 F' D2 R' B2 U F2 R' D L2 U' B' F' D Fw'
25. F' D' L' D2 L D R F2 R F R' U2 L2 B D2 B' U2 D2 Rw' Uw2
26. D2 L R' U2 F2 L U2 R' F2 L2 U' L2 D R U L' B U' R2 Fw Uw
27. R' D2 F D2 L2 D2 L2 F2 U' L2 B2 R' D2 F' D B2 L B' R' Fw
28. F2 R2 B R D' B2 L' U' F R2 F2 U2 D2 R2 F2 L' U R2 Fw' Uw
29. D B L' F2 R' F' R' U2 R2 U2 F2 L2 F R2 B U2 R' B' D' Rw Uw2
30. D2 B' D2 F2 R' F' U' R U2 F2 D2 R2 U2 R' F' L' B2 R2 Fw Uw2
31. U2 R2 D2 F2 D' F2 R2 B' L' D' F' D B' F U2 L R' F D Fw Uw'
32. U F2 D U F2 L2 U2 B' D' L U' L U2 B2 D' L' U2 B' Uw
33. D2 B2 L R U2 F2 L B2 L' U2 B' L' D' B R' D' U2 F L2 D2 Fw Uw2
34. B R' U F' R2 D' B' U2 R D2 R2 F2 B D2 R2 F' D2 R U2 Rw2 Uw'
35. R2 D L2 B2 U2 F2 R' U2 L2 F2 R F2 L D B2 U B R' F U Fw Uw
36. B U2 R D2 R2 U2 R2 F' D2 B' U2 F L' D' R2 D2 B2 L' U2 Rw' Uw2
37. U R' F2 R' B' D U R2 D2 B2 F2 L2 F2 B' L U' B2 R U B' Rw2 Uw
38. D F U' R' U2 L' U B' L' B R2 D' B2 U2 R2 U2 R2 B Rw2
39. D B' D L2 D' R2 F2 D' L2 F2 L' U' L2 B2 D' L2 U2 F2 Rw' Uw
40. B L D' F2 R2 F' L2 D2 L2 D2 U' F' U' B2 L' B2 L U2 Fw'
41. L2 D F' R2 B2 R B2 L' D2 B2 U2 R2 F' U L D R2 U B' Rw
42. R2 F' U2 R2 U2 R2 F2 R2 F D2 F' L U' R' D' U L2 F2
43. F2 R2 U L2 D' R2 B U B2 U F U R2 B' R B R U Rw2 Uw2
44. R D2 B2 U2 B2 R2 F2 L2 D' B2 U F U B U' R' U' R2 B' U Rw2 Uw
45. B' R D2 R B2 U2 B2 D R2 F2 D' L F2 R2 F' L2 D B2 U Rw2
46. R' U2 F R2 B' F2 R2 F2 L2 F' D' L' D U' L2 D F' R B' Rw2 Uw
47. B' D' R2 D2 U2 F' L2 U2 L2 B' U L R U B2 D' B2 D2 R' Uw'
48. L2 F2 R D' F B2 R2 D F2 U' L U2 F2 L2 U2 L' B2 L2 Uw
49. F2 U2 R' D' B' D' B' U' R' D2 F D2 F2 U2 D2 B' R2 U L Uw2
50. B' U D2 L B' L2 U2 R' B2 U2 B U2 B L2 B2 D2 U F' U2 Fw' Uw
51. L U2 L U B2 U' L2 D2 U2 B' R U L F2 D' U2 F Rw2
52. R2 D R2 U' L2 R2 U2 F U' L' R2 B2 U L U' F' U' F2 Rw Uw'
53. U' F2 L2 U B2 F' R B2 R2 F' U' R U' R' U R U2 Fw Uw'
54. F2 U L' R2 B L2 F D2 F' D2 F2 U' F U2 F' D L D' L Fw'
55. U' R L2 D' R U2 R' F' U' B2 L U F2 U' F2 B2 U' F2 U2 Rw' Uw
56. R2 D2 R B F2 D2 L2 D' U' R' D B' L2 R D' R F2 Rw' Uw
57. F2 L U2 B2 D2 L2 U2 R D' L R2 D' B' R' F' D2 R F2
58. L2 U2 B' U2 L2 B' D2 R2 U' L2 B2 R B' F2 U' B L B Uw'
59. U' R D' B' D2 F2 U' R' U2 B2 U R2 D2 R2 D2 L2 U' R2 B U Rw2
60. L' F2 D' U2 F D2 U2 R2 B F D2 B' R U' L2 B' R B' R B' Uw'
61. L2 D F2 U2 F2 R2 F2 R2 F' U' F' R' F' R F2 U R' B Rw2
62. L U2 L' D2 B2 R D2 F2 L2 D' F U' L B' L D L D' R U Rw2 Uw
63. F' L' F D F' D2 B2 U' L2 U2 L2 R' B U2 B2 L2 D' R2 Uw
64. R' F' U F2 D2 R2 D L' B' R2 F2 R' U2 F2 L D2 R' F2 U' Rw2 Uw
65. F2 L2 D2 R' B2 U2 R2 D2 R' U2 F R2 B L' B L2 U' B R2 Fw'
66. F' D U2 B2 D' U2 L2 D R D' R2 F D' R' D B2 L D2 Rw' Uw2
67. R B' L2 U2 R2 D2 B2 L2 F L' B' U2 F2 L U2 R F2 U' Rw2 Uw'
68. F L' F2 D' U' B2 R2 D2 U L2 R F' L' D2 B L' F' L' F Rw Uw
69. U2 R U B L2 F D2 R2 B R2 B L D' R B' D2 R2 B' L' Uw2
70. R' L' B' R2 F' L' F' R2 F2 R' D2 B2 L F2 R2 L U' F' D' Fw Uw2

3x3x3 One Handed
1. U F2 L2 F B U' R2 F2 D' R F2 U2 B2 U2 B2 L2 D R2 L2 B2
2. B' U2 B2 R U L2 U L2 D2 F2 B2 D' F2 B' U' F'
3. F' U2 L' U R' U B R D R2 F' U2 B D2 R2 U2 R2 D B2
4. F' L F' R2 U2 B2 U2 B L2 F' D B U R' B2 U2 R U2 B'
5. U2 R' L F B2 L D2 F' D2 L' D2 B2 L' U2 L' U' L' D

3x3x3 With Feet
1. U' F2 L2 D2 B2 U2 F2 L' B2 F' D' F' U R F L F' L2 B
2. U' B' D L2 U' R' L F2 B U2 L U' L2 U B2 D B2 D2 B2
3. R2 B D B' U' R L' D L' U' L' U2 D2 R2 B D2 L2 F
4. B2 R D F B' L D2 B' U2 B2 U2 F2 R' D2 R2 B2 R' B D'
5. U B' R F U R2 L' D' F2 L2 D' B2 U R B' U F'

3x3x3 Match the scramble
1. R2 U2 F2 U L2 U L2 B2 D' F2 D F2 R' U2 B D2 B2 R F D
2. U L2 R2 D U2 L2 D B2 L2 B' R' F L' D2 U F2 L U' L2 D'
3. D2 U2 L2 B2 D2 B R2 B' D' R U' L2 D' F2 D' L' F' D U
4. B F2 U2 F' U2 L2 B' U2 D B2 R' U2 L2 F U2 B2 D' R U2
5. L2 R2 F D2 F D2 F2 R F2 U2 B' U2 L2 F2 D R U' F2

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
1. R' U' F D' B' U' F R' D' B D' B2 R D2 R2 U2 B2 R F D F2 R' U' F
2. R' U' F U R' L' U F D B' L B2 L' F2 D2 F2 B2 L2 F2 B L' D' R' U' F
3. R' U' F U' F D' B R2 B2 U' L U R2 F2 L2 D' B2 U' R2 L2 U2 R F' R' U' F

2+3+4 Relay
2. R' F2 R2 F' U2 R2 U' R2 U' R2 U'
3. F2 D2 F R2 F2 L2 U2 R' U2 R2 B U R B U F' R' B2
4. F2 L2 F2 R' L F2 L B2 U2 F' U2 R D L' U F' R2 F2 Fw2 U' F' B' Uw2 U' F' Rw2 D B Uw2 Fw2 Rw' D L D' F' Uw' F2 R' Fw U' B Rw'

2+3+4+5 Relay
2. R' U2 F' R U R' F' U R F' U'
3. L D' R' U' L' F' D F2 B2 R' U2 R2 U2 R D2 U R F2 U'
4. B2 D R2 F2 D' F2 L2 D' U' L B' U R D L' U' R' B2 L' Rw2 Uw2 Fw2 R' Fw2 D' L R' D L2 U' Fw2 U2 Fw U2 F' Rw2 U2 Rw' L Fw Rw' Uw2 D U' L2
5. Lw Uw' Dw' L' Dw2 Bw2 D2 U2 F' Dw2 Bw Fw2 F B' Uw L' U2 D Bw2 Dw2 Bw2 R2 B2 F L Lw2 Uw2 B' Dw' Rw U B' Uw2 Dw2 Bw' Dw' Fw' R' Bw Fw F Dw' Rw2 Bw2 Fw2 Rw F' Uw' Lw' Rw2 Fw Dw D' Lw' Bw2 Lw2 Bw2 B' Dw R

2+3+4+5+6 Relay
2. U' R U' F' R2 F R U2 R2 U2 R
3. R2 F' R' B R' B2 D B U F2 R' B2 R' F2 B2 L D' B2
4. L' R' U' B2 R U L' R F' R2 U2 L2 F' L2 U2 B2 U2 F L Fw2 L U Rw2 U2 Rw2 R' L2 Fw2 L' U' Fw R F L' U D Uw' F' Rw R' Fw2 U' B'
5. Bw2 R Lw' Rw L' D2 R2 Bw2 Rw B' Fw' Bw U' L Bw2 Uw2 Lw' U F Dw' D Rw2 Fw' B2 Bw' U F' Bw Fw' D Dw B' Rw Dw R' D2 F2 R2 L2 Uw R2 B U2 Dw2 L2 Dw' F2 Uw2 Lw' F' B2 R2 Rw2 Lw F L Bw' Fw' U' B
6. Dw' L Fw 3Uw' 3Fw Lw U' D2 R' Dw Lw 3Fw' B2 U' Lw R' 3Fw2 F Fw' Uw Fw' U 3Uw2 R2 F' Fw Bw2 3Rw' L2 Fw2 U2 3Rw2 D L' D U2 3Fw' L2 3Fw2 B L Lw2 D R L Lw2 Bw Uw F2 Dw' D' Bw2 B Fw 3Uw Fw2 F 3Rw' 3Fw' 3Uw Rw' U' Dw2 R' L' U2 F2 Rw2 D' 3Uw2 3Rw' Rw' Dw' R F' 3Rw' Fw D2 3Uw Bw

2+3+4+5+6+7 Relay
2. R U' R2 U' F U' R2 U' R F' U2
3. L D2 B2 F2 U' B2 U' R2 U' R2 D2 B' D' B2 F' R B L B
4. F U L2 F' D R B F2 U B' D2 B2 D2 L' U2 B2 R B2 R Uw2 Rw2 R U R2 B2 Uw2 Rw2 D2 L2 U Rw2 R Fw' F' L' Uw2 Fw2 Rw Fw' Rw F' Rw D2 Fw' D'
5. Lw2 U2 B2 F' D B F2 Lw' F2 D R2 L F' R2 L F U' L' Fw Dw Bw2 U' R' U2 Bw' F2 B' U2 R' Rw2 U' B F D' Rw2 Fw2 U F' Rw2 U L F Uw' U2 F' Rw2 B D Rw' Dw B U' Lw2 R2 Fw' B Bw' Uw Bw Rw'
6. 3Uw2 U Rw' 3Uw U' Dw2 D2 F 3Fw' Fw' R' Fw2 B 3Fw2 Bw2 Uw2 3Fw' Rw' B2 L2 3Fw Uw' Fw' B' L U B 3Rw2 Rw Dw2 3Uw R' Bw' Uw' 3Uw' Fw2 Uw 3Fw2 L' 3Uw' L D 3Rw Lw2 Bw' U2 Rw' Bw 3Uw2 Lw' U2 Uw2 Lw B F2 L2 Bw2 Lw Bw2 Rw2 R D' B Lw D2 3Fw Bw2 Fw2 Dw2 3Uw D 3Fw' 3Uw2 3Rw2 Fw Dw' Fw' L2 3Uw 3Rw'
7. Fw2 3Fw' 3Uw2 Lw2 3Bw' 3Lw2 R 3Fw 3Uw2 L' 3Bw D Lw' 3Rw D2 R2 Fw Uw2 R 3Fw2 3Lw' 3Rw' L Uw2 Lw F' Rw 3Uw2 R Rw 3Fw' 3Lw 3Dw' F L' 3Dw' Uw' 3Bw 3Uw' U' Bw2 3Bw' 3Fw' 3Rw2 U2 Dw' 3Bw' L' 3Bw U L' 3Lw2 3Fw' 3Lw2 Rw' 3Dw' 3Fw L2 Uw' 3Dw Dw Fw2 3Rw' 3Bw 3Rw Lw' Rw Uw Bw 3Uw' U2 Fw2 Uw Dw' Bw' 3Rw' U 3Lw Uw 3Uw' 3Bw R B 3Rw2 3Bw' 3Rw 3Dw2 Dw' 3Uw2 3Lw 3Dw2 Rw' Bw2 D2 3Dw' Lw L' Dw' 3Uw 3Bw

1. UR3- DR5- DL3+ UL0+ U3+ R0+ D4- L4+ ALL2- y2 U2+ R5+ D5- L2+ ALL2- DR DL UL
2. UR2- DR1- DL2+ UL4- U1- R1- D2- L0+ ALL1- y2 U3- R2- D3- L6+ ALL1- UR DR DL
3. UR6+ DR3+ DL4- UL5- U2- R1+ D2+ L5+ ALL3- y2 U3+ R1+ D3+ L1+ ALL2+
4. UR0+ DR3- DL2+ UL4- U6+ R1+ D6+ L2- ALL1- y2 U5- R1+ D1+ L1+ ALL3- UR DL UL
5. UR1+ DR4+ DL4+ UL5- U1- R5+ D4- L3+ ALL2+ y2 U1- R6+ D3- L0+ ALL5- DR DL

1. R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ U
2. R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
3. R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
4. R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
5. R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ U

1. R B' R' B L B R U L U R' u l r' b
2. R' B' U B L' U' B' L R' L U u l' b
3. U' R L' U L U B' U' B' R U' l' r' b
4. L B' L' B R' B R' U R' U B u' l' r
5. R B L' B' L' R' L R U L' U' l' b

1. (-5,0) / (3,0) / (0,6) / (-1,-4) / (3,-3) / (0,-5) / (0,-3) / (4,-1) / (0,-4) / (6,-5) / (4,-1) / (0,-2)
2. (0,-4) / (6,-3) / (-5,-2) / (-4,-1) / (3,-3) / (6,-5) / (0,-3) / (-3,-1) / (4,0) / (5,-4) / (2,0) / (0,-1)
3. (0,-4) / (4,-5) / (-4,2) / (4,-5) / (5,-4) / (3,-2) / (-3,0) / (4,0) / (-1,0) / (0,-4) / (-5,0) / (4,0) / (0,-2)
4. (0,5) / (0,6) / (-3,0) / (1,-2) / (0,-3) / (-1,-1) / (0,-2) / (-3,0) / (0,-3) / (-2,0) / (-2,0) / (0,-1) / (2,-2) / (6,0)
5. (0,-4) / (-5,4) / (5,2) / (6,0) / (-2,-2) / (-3,0) / (0,-1) / (-3,-3) / (1,-4) / (2,-4) / (0,-2) / (-2,0)

1. L B U' B L' R' U' B' L' R L'
2. R B L B R' B' U' B R' U B
3. B L R B' L B U' B L' R B
4. U B' R' U' L' U L' U R' B' R'
5. U R' U' B' L' R U' L R' U' B

1. R flip F2 R BR2' R BL2 BR flip R' F2 L2 U F' BR2 BL' L2 U F' U F' R2' F2 U2' F2 R' U R2' U2
2. flip U R2 BR R2 U R BL2 U2' flip F2' R' L BR2' U R2' BR BL2' R' F2 U' R2' F' R' U' R' U2 R' U' F2
3. L2 flip U R2' BL2' BR' R2' F2' U2' L' flip L BL2 L U F2' R2' L2 BR2' U2' R' F R2 F2' U2' R U2' R2 U2 R2 U'
4. R' L2' U BR2 BL2 BR' BL2 flip L2' F' L' BL U2' BR2 U F R2 F U R F U2 R U2' R2' U
5. L2' flip F2 L2' F' BL2 L2' F2 BR' U2 flip U2 R' F2 BL U' L2 BL U2 R' F R' F R2 F R2 U' R2' F2 R'

Mini Guildford
2. U' F U2 F R U2 R' U F U2 R2
3. B2 U' L B' U2 F2 D2 U' F2 R2 D2 F2 R D2 R' U2 B L2 R2
4. F2 D2 B2 L U2 B R D' B2 R2 B2 F2 R2 B2 D L2 U F L Rw2 Uw2 R Uw2 Fw2 Rw2 U L D2 L' F2 Uw2 U' Fw' U' Fw2 R Rw Uw' Rw2 D' L' U2 Rw D2
5. Lw2 Uw' L F R' F Fw' U2 Lw2 Bw Fw Rw2 U B U' Rw' D L Bw' L' B' Fw2 Bw Uw2 Bw Dw' U2 Bw U2 Rw Uw2 Bw2 Uw B F' L Lw2 U2 R' D Lw' U F' D' B' Dw' L2 B2 Uw2 D' Dw2 U' B Uw2 Fw2 U' Fw2 Lw Dw' B2
OH. R2 D' R2 U L2 D L2 R F2 R' D' B' D' F R D' U2 R' U'
Clock. UR4- DR4+ DL1+ UL4+ U5- R2- D6+ L3- ALL5- y2 U2+ R6+ D1+ L4- ALL0+ UR UL
Mega. R-- D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
Pyra. U' R' U L' U R U' L' U' B' R u l b'
Square-1. (0,-4) / (0,-3) / (1,-5) / (-1,-4) / (4,-5) / (-3,0) / (-1,0) / (0,-3) / (-2,-1) / (0,-4) / (0,-2) / (-3,-4)
Skewb. L U L' R' B U B' U' L B' R'

Redi Cube
1. L' l L r b l' b L B R' F L' R F L R'
2. l L' F b' f' r' f l' f' F' L' R' F L' R' F R'
3. L F' l r b B f l' b R' B' F R B L F L'
4. b l f r R' b r b' f B L' B F' R' B L'
5. B R F' b r b' f' L' R' F' R' F' R B' R'

Master Pyraminx
1. R' B Rw U' B Rw' Lw' Bw' U' L' Lw' Bw Uw' Lw Bw Uw Lw' Bw Lw u' l' b
2. Lw' Rw' U' Bw' R' Bw L R' B Bw Rw Bw' Uw Bw' Rw' Bw u l' b'
3. Bw U' L' B Lw' R' B' Rw L' Rw U' Lw' Rw' Lw' Uw' Rw Lw Bw Rw' l r b'
4. Lw Rw U Lw' L' R Lw' Uw' R B Rw' Lw Bw' Rw Uw Bw Lw' Rw u' l' r
5. Lw' Rw L' R' B' Lw' U B' Rw L Uw' Bw Uw' Bw Rw Lw' Bw Rw' u' l' r' b'

15 Puzzle
1. D3 R U2 R D2 R U3 L3 D2 R D R U R D L U2 R D L U2 L D3 R U3 L D3 R U3 L D L U R D R2 U L D2 L D L U R D R2
2. D3 R U2 R D2 R U3 L3 D R2 U R D2 L D L U2 R U L2 D R2 D L2 U R U R D L U R2 D2 L D R U2 L D2 L2 U2 R D2 L U3 R D2 R2 D
3. D3 R U2 R D2 R U3 L3 D R D2 L U3 R D3 R2 U L3 U2 R3 D2 L U2 R D2 L D L2 U R2 U2 L D L D R2 D L U2
4. D3 R U2 R D2 R U3 L3 D2 R D L U R U L D R2 U R D L U2 R D L U L D3 R2 U L3 U2 R D R D2 L U R2 D
5. D3 R U2 R D2 R U3 L3 D R D2 R U2 R D L2 U2 R D2 L D R U2 L D L U2 R D L U R3 D2 L3 D R3 U2 L3 D R U

Speed Fewest Moves
1. R' U' F L2 U2 L' U2 R2 D2 F2 R B2 R' B2 F D2 B L D' B R2 D F2 R' U' F
2. R' U' F L' U B2 U F2 R2 D L2 D2 L2 F R B L' F' L B' L U R' U' F
3. R' U' F R2 D2 F2 D' F2 D B2 F' D' F' L R' D2 B2 L2 D B' F2 U' R' U' F
4. R' U' F L B U2 B2 D2 L2 D' L2 B2 U' R2 F L' R B2 L D L B2 U R' U' F
5. R' U' F U2 R F' L2 U2 F2 L2 B' U2 B' L2 B R B L' F R F' U F R' U' F

Mirror Blocks
1. B R2 F L2 F2 R' U2 F2 D2 R F D2 U' F2 D' L D L'
2. B L2 U' R2 F U' R' L D L2 U' R2 F2 U' B2 L2 U R2 D
3. B' U' L F' D2 R' F B2 U2 F2 D F2 U2 R2 L' B2 U2 B'
4. U2 F' U2 R F2 R U2 F2 L2 F2 L' R B D' F' L D' L D2
5. B R2 D2 L2 R2 F' R2 D2 R' D2 L B D L' F' U L U2

Curvy Copter

Face-Turning Octahedron
1. L' F R F' L' U' F R F' U' L' R' F' L' F L F U' F R U F U R L' U' L U' BL B' R BL L' F' R' L'
2. R' F R U L' U' F R U L' U' R U F L F' L' U' R L' R L F' L R L U F U F R B U' BL B' D' BR' R
3. L' B L BL L' BL' B' U' L U L R' F' L' F L R L' U L' F' R L' U' F' R' U L' F U F' BL U' D F BL' D
4. R' F' BR' D BR D' F' BR R' BR' L' R' U' R U L R' F' U' F' L R U L R F U F' L R F' BL' L B U R BR
5. U L U' L' BL' B' U' B U BL L R' F' L' F L R U' L' U' R' U R F L R' F U' F' U L U' B' U' R BL' F' U' R' F'
I was going to compete in MBLD again today for this weekly competition, and scrambled my cubes yesterday already so I didn't have to do that today. However, I forgot to use the weekly comp scrambles. Is that a big problem, or would you say MBLD is scramble-independent enough for me to enter the result in the weekly competition? If not that's completely fine obviously, I'll just compete next week, but I thought it'd be worth it to at least ask :)
For the start (I know this is absolutely not what Jorian is thinking about, but I want to mention it, because Mike has to take out "results" of other "cubers" quite often)
Something that isn't allowed for me: looking at the comment of another competitor ("These scrambles were hard!") and deciding to go for different scrambles.

Now to Jorians/Mikes question:
Using other srcambles should be - statistically seen - no problem. But even in my larger attempts (10-12) there were days when I thought: "I should have taken scrambles #20-#29 instead, they can't be worse" and sometimes even: "Oh, these scrambles were easy."
Jorian is talking about more cubes and the statistic should be nearer to the reality.

I think that one important thing is, that the attempts are done at all. Everything >20 is supercool!

But if you "compete" (or say "compare yourself") with another cuber, who is attempting in your level, then the scrambles are important for me. Or if you get an PR, then the scrambles should be generated at least correctly.

@Jorian Meeuse
If you would set a PR in this weekly competition with 59 points with different scrambles, you would have to discuss the question with Graham :D
Very curious, where instead did you get your scrambles from?
From cstimer, like I usually do.
My personal gut feeling would be to allow using the scrambles you used, but have you put the list of scrambles in the comment, to document exactly what was actually done. Would anyone object to that?
I guess I probably should just put the result in so that the others competing in MBLD can see it and be aware of it, and if anyone objects I can still just remove the result.
Once again there seems to be some mismatch between the scrambles ITT and the ones from the solution submission area (it also gave 2024-05 instead of 04 but I don't see an 05 thread)

I'll just post my solution for the 1st one here for now. Might do the rest of these scrambles but I'd like to know that these aren't part of some previous weekly first so I don't accidentally do scrambles I've already done :p (I know there was an error like this some time ago, but thankfully the scrambles weren't from a weekly I did)

1 - R' U' F D' B' U' F R' D' B D' B2 R D2 R2 U2 B2 R F D F2 R' U' F

(L2 D' F) // EO 3/3
(L' R2 D B2 U2 R' D) // DR 7/10
R F2 L // HTR 3/13
D2 B2 R2 F2 D2 F2 U2 F2 // Solved 8/21
Once again there seems to be some mismatch between the scrambles ITT and the ones from the solution submission area (it also gave 2024-05 instead of 04 but I don't see an 05 thread)
Sorry; I have not yet posted the 2024-05 scrambles here. I am able to preload the scrambles for the week on the competition pages, so that they come up as soon as the competition time changes over to the new week, but I don't yet have a way to automate posting the scrambles to a new thread in the forums. So I generally post these sometime late Monday night, usually several hours after the new week's competition has opened. I will attempt to post them now.

I would suggest that this be considered a submission for 2024-04, since I don't consider the competition closed until I post the results. So I will add this to the 2024-04 results. I will attempt to post the 2024-05 scrambles immediately.

If you would like to do the other scrambles for this (previous) week, please feel free to post them here and I will add them to the results, as compensation for the confusion. Sorry it was confusing!
Last edited:
Results for week 4: Congratulations to Luke Garrett, AndyMok, and remopihel!

1. 1.33 Luke Garrett
2. 1.47 Charles Jerome
3. 1.50 nigelthecuber
4. 1.53 manu1223
5. 1.57 OriginalUsername
6. 1.62 Shaun Mack
7. 1.81 asacuber
8. 1.84 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
9. 1.87 Jge
10. 1.95 2x2MasterYT
11. 1.96 Discomantis
12. 1.99 tsutt099
13. 2.00 JacobB
14. 2.03 nikitapopkov
15. 2.04 TWAN111
16. 2.06 Brendyn Dunagan
17. 2.10 DhruvA
18. 2.12 baseballjello67
19. 2.15 Jorian Meeuse
20. 2.22 CornerTwisted
21. 2.24 CubingWizard
22. 2.30 dycocubix
23. 2.31 darrensaito
24. 2.38 JakubDrobny
25. 2.41 Mantas U
26. 2.43 Ash Black
27. 2.53 Ontricus
28. 2.57 Urho Kinnunen
29. 2.58 Parist P
30. 2.64 Billabob
30. 2.64 Calcube
32. 2.65 Exmestify
33. 2.69 NN29Cubes
34. 2.71 tom0989123
35. 2.73 AustinReed
36. 2.75 Theemo
37. 2.76 Tkaczyk
38. 2.82 AndyMok
38. 2.82 chr201939
40. 2.87 Max C.
41. 2.89 eyeballboi
41. 2.89 BradenTheMagician
43. 2.96 Cuber2s
44. 3.01 Scooch
45. 3.05 JDAW6
46. 3.08 Jakub589
47. 3.10 remopihel
48. 3.11 Aaron Mi
49. 3.12 DistanceRunner25
49. 3.12 mihnea3000
51. 3.13 Meanjuice
51. 3.13 gsingh
53. 3.15 Dream Cubing
54. 3.17 yoimen
55. 3.19 WizardCM
55. 3.19 Celeritardum
57. 3.20 slavaghterhouse
58. 3.21 R_14
59. 3.22 Cale S
60. 3.23 Tues
60. 3.23 Ordway Persyn
62. 3.27 dash
63. 3.28 LeviGibson
64. 3.29 2x2guy
65. 3.30 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
66. 3.33 William Henry Ruppert V
67. 3.37 bluishshark
68. 3.38 SaCubing
68. 3.38 Lev
70. 3.39 zxmdm666
71. 3.42 DGCubes
71. 3.42 TheReasonableCuber
73. 3.43 beabernardes
74. 3.44 ilovecubing123
75. 3.46 brosuwu
75. 3.46 xcalius
77. 3.47 Fred Lang
78. 3.49 JFCUBING
79. 3.53 zachthesquanner
80. 3.55 Kyle Ho
81. 3.59 Mark Zimmermann
82. 3.67 MCuber
83. 3.68 Vinceey
84. 3.69 Skewby_Doo
85. 3.70 EvanWright1
86. 3.74 Slawof944
87. 3.75 Nacho9
88. 3.76 Benjamin Smith
89. 3.82 Badatcubingsmh
89. 3.82 David 1234
89. 3.82 Filiposák
89. 3.82 NmeCuber
93. 3.83 SpiFunTastic
94. 3.84 Hein Myat Soe
95. 3.89 JacobLittleton
96. 3.91 AustinCuber
97. 3.93 Caleb Rogers
98. 3.94 Fisko
98. 3.94 Clock_Enthusiast
100. 3.95 BenChristman1
101. 3.96 trangium
101. 3.96 rdurette10
103. 4.01 HiImHinson
104. 4.05 DDDDavid
105. 4.08 KingCanyon
106. 4.09 tommyo11
107. 4.16 ngmh
108. 4.18 BVCuber13
108. 4.18 2022GRAH02
110. 4.20 tciforce
111. 4.21 1x1 wr holder!
111. 4.21 bldcuber314
113. 4.25 KP_2085
114. 4.26 WhatisCuber
115. 4.29 Josh Moore
116. 4.31 Parke187
117. 4.32 Dylan K
118. 4.33 zhangerliusmymanz
119. 4.34 SpookyCube
120. 4.37 juanixxds
121. 4.38 MattP98
122. 4.42 Jammy
123. 4.43 EthanMCuber
124. 4.46 BirdCubing
125. 4.48 Koen van Aller
125. 4.48 CAPTAINVALPO96
127. 4.50 ichcubegerne
127. 4.50 TimkaTv
129. 4.55 siwoo
130. 4.57 Isaiah Scott
131. 4.59 GloopyGum
132. 4.60 Triangles_are_cubers
133. 4.64 SkewbKid
134. 4.65 John_NOTgood
135. 4.68 FishTalons
136. 4.69 YuraRiabov
136. 4.69 Lynxcuber
138. 4.71 CalamityCubes
139. 4.73 midnightcuberx
140. 4.75 JC Cuber
141. 4.76 fes_77
142. 4.77 KrzychXyz
143. 4.80 Oskar
144. 4.82 Pffect3
145. 4.88 bennettstouder
145. 4.88 rlnninja44
147. 4.92 xyzzy
148. 4.96 M0VSES
149. 5.02 Soph_252
150. 5.05 CasperHegt
151. 5.09 Bingus cuber
152. 5.10 MegaminxCubing
152. 5.10 Chrislix
154. 5.11 Li Xiang
155. 5.14 KingWilwin16
155. 5.14 White KB
157. 5.18 Bogdan
158. 5.24 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
158. 5.24 Quixoteace
160. 5.27 brickinapresent
161. 5.32 RubixNoob318
162. 5.38 sDLfj
163. 5.40 falconperegrinus
164. 5.41 CubingCrazy
165. 5.43 the_senate
166. 5.47 OriIN
167. 5.48 Janster1909
167. 5.48 Bababooey6969
169. 5.55 Timona
170. 5.57 AndrewTheOgre
171. 5.60 Anaksky_
172. 5.63 Automatixz
173. 5.65 CatSharked
174. 5.66 PotatoRad
175. 5.76 randomness...
176. 5.81 Einar Martin Sandvik
177. 5.91 Nayano
178. 5.93 Mike Hughey
179. 6.00 dylpickle123780
180. 6.21 NebraskanSpeedsolver
181. 6.28 NotJPerm
182. 6.54 kenerik.aus
182. 6.54 Freddie Millard
182. 6.54 Amadoj
185. 6.68 Americancuber232
186. 6.73 SpeedCubeLegend17
187. 6.82 Y cuber
188. 6.90 CaptainCuber
189. 6.92 Alex Mirau
190. 7.06 Algfish
191. 7.10 Jason Tzeng
192. 7.16 scylla
193. 7.47 Jibbles19
194. 7.72 One Wheel
195. 7.75 padddi
196. 7.89 Nash171
197. 8.05 cublyl33
198. 8.19 Quexs
199. 8.50 Schmidt
200. 8.79 pieto11
201. 8.93 UnknownCanvas
202. 9.13 Nomurcy2u
203. 9.25 624
204. 9.28 LasseBreucking
205. 9.36 sporteisvogel
206. 9.92 jawklqnn
207. 11.54 m.ipg21
208. 11.78 Jacck
209. 12.99 HamesJaw
210. 13.92 freetho
211. 20.22 That_slow_guy
212. 22.00 Firestar32211
213. 27.06 juansuxween73
214. 28.99 ramencubing
215. DNF Legomanz
215. DNF MatsBergsten
1. 5.34 iLikeCheese
2. 5.57 Mantas U
3. 5.93 Luke Garrett
4. 6.63 polkanov
5. 6.66 Mark Zimmermann
6. 6.76 Parist P
7. 6.97 manu1223
8. 7.00 NN29Cubes
9. 7.11 gsingh
10. 7.16 Adam Chodyniecki
11. 7.21 Brendyn Dunagan
12. 7.29 Charles Jerome
13. 7.33 JacobB
14. 7.37 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
15. 7.44 Shaun Mack
16. 7.59 NathanaelCubes
17. 7.62 eyeballboi
18. 7.63 lilwoaji
19. 7.65 Jge
20. 7.76 nikitapopkov
20. 7.76 ihtsolvescubes
22. 7.80 OriginalUsername
23. 7.83 WizardCM
24. 7.84 dycocubix
25. 7.85 Davoda_IV
26. 7.91 darrensaito
27. 7.98 Urho Kinnunen
28. 8.06 2019PILH01
29. 8.09 tsutt099
30. 8.12 AndyMok
31. 8.13 Vector
32. 8.36 anatoly_turenko
33. 8.46 remopihel
34. 8.58 David 1234
35. 8.61 Tkaczyk
35. 8.61 tciforce
37. 8.77 zxmdm666
38. 8.78 BradenTheMagician
39. 8.80 Max C.
40. 8.91 slavaghterhouse
41. 9.00 Scooch
42. 9.03 William Henry Ruppert V
42. 9.03 DistanceRunner25
44. 9.06 2017LAMB06
45. 9.08 Dream Cubing
45. 9.08 Fred Lang
47. 9.09 Ash Black
48. 9.12 Theemo
49. 9.16 Swagrid
50. 9.17 Ontricus
51. 9.20 tommyo11
51. 9.20 TheReasonableCuber
53. 9.23 baseballjello67
54. 9.24 somecuber23
55. 9.34 HiImHinson
56. 9.40 LeviGibson
56. 9.40 JacobLittleton
58. 9.42 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
59. 9.43 CuberThomas
60. 9.49 Jorian Meeuse
61. 9.65 jihu1011
62. 9.66 CubingWizard
63. 9.68 EvanWright1
64. 9.70 Jammy
65. 9.74 xcalius
66. 9.75 Cale S
67. 9.77 MaksymilianMisiak
68. 9.81 Carter Cubes
69. 9.89 Tues
70. 9.95 Hargun02
71. 9.96 TheCubingAddict980
72. 9.97 Cuber2s
73. 10.08 Puzzle Maniac
74. 10.09 Aaron Mi
75. 10.10 typeman5
75. 10.10 Calcube
75. 10.10 mihnea3000
78. 10.11 dash
79. 10.13 J h
80. 10.14 torpidstring116
81. 10.15 Valken
82. 10.20 asacuber
82. 10.20 DGCubes
84. 10.23 Meanjuice
85. 10.25 Parke187
86. 10.28 Nihahhat
87. 10.32 Isaiah Scott
87. 10.32 BVCuber13
89. 10.33 Hana_n
90. 10.48 DhruvA
91. 10.49 Josh Moore
91. 10.49 TimkaTv
93. 10.56 bennettstouder
94. 10.62 yay
95. 10.77 Koen van Aller
96. 10.78 KingWilwin16
97. 10.80 20luky3
98. 10.83 bitokn
99. 10.93 ichcubegerne
99. 10.93 SpeedCubeLegend17
101. 10.96 Garf
102. 10.97 Timona
103. 10.99 dylpickle123780
104. 11.00 MattP98
105. 11.04 GloopyGum
106. 11.05 WhatisCuber
107. 11.07 abunickabhi
108. 11.10 Ordway Persyn
109. 11.11 SaCubing
109. 11.11 DDDDavid
111. 11.26 CornerTwisted
112. 11.32 MCuber
113. 11.37 tom0989123
114. 11.40 AlphaCuber is Awesome
115. 11.46 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
116. 11.49 KingCanyon
117. 11.52 FishTalons
118. 11.55 Lev
119. 11.64 zhangerliusmymanz
120. 11.70 midnightcuberx
121. 11.72 Triangles_are_cubers
122. 11.73 brosuwu
123. 11.82 Dylan K
124. 11.83 KrzychXyz
125. 11.87 Chrislix
125. 11.87 ngmh
127. 11.91 Scrambled
128. 11.95 Cuber Rhythms
129. 12.00 Rollercoasterben
130. 12.03 the_senate
131. 12.04 Kyle Ho
132. 12.05 624
133. 12.18 xyzzy
134. 12.25 Slawof944
135. 12.34 2x2MasterYT
136. 12.35 nigelthecuber
137. 12.37 juanixxds
138. 12.39 beabernardes
139. 12.50 BenChristman1
140. 12.56 Cubing09
141. 12.62 rdurette10
141. 12.62 zachthesquanner
143. 12.65 2022GRAH02
144. 12.66 JFCUBING
145. 12.67 Soph_252
146. 12.72 Exmestify
147. 12.75 rlnninja44
148. 12.86 yoyoyobank3
149. 12.88 Enoch Jiang
149. 12.88 Nacho9
151. 12.93 R_14
151. 12.93 HarryCapper
153. 12.94 TWAN111
153. 12.94 Jakub589
155. 12.96 yoimen
156. 12.99 MegaminxCubing
157. 13.02 SpiFunTastic
158. 13.03 SentsuiJack2403
159. 13.09 Discomantis
160. 13.11 RyanSoh
161. 13.14 AustinCuber
162. 13.17 JakeAK
163. 13.23 bh13
164. 13.33 Hein Myat Soe
165. 13.34 CalamityCubes
166. 13.37 Filiposák
166. 13.37 Automatixz
168. 13.40 NotJPerm
169. 13.47 peterff
170. 13.57 GrettGrett
171. 13.62 WoowyBaby
171. 13.62 TheRedStorm
171. 13.62 AndrewTheOgre
174. 13.66 Rodrick31
175. 13.71 M0VSES
176. 13.85 SkewbKid
177. 13.95 trangium
177. 13.95 BirdCubing
179. 13.96 Ricardo Zapata
180. 14.01 Lynxcuber
181. 14.03 JC Cuber
182. 14.17 CaptainCuber
183. 14.18 YuraRiabov
184. 14.25 Janster1909
185. 14.31 KP_2085
186. 14.41 Nayano
187. 14.50 CT-6666
188. 14.57 PotatoRad
189. 14.64 OriIN
190. 14.79 NmeCuber
191. 14.88 bluishshark
192. 15.04 Quixoteace
193. 15.17 DanielTheKidd
194. 15.29 1x1 wr holder!
195. 15.39 Skewby_Doo
196. 15.53 Halqrius
197. 15.60 JDAW6
197. 15.60 SpookyCube
199. 15.67 aerwliz
200. 15.88 fes_77
201. 15.98 bldcuber314
202. 16.11 Bogdan
203. 16.37 CasperHegt
204. 16.52 Pffect3
205. 16.53 Bababooey6969
206. 16.69 Jason Tzeng
207. 16.72 caleb_g
208. 16.83 Clock_Enthusiast
209. 16.90 CAPTAINVALPO96
210. 16.97 RubixNoob318
211. 17.13 Oskar
212. 17.26 Einar Martin Sandvik
213. 17.36 falconperegrinus
214. 17.43 padddi
215. 17.51 EthanMCuber
216. 17.64 NebraskanSpeedsolver
217. 17.94 2x2guy
218. 18.02 kenerik.aus
219. 18.14 scylla
220. 18.25 IsekaiMe
220. 18.25 Americancuber232
222. 18.42 SuperCrafter51
223. 18.54 Snigel
224. 18.73 sDLfj
225. 18.85 Li Xiang
226. 18.89 Freddie Millard
227. 18.95 brickinapresent
228. 19.05 Amadoj
229. 19.27 Parou
230. 19.59 jordi_frei
231. 19.60 adsuri
232. 20.08 Mike Hughey
233. 20.16 Benjamin Smith
234. 20.63 Caleb Rogers
235. 20.76 sporteisvogel
236. 20.80 Marvelous Musa
237. 21.11 CatSharked
238. 21.52 Alex Mirau
239. 21.79 UnknownCanvas
240. 21.92 Lux
241. 22.35 Nash171
242. 22.74 Anaksky_
243. 22.87 One Wheel
244. 23.07 Quexs
245. 23.40 Jibbles19
246. 23.89 Nomurcy2u
247. 24.62 freetho
248. 25.07 CubingCrazy
249. 25.29 Rubika-37-021204
250. 25.58 IgorFSilva
251. 25.77 Schmidt
252. 27.01 Algfish
253. 27.21 pieto11
254. 29.38 freshcuber.de
255. 29.74 LasseBreucking
256. 30.26 Bingus cuber
257. 31.67 halvors
258. 32.61 Jacck
259. 33.38 HelgeBerlin
260. 34.67 Lutz_P
261. 36.85 HamesJaw
262. 41.31 MatsBergsten
263. 42.16 finger go brr
264. 44.32 juansuxween73
265. 50.16 That_slow_guy
266. 58.94 Firestar32211
267. 1:06.26 ramencubing
268. DNF MartinN13
268. DNF iwanna3.13mp
1. 27.57 AndyMok
2. 27.79 Mantas U
3. 28.07 Parist P
4. 29.09 OriginalUsername
5. 29.43 Luke Garrett
6. 30.93 xcalius
7. 31.48 zxmdm666
8. 31.86 Mark Zimmermann
9. 33.00 tommyo11
10. 33.28 remopihel
11. 34.41 torpidstring116
12. 34.47 Adam Chodyniecki
13. 35.98 Max C.
14. 36.11 nikitapopkov
15. 36.19 slavaghterhouse
16. 36.51 NN29Cubes
17. 36.54 Ontricus
18. 37.05 dycocubix
19. 37.19 tsutt099
20. 37.54 MCuber
21. 37.64 gsingh
22. 38.06 JacobB
23. 38.26 Garf
24. 38.27 ngmh
25. 38.40 ichcubegerne
26. 38.51 Theemo
27. 38.64 Xsedim
28. 38.79 CuberThomas
29. 39.01 Cale S
30. 39.26 Valken
31. 39.37 DistanceRunner25
32. 39.41 Tues
33. 39.55 yoimen
34. 39.62 JacobLittleton
35. 39.80 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
36. 40.03 Chrislix
37. 40.29 Aaron Mi
38. 41.01 WizardCM
39. 41.17 juanixxds
40. 41.41 Ordway Persyn
41. 41.51 DGCubes
42. 41.87 KingWilwin16
43. 42.03 Slawof944
44. 42.25 beabernardes
45. 43.42 dylpickle123780
46. 43.49 Keroma12
47. 43.69 MattP98
48. 45.07 SaCubing
49. 45.14 DesertWolf
50. 45.27 Jge
51. 45.30 brosuwu
52. 45.36 624
53. 45.67 KP_2085
54. 45.68 abunickabhi
55. 46.34 yoyoyobank3
56. 46.86 GloopyGum
57. 46.93 DDDDavid
58. 47.11 YuraRiabov
59. 47.21 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
60. 47.33 Jammy
61. 47.34 rdurette10
62. 47.64 CaptainCuber
63. 47.84 2022GRAH02
64. 48.11 dash
65. 48.60 xyzzy
66. 48.78 Filiposák
67. 48.94 Swagrid
68. 49.05 Isaiah Scott
69. 49.54 AndrewTheOgre
70. 50.20 FishTalons
71. 50.51 Nacho9
72. 50.84 BVCuber13
73. 51.39 R_14
74. 51.55 CalamityCubes
75. 51.73 aerwliz
75. 51.73 rlnninja44
77. 52.55 Timona
78. 52.61 NebraskanSpeedsolver
79. 52.65 Soph_252
80. 53.02 CornerTwisted
81. 53.23 Jakub589
82. 53.24 midnightcuberx
83. 53.87 KrzychXyz
84. 54.09 EthanMCuber
85. 54.20 SpeedCubeLegend17
86. 54.72 typeman5
87. 55.63 Josh Moore
88. 55.88 MegaminxCubing
89. 55.98 SpiFunTastic
90. 56.02 Meanjuice
91. 56.32 zachthesquanner
92. 56.54 Oskar
93. 56.60 BenChristman1
94. 56.74 bluishshark
95. 58.75 Automatixz
96. 59.77 Janster1909
97. 1:01.72 OriIN
98. 1:02.76 Li Xiang
99. 1:02.81 SentsuiJack2403
100. 1:02.85 NotJPerm
101. 1:03.01 JC Cuber
102. 1:03.46 the_senate
103. 1:04.90 Skewby_Doo
104. 1:05.14 Quixoteace
105. 1:05.54 padddi
106. 1:06.32 juansuxween73
107. 1:06.57 Lynxcuber
108. 1:07.29 Clock_Enthusiast
109. 1:07.48 IsekaiMe
110. 1:07.56 AustinCuber
111. 1:08.36 Bogdan
112. 1:09.27 adsuri
113. 1:09.70 SpookyCube
114. 1:10.25 PotatoRad
115. 1:10.71 Einar Martin Sandvik
116. 1:10.81 CasperHegt
117. 1:10.87 RubixNoob318
118. 1:12.11 tom0989123
118. 1:12.11 Puzzle Maniac
120. 1:12.29 Mike Hughey
121. 1:12.42 Quexs
122. 1:12.47 1x1 wr holder!
123. 1:12.49 Jason Tzeng
124. 1:14.30 falconperegrinus
125. 1:14.89 brickinapresent
126. 1:15.27 sDLfj
127. 1:15.88 Freddie Millard
128. 1:16.08 One Wheel
129. 1:19.19 Bababooey6969
130. 1:21.63 Alex Mirau
131. 1:22.02 bldcuber314
132. 1:24.04 CubingCrazy
133. 1:26.35 Benjamin Smith
134. 1:30.29 sporteisvogel
135. 1:33.56 Exmestify
136. 1:59.82 Jacck
137. 2:06.04 Algfish
138. 2:08.71 Nomurcy2u
139. 2:10.33 MatsBergsten
140. 2:21.93 Anaksky_
141. 2:51.80 finger go brr
142. 2:57.09 HamesJaw
143. DNF NmeCuber
143. DNF WhatisCuber
143. DNF freshcuber.de
1. 47.34 Mark Zimmermann
2. 50.94 AndyMok
3. 53.49 OriginalUsername
4. 54.38 xcalius
5. 57.47 dylpickle123780
6. 57.57 Parist P
7. 57.81 Luke Garrett
8. 57.88 Mantas U
9. 58.91 fun at the joy
10. 1:01.46 ichcubegerne
11. 1:01.80 slavaghterhouse
12. 1:02.86 tommyo11
13. 1:04.88 remopihel
14. 1:04.97 nikitapopkov
15. 1:06.05 HiImHinson
16. 1:08.93 Tues
17. 1:09.02 KingWilwin16
18. 1:10.10 NN29Cubes
19. 1:11.65 CuberThomas
20. 1:11.88 DGCubes
21. 1:12.19 torpidstring116
22. 1:12.72 AustinReed
23. 1:14.09 gsingh
24. 1:15.20 JacobB
25. 1:15.27 David 1234
26. 1:15.83 Valken
27. 1:15.86 Jammy
28. 1:16.12 Dylan K
29. 1:16.87 tsutt099
30. 1:16.93 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
31. 1:18.10 tciforce
32. 1:19.20 JacobLittleton
33. 1:19.58 Ordway Persyn
34. 1:19.81 WizardCM
35. 1:20.25 gruuby
35. 1:20.25 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
37. 1:20.86 yoimen
38. 1:21.27 Garf
39. 1:21.48 CornerTwisted
40. 1:21.76 Jayben Keene
41. 1:22.52 beabernardes
42. 1:22.63 Cale S
43. 1:23.61 Rollercoasterben
44. 1:23.67 zhangerliusmymanz
45. 1:23.98 abunickabhi
46. 1:24.04 xyzzy
47. 1:25.24 Scooch
48. 1:25.32 Timona
49. 1:25.91 YuraRiabov
50. 1:27.69 Slawof944
51. 1:28.09 ngmh
52. 1:28.33 Jge
53. 1:31.27 juanixxds
54. 1:31.62 BVCuber13
55. 1:33.00 rdurette10
56. 1:35.42 CaptainCuber
57. 1:36.33 brosuwu
58. 1:36.53 Chrislix
59. 1:36.63 AndrewTheOgre
60. 1:37.25 DDDDavid
61. 1:38.06 MattP98
62. 1:38.53 Cuber Rhythms
63. 1:39.02 KrzychXyz
64. 1:41.47 FishTalons
65. 1:42.37 GloopyGum
66. 1:45.16 typeman5
67. 1:47.50 bluishshark
68. 1:47.67 Meanjuice
69. 1:49.43 Jason Tzeng
70. 1:50.46 Aaron Mi
71. 1:51.78 NebraskanSpeedsolver
72. 1:51.93 R_14
73. 1:52.70 Swagrid
74. 1:52.90 EthanMCuber
75. 1:53.28 Janster1909
76. 1:54.15 rlnninja44
77. 1:57.04 Clock_Enthusiast
78. 1:57.90 SpeedCubeLegend17
79. 2:00.86 One Wheel
80. 2:04.88 TWAN111
81. 2:05.42 CT-6666
82. 2:07.25 Bogdan
83. 2:13.24 Josh Moore
84. 2:15.11 Quexs
85. 2:15.34 Quixoteace
86. 2:15.35 CasperHegt
87. 2:15.88 Automatixz
88. 2:20.16 JFCUBING
89. 2:22.83 RubixNoob318
90. 2:24.20 sDLfj
91. 2:28.62 UnknownCanvas
92. 2:30.77 Freddie Millard
93. 2:30.98 sporteisvogel
94. 2:32.08 falconperegrinus
95. 2:36.72 Skewby_Doo
96. 3:03.56 Jacck
97. 3:06.87 Bababooey6969
98. 3:15.77 bldcuber314
99. 3:17.12 Benjamin Smith
100. 4:30.10 Algfish
101. 4:51.38 Alex Mirau
102. DNF MatsBergsten
1. 1:23.63 Mark Zimmermann
2. 1:37.46 AndyMok
3. 1:39.07 xcalius
4. 1:43.39 Dream Cubing
5. 1:46.20 Mantas U
6. 1:46.54 OriginalUsername
7. 1:47.66 Luke Garrett
8. 1:53.18 ichcubegerne
9. 1:59.01 dylpickle123780
10. 2:07.88 Jammy
11. 2:12.93 KingWilwin16
12. 2:14.12 Tues
13. 2:14.63 Keroma12
14. 2:18.56 tsutt099
15. 2:18.88 Garf
16. 2:19.61 tommyo11
17. 2:20.72 gruuby
18. 2:28.72 DGCubes
19. 2:28.81 Ordway Persyn
20. 2:30.69 TheReasonableCuber
21. 2:31.55 JacobB
22. 2:32.40 Dylan K
23. 2:33.41 Isaiah Scott
24. 2:40.33 Chrislix
25. 2:42.74 YuraRiabov
26. 2:49.28 ngmh
27. 2:51.61 624
28. 2:58.27 BVCuber13
29. 2:59.49 FishTalons
30. 3:00.25 SaCubing
31. 3:00.47 Janster1909
32. 3:00.85 yoimen
33. 3:02.45 Slawof944
34. 3:05.73 AndrewTheOgre
35. 3:09.14 Koen van Aller
36. 3:15.74 alexpennington
37. 3:28.99 bitokn
38. 3:33.87 One Wheel
39. 3:34.41 NebraskanSpeedsolver
40. 3:39.37 bluishshark
41. 3:56.25 Soph_252
42. 4:05.98 Bogdan
43. 4:11.82 Firestar32211
44. 4:16.74 Quexs
45. 4:35.37 Jason Tzeng
46. 4:45.47 sporteisvogel
47. 4:51.18 Jacck
48. 4:53.60 Quixoteace
49. 5:10.03 sDLfj
50. DNF gsingh
50. DNF GloopyGum
50. DNF freshcuber.de
50. DNF Bababooey6969
50. DNF finger go brr
50. DNF MatsBergsten
1. 2:09.16 Mark Zimmermann
2. 2:26.24 Dream Cubing
3. 2:29.57 AndyMok
4. 2:30.04 xcalius
5. 2:33.07 Luke Garrett
6. 2:34.33 ichcubegerne
7. 2:49.31 dylpickle123780
8. 3:14.78 KingWilwin16
9. 3:24.41 Tues
10. 3:34.93 Ordway Persyn
11. 3:36.20 tommyo11
12. 3:41.62 DGCubes
13. 4:01.29 SaCubing
14. 4:07.28 yoimen
15. 4:15.28 CaptainCuber
16. 4:38.55 FishTalons
17. 4:43.27 AndrewTheOgre
18. 4:43.78 Chrislix
19. 4:51.52 Rollercoasterben
20. 4:51.59 brosuwu
21. 5:02.46 Slawof944
22. 5:17.87 One Wheel
23. 5:22.63 perigon
24. 5:27.84 alexpennington
25. 5:44.73 NebraskanSpeedsolver
26. 6:37.48 Bogdan
27. 6:39.50 Soph_252
28. 7:26.61 sporteisvogel
29. 7:51.55 Quixoteace
30. 10:27.97 Firestar32211
31. DNF 2017LAMB06
31. DNF sDLfj
31. DNF Bababooey6969
2x2x2 blindfolded(58)
1. 1.91 CornerTwisted
2. 2.05 2x2MasterYT
3. 4.76 Luke Garrett
4. 5.58 randomness...
5. 6.25 JacobB
6. 6.58 JakubDrobny
7. 6.81 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
8. 7.19 darrensaito
9. 7.60 bluishshark
10. 7.93 NN29Cubes
11. 8.38 OriginalUsername
12. 8.51 R_14
13. 9.08 Meanjuice
14. 9.33 Tues
15. 9.82 remopihel
16. 9.91 Shaun Mack
17. 10.40 Discomantis
18. 10.65 Mark Zimmermann
19. 10.87 AustinReed
20. 11.81 Aaron Mi
21. 12.07 Jorian Meeuse
22. 12.25 tsutt099
23. 12.47 BradenTheMagician
24. 13.32 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
25. 14.46 Benjamin Smith
26. 17.37 Li Xiang
27. 18.11 AustinCuber
28. 19.48 dash
29. 22.16 Jakub589
30. 23.61 DDDDavid
31. 25.11 WizardCM
32. 27.09 FishTalons
33. 28.10 BenChristman1
34. 28.48 MatsBergsten
35. 28.70 Nacho9
36. 29.27 juansuxween73
37. 29.89 AndyMok
38. 32.75 BVCuber13
39. 33.40 bldcuber314
40. 35.15 DGCubes
41. 35.64 Schmidt
42. 40.16 sporteisvogel
43. 43.38 Nash171
44. 55.80 CAPTAINVALPO96
45. 58.58 Freddie Millard
46. 1:08.06 Jacck
47. 1:34.85 Jason Tzeng
48. 2:01.11 SpookyCube
49. 2:11.39 RubixNoob318
50. DNF MegaminxCubing
50. DNF gsingh
50. DNF ichcubegerne
50. DNF OriIN
50. DNF NebraskanSpeedsolver
50. DNF Filiposák
50. DNF Xsedim
50. DNF SkewbKid
3x3x3 blindfolded(36)
1. 19.81 JakeAK
2. 20.37 J h
3. 20.98 tommyo11
4. 22.71 Jorian Meeuse
5. 30.39 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
6. 44.20 AustinReed
7. 45.48 Nihahhat
8. 45.50 FishTalons
9. 45.68 yoimen
10. 45.86 Luke Garrett
11. 47.55 xcalius
12. 55.19 DanielTheKidd
13. 59.32 ichcubegerne
14. 1:12.88 juansuxween73
15. 1:20.08 SaCubing
16. 1:25.34 yoyoyobank3
17. 1:29.14 DDDDavid
18. 1:41.75 bluishshark
19. 2:03.29 Ordway Persyn
20. 2:06.41 padddi
21. 2:10.75 BVCuber13
22. 2:11.32 Meanjuice
23. 2:19.07 DGCubes
24. 2:19.29 MatsBergsten
25. 2:19.99 filmip
26. 2:25.55 Jacck
27. 2:44.05 sporteisvogel
28. 3:15.65 bldcuber314
29. 3:20.50 PotatoRad
30. 3:41.87 Tues
31. 3:42.21 Freddie Millard
32. 4:57.25 Schmidt
33. DNF GloopyGum
33. DNF bitokn
33. DNF MaksymilianMisiak
33. DNF CubingCrazy
4x4x4 blindfolded(9)
1. 2:27.75 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
2. 3:37.81 Keroma12
3. 7:11.50 DDDDavid
4. 8:24.04 MatsBergsten
5. 9:03.04 juansuxween73
6. 9:36.45 Jacck
7. 15:16.94 sporteisvogel
8. DNF GloopyGum
8. DNF filmip
5x5x5 blindfolded(7)
1. 4:25.03 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
2. 13:04.08 AustinReed
3. 20:43.89 DDDDavid
4. DNF MatsBergsten
4. DNF sporteisvogel
4. DNF Jacck
4. DNF filmip
6x6x6 blindfolded(1)
1. DNF MatsBergsten

3x3x3 multiple blindfolded(8)
1. 29/30 57:55 Jorian Meeuse
2. 10/12 56:02 DDDDavid
3. 9/11 55:04 sporteisvogel
4. 6/6 32:21 CornerTwisted
5. 5/6 23:27 SaCubing
6. 5/8 46:26 Jacck
7. 0/2 11:19 bldcuber314
7. 9/29 60:00 bitokn
3x3x3 one-handed(164)
1. 8.55 DsmdsmDsm
2. 8.88 Mantas U
3. 9.63 Luke Garrett
4. 10.36 lilwoaji
5. 10.54 2019PILH01
6. 11.10 zxmdm666
7. 11.12 Shaun Mack
8. 11.30 Parist P
9. 11.46 OriginalUsername
10. 11.75 2017LAMB06
11. 12.46 Charles Jerome
12. 12.59 nikitapopkov
13. 12.78 JacobB
14. 12.87 slavaghterhouse
15. 13.08 jihu1011
16. 13.24 polkanov
17. 13.41 Nihahhat
18. 13.50 asacuber
19. 13.74 AndyMok
20. 13.99 anatoly_turenko
21. 14.22 tsutt099
22. 14.33 Dream Cubing
23. 14.39 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
24. 14.77 LeviGibson
25. 14.96 David 1234
26. 15.02 Swagrid
27. 15.04 Hargun02
28. 15.12 Urho Kinnunen
29. 15.22 NN29Cubes
30. 15.23 Tkaczyk
31. 15.57 midnightcuberx
32. 15.69 DistanceRunner25
33. 15.99 torpidstring116
34. 16.45 Jammy
35. 16.56 Jorian Meeuse
36. 16.66 Theemo
37. 17.11 CornerTwisted
38. 17.17 Jge
39. 17.23 Tues
40. 17.26 Hana_n
41. 17.29 CuberThomas
42. 17.31 yoimen
43. 17.33 remopihel
44. 17.38 Carter Cubes
45. 17.48 Mark Zimmermann
46. 17.58 tommyo11
47. 17.66 William Henry Ruppert V
48. 17.72 BradenTheMagician
49. 17.80 MCuber
50. 17.81 Cale S
51. 17.82 brosuwu
52. 17.83 xyzzy
53. 18.02 typeman5
54. 18.04 CubingWizard
55. 18.31 mihnea3000
55. 18.31 MaksymilianMisiak
57. 18.32 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
58. 18.44 WizardCM
59. 18.55 KingWilwin16
60. 18.78 DGCubes
61. 18.86 Aaron Mi
62. 19.23 Chrislix
63. 19.25 zhangerliusmymanz
64. 19.32 baseballjello67
65. 19.49 Triangles_are_cubers
66. 19.59 xcalius
67. 19.71 Cuber2s
68. 19.78 DDDDavid
69. 19.86 Max C.
70. 19.87 TimkaTv
71. 19.93 Ontricus
72. 20.07 gsingh
73. 20.08 AustinCuber
74. 20.12 ichcubegerne
75. 20.13 Ricardo Zapata
76. 20.14 rdurette10
77. 20.59 JakeAK
78. 20.76 Parke187
79. 20.84 bluishshark
80. 21.04 ngmh
81. 21.13 Isaiah Scott
82. 21.18 Puzzle Maniac
83. 21.56 MattP98
84. 22.07 Celeritardum
85. 22.12 Slawof944
86. 22.27 trangium
87. 22.34 juanixxds
87. 22.34 FishTalons
89. 22.72 2022GRAH02
90. 22.75 BVCuber13
91. 22.79 Automatixz
92. 22.95 SaCubing
93. 23.08 beabernardes
94. 23.14 Jakub589
95. 23.16 GloopyGum
96. 23.51 Meanjuice
97. 23.69 dash
98. 24.38 Cubing09
99. 24.65 RyanSoh
100. 25.29 the_senate
101. 25.31 Skewby_Doo
102. 25.33 Ordway Persyn
103. 25.38 YuraRiabov
104. 26.22 624
105. 26.42 EthanMCuber
106. 26.93 Koen van Aller
107. 27.02 BenChristman1
108. 27.08 KrzychXyz
109. 27.17 MegaminxCubing
110. 27.26 JacobLittleton
111. 27.34 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
112. 27.62 NmeCuber
113. 28.15 Exmestify
114. 28.69 PotatoRad
115. 28.87 JFCUBING
116. 29.15 zachthesquanner
117. 29.18 nigelthecuber
118. 29.72 OriIN
119. 29.77 JDAW6
120. 30.00 Filiposák
121. 30.33 CalamityCubes
122. 30.37 Kyle Ho
123. 31.76 R_14
124. 31.95 Soph_252
125. 32.12 Pffect3
126. 32.55 fes_77
127. 32.56 Quixoteace
128. 32.57 Bogdan
129. 32.58 SpookyCube
130. 33.13 Discomantis
131. 34.32 CasperHegt
132. 34.51 CAPTAINVALPO96
133. 35.27 Janster1909
134. 36.49 Lynxcuber
135. 37.22 falconperegrinus
136. 38.58 SpeedCubeLegend17
137. 38.92 freshcuber.de
138. 39.49 Bingus cuber
139. 39.82 CaptainCuber
140. 39.87 sporteisvogel
141. 40.76 Jason Tzeng
142. 41.17 Benjamin Smith
143. 41.87 brickinapresent
144. 43.11 Americancuber232
145. 43.92 NotJPerm
146. 45.32 Freddie Millard
147. 45.56 1x1 wr holder!
148. 46.65 tom0989123
149. 47.07 Bababooey6969
150. 47.45 Nayano
151. 49.85 sDLfj
152. 52.14 CatSharked
153. 53.75 scylla
154. 54.02 Rubika-37-021204
155. 54.38 bldcuber314
156. 54.71 NebraskanSpeedsolver
157. 58.51 Jacck
158. 1:05.87 finger go brr
159. 1:06.78 Algfish
160. 1:13.05 Jibbles19
161. 1:15.23 pieto11
162. 1:15.92 Firestar32211
163. 1:36.22 LasseBreucking
164. DNF abunickabhi
3x3x3 With feet(2)
1. 1:14.82 Firestar32211
2. 5:39.19 Dylan K

3x3x3 Match the scramble(15)
1. 34.73 DDDDavid
2. 41.43 DGCubes
3. 42.72 xcalius
4. 50.20 CaptainCuber
5. 1:18.35 Filiposák
6. 1:19.71 David 1234
7. 1:35.42 Soph_252
8. 1:40.64 Jacck
9. 2:23.11 PotatoRad
10. 2:32.47 falconperegrinus
11. 3:09.27 bldcuber314
12. DNF Jakub589
12. DNF MegaminxCubing
12. DNF gsingh
3x3x3 Fewest moves(21)
1. 23.00 (19, 26, 24) LeviGibson
2. 24.00 (24, 23, 25) KrzychXyz
3. 25.33 (25, 27, 24) GezzaCubing
3. 25.33 (26, 26, 24) YuraRiabov
3. 25.33 (26, 25, 25) Shah
6. 28.00 (25, 31, 28) xyzzy
7. 29.67 (25, 34, 30) NongQuocDuy
7. 29.67 (32, 27, 30) Cubenovice
9. 30.33 (26, 36, 29) 2017LAMB06
10. 32.33 (28, 33, 36) arbivara
11. 40.67 (45, 41, 36) scylla
12. 43.67 (49, 44, 38) chr201939
13. 49.33 (51, 48, 49) Exmestify
14. DNF (21, DNS, DNS) ottozing
14. DNF (DNF, 24, DNF) tzak
14. DNF (28, DNF, DNF) SaCubing
14. DNF (28, DNS, DNS) filmip
14. DNF (37, 40, DNF) Skewby_Doo
14. DNF (38, DNS, DNS) Meanjuice
14. DNF (DNF, DNS, DNS) Vinceey
14. DNF (DNF, DNS, DNS) Algfish
2-3-4 Relay(72)
1. 35.71 Mark Zimmermann
2. 36.26 Luke Garrett
3. 44.15 AndyMok
4. 44.33 NN29Cubes
5. 45.97 remopihel
6. 48.21 Tues
7. 48.25 Urho Kinnunen
8. 51.75 WizardCM
9. 51.77 nikitapopkov
10. 52.10 xcalius
11. 52.46 ngmh
12. 52.91 JacobB
13. 53.65 gsingh
14. 54.88 Jammy
15. 57.32 DGCubes
16. 58.69 MattP98
17. 59.39 Aaron Mi
18. 1:01.51 BVCuber13
19. 1:02.11 Slawof944
20. 1:02.87 CuberThomas
21. 1:03.61 Ordway Persyn
22. 1:04.98 CornerTwisted
23. 1:05.71 DDDDavid
24. 1:06.44 Swagrid
25. 1:07.46 dylpickle123780
26. 1:09.25 SpiFunTastic
27. 1:09.52 the_senate
28. 1:09.92 SaCubing
29. 1:10.45 FishTalons
30. 1:10.99 YuraRiabov
31. 1:11.16 dash
32. 1:12.08 Automatixz
33. 1:12.61 624
34. 1:12.88 brosuwu
35. 1:13.03 BenChristman1
36. 1:14.37 Filiposák
37. 1:14.54 MegaminxCubing
38. 1:14.59 AustinCuber
39. 1:15.46 R_14
40. 1:15.63 KrzychXyz
41. 1:15.77 JDAW6
42. 1:15.89 John_NOTgood
43. 1:15.93 AndrewTheOgre
44. 1:17.80 Jakub589
45. 1:19.80 Nayano
46. 1:20.78 peterff
47. 1:22.43 Meanjuice
48. 1:24.23 NebraskanSpeedsolver
49. 1:24.48 Li Xiang
50. 1:25.88 CaptainCuber
51. 1:27.14 Bogdan
52. 1:28.96 Janster1909
53. 1:29.68 PotatoRad
54. 1:29.79 NotJPerm
55. 1:31.01 Quexs
56. 1:32.29 NmeCuber
57. 1:32.64 Skewby_Doo
58. 1:33.61 Quixoteace
59. 1:43.34 Freddie Millard
60. 1:43.62 brickinapresent
61. 1:45.83 One Wheel
62. 1:46.01 Jason Tzeng
63. 1:48.04 RubixNoob318
64. 1:51.26 bldcuber314
65. 1:56.67 sDLfj
66. 2:00.56 Bababooey6969
67. 2:09.75 CAPTAINVALPO96
68. 2:14.80 Bingus cuber
69. 2:15.09 kenerik.aus
70. 2:16.02 CubingCrazy
71. 2:16.52 CatSharked
72. 2:37.72 Schmidt
2-3-4-5 Relay(41)
1. 1:35.83 Mark Zimmermann
2. 1:36.05 Luke Garrett
3. 1:53.32 xcalius
4. 2:00.12 Tues
5. 2:04.60 remopihel
6. 2:05.85 dylpickle123780
7. 2:07.43 NN29Cubes
8. 2:08.00 David 1234
9. 2:11.03 JacobB
10. 2:15.64 gsingh
11. 2:15.90 CuberThomas
12. 2:19.66 DGCubes
13. 2:25.67 Jammy
14. 2:28.29 Dylan K
15. 2:31.74 Ordway Persyn
16. 2:37.72 Slawof944
17. 2:39.17 YuraRiabov
18. 2:40.58 SaCubing
19. 2:44.58 FishTalons
20. 2:46.63 CaptainCuber
21. 2:49.29 Janster1909
22. 2:57.10 DDDDavid
23. 2:57.89 MegaminxCubing
24. 2:58.18 AndrewTheOgre
25. 3:03.96 KrzychXyz
26. 3:04.24 BVCuber13
27. 3:05.09 BenChristman1
28. 3:05.73 Nayano
29. 3:11.38 Swagrid
30. 3:14.94 Quixoteace
31. 3:29.91 Jason Tzeng
32. 3:33.46 Bogdan
33. 3:34.23 NebraskanSpeedsolver
34. 3:42.37 Automatixz
35. 3:52.84 Quexs
36. 4:13.71 One Wheel
37. 4:17.53 RubixNoob318
38. 4:31.59 Freddie Millard
39. 5:01.13 Bababooey6969
40. 5:01.18 bldcuber314
41. 8:10.34 Jibbles19
2-3-4-5-6 Relay(21)
1. 3:37.36 Luke Garrett
2. 3:54.45 xcalius
3. 4:17.27 remopihel
4. 4:22.65 dylpickle123780
5. 4:31.66 DGCubes
6. 4:47.82 Ordway Persyn
7. 5:13.08 SaCubing
8. 5:14.28 Slawof944
9. 5:22.65 BVCuber13
10. 5:23.90 YuraRiabov
11. 5:41.12 FishTalons
12. 5:58.82 Janster1909
13. 6:03.05 CaptainCuber
14. 6:44.63 Nayano
15. 6:55.07 NebraskanSpeedsolver
16. 7:37.37 Quexs
17. 7:41.07 One Wheel
18. 7:57.38 Jason Tzeng
19. 8:03.15 Bogdan
20. 8:58.77 RubixNoob318
21. 9:32.30 Freddie Millard
2-3-4-5-6-7 Relay(17)
1. 5:55.52 Luke Garrett
2. 6:23.94 xcalius
3. 7:27.05 dylpickle123780
4. 7:34.37 KingWilwin16
5. 8:02.69 DGCubes
6. 8:18.76 Ordway Persyn
7. 8:31.14 remopihel
8. 9:33.66 YuraRiabov
9. 9:46.22 SaCubing
10. 10:23.17 CaptainCuber
11. 10:38.55 FishTalons
12. 11:35.05 Janster1909
13. 11:57.17 Nayano
14. 13:18.48 One Wheel
15. 15:06.62 Bogdan
16. 15:19.89 Quexs
17. 17:28.69 gamer_olive
1. 3.22 Theemo
2. 3.53 Brendyn Dunagan
3. 3.57 alyzsnyzs
4. 3.86 Badatcubingsmh
5. 4.09 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
6. 4.12 clabby w dunn
7. 4.13 Adam Chodyniecki
8. 4.19 Carter Cubes
9. 4.45 SlashCubezz
10. 4.48 Tkaczyk
11. 4.52 Shaun Mack
12. 4.54 bluishshark
13. 4.55 Oliver Pällo
14. 4.59 bollnkk
15. 4.74 AndyMok
16. 4.80 MartinN13
17. 4.89 Luke Garrett
18. 4.98 ihtsolvescubes
18. 4.98 William Henry Ruppert V
20. 5.01 Clock_Enthusiast
21. 5.18 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
22. 5.24 chr201939
23. 5.29 anatoly_turenko
24. 5.30 DesertWolf
25. 5.48 sqAree
26. 5.68 CornerTwisted
27. 5.74 HiImHinson
28. 5.80 Vinceey
28. 5.80 Jervis38
30. 5.92 HarryCapper
31. 5.95 EvanWright1
32. 6.00 Calcube
33. 6.46 Parist P
34. 6.62 R_14
35. 6.65 Soph_252
36. 6.80 BradenTheMagician
37. 6.85 Urho Kinnunen
38. 6.97 Jge
39. 7.02 Kyle Ho
40. 7.08 EthanMCuber
41. 7.15 manu1223
42. 7.21 2022GRAH02
43. 7.23 MattP98
44. 7.32 Jakub589
45. 7.36 Parke187
46. 7.38 Ontricus
47. 7.44 Scooch
47. 7.44 Cactachyon
49. 7.48 FishTalons
50. 7.50 remopihel
51. 7.59 2x2MasterYT
52. 7.67 peterff
53. 7.69 Isaiah Scott
54. 7.83 JacobB
55. 7.93 tsutt099
55. 7.93 Tues
57. 7.97 Jammy
57. 7.97 AustinReed
59. 8.07 Oskar
60. 8.22 gamer_olive
61. 8.29 Ash Black
62. 8.31 zachthesquanner
63. 8.36 nikitapopkov
64. 8.39 brosuwu
65. 8.42 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
66. 8.78 NN29Cubes
67. 8.80 dash
68. 8.82 Quixoteace
69. 8.83 GloopyGum
70. 9.00 Jason Tzeng
71. 9.03 YuraRiabov
72. 9.05 Li Xiang
73. 9.30 ichcubegerne
74. 9.31 Bababooey6969
75. 9.46 SaCubing
76. 9.49 BVCuber13
77. 9.50 Filiposák
79. 9.61 Slawof944
80. 9.83 Aaron Mi
81. 9.86 Chrislix
82. 9.87 Puzzle Maniac
83. 9.98 DGCubes
84. 10.12 beabernardes
85. 10.35 fes_77
86. 10.39 624
87. 10.54 rdurette10
88. 10.57 CubingWizard
89. 10.68 tommyo11
89. 10.68 Benjamin Smith
91. 10.70 sDLfj
92. 10.84 WizardCM
93. 10.89 SpeedCubeLegend17
94. 11.05 Meanjuice
95. 11.10 gsingh
95. 11.10 aerwliz
97. 11.54 BenChristman1
98. 11.71 ngmh
99. 11.91 xcalius
100. 12.04 freshcuber.de
101. 12.27 Mike Hughey
102. 12.39 Mantas U
103. 12.71 AustinCuber
104. 12.72 White KB
105. 12.82 SkewbKid
106. 13.09 rlnninja44
107. 13.11 Freddie Millard
108. 13.14 Pffect3
109. 13.21 CasperHegt
110. 13.72 Janster1909
111. 13.83 zhangerliusmymanz
112. 13.94 Discomantis
113. 13.96 MegaminxCubing
114. 14.02 DDDDavid
115. 14.37 NmeCuber
116. 14.61 RubixNoob318
117. 15.46 Lynxcuber
118. 16.11 Ordway Persyn
119. 16.35 sporteisvogel
120. 17.12 Jacck
121. 18.03 Bingus cuber
122. 20.94 Nayano
123. 21.74 falconperegrinus
124. 25.25 Nomurcy2u
125. 26.16 Firestar32211
126. 29.89 HamesJaw
127. 37.31 juansuxween73
128. 54.55 Americancuber232
129. DNF nigelthecuber
129. DNF torpidstring116
129. DNF yoimen
129. DNF Jorian Meeuse
129. DNF eyeballboi
129. DNF padddi
1. 39.67 Jammy
2. 40.47 David 1234
3. 42.16 Luke Garrett
4. 43.55 Tkaczyk
5. 43.71 AndyMok
6. 43.84 2019PILH01
7. 44.93 WizardCM
8. 47.18 torpidstring116
9. 47.35 ihtsolvescubes
10. 47.59 Shadowjockey
11. 49.31 Mantas U
12. 49.62 Garf
13. 49.92 Fred Lang
14. 50.79 nikitapopkov
15. 52.91 Parist P
16. 53.26 tommyo11
17. 53.57 Soph_252
18. 54.08 xcalius
19. 54.35 manu1223
20. 56.13 Urho Kinnunen
21. 58.27 remopihel
22. 58.84 DGCubes
23. 59.51 MegaminxCubing
24. 1:00.33 AustinReed
25. 1:00.65 Harsha Paladugu
26. 1:01.43 YuraRiabov
27. 1:01.94 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
28. 1:02.07 MCuber
29. 1:04.25 yoimen
30. 1:04.72 Tues
31. 1:05.08 HiImHinson
32. 1:06.97 tsutt099
33. 1:08.56 brosuwu
34. 1:08.57 Isaiah Scott
35. 1:10.99 CaptainCuber
36. 1:11.40 2022GRAH02
37. 1:12.87 xyzzy
38. 1:14.64 CornerTwisted
39. 1:16.00 FishTalons
40. 1:16.60 Clock_Enthusiast
41. 1:18.62 624
42. 1:21.74 TimCube
43. 1:22.16 typeman5
44. 1:23.07 Fisko
45. 1:23.64 BVCuber13
46. 1:24.80 SpiFunTastic
47. 1:26.19 JacobLittleton
48. 1:27.39 Aaron Mi
49. 1:28.02 DDDDavid
50. 1:28.57 juanixxds
51. 1:29.98 Ordway Persyn
52. 1:30.49 dash
53. 1:32.22 TheSpeedSkewber
54. 1:32.82 SpeedCubeLegend17
55. 1:39.27 Slawof944
56. 1:43.87 Skewby_Doo
57. 1:45.07 SaCubing
58. 1:45.81 NmeCuber
59. 1:46.36 Braik
60. 1:47.93 BenChristman1
61. 1:48.69 brickinapresent
62. 1:50.13 PotatoRad
63. 1:53.12 Janster1909
64. 1:59.40 rlnninja44
65. 2:07.18 Freddie Millard
66. 2:07.40 Nayano
67. 2:07.47 RubixNoob318
68. 2:10.61 Meanjuice
69. 2:17.99 R_14
70. 2:27.29 CatSharked
71. 2:28.69 One Wheel
72. 2:46.79 Jacck
73. 2:53.65 Quixoteace
74. 3:07.20 UnknownCanvas
75. 3:09.45 sporteisvogel
76. 3:12.40 LasseBreucking
77. 3:35.89 bldcuber314
78. DNF JacobB
78. DNF EthanMCuber
78. DNF GloopyGum
1. 1.58 parkertrager
2. 1.65 Harsha Paladugu
3. 1.83 dycocubix
4. 1.93 dash
5. 2.10 Luke Garrett
6. 2.13 Ratsarecool
7. 2.29 CornerTwisted
8. 2.41 2022GRAH02
9. 2.52 DGCubes
9. 2.52 Jge
11. 2.55 remopihel
11. 2.55 torpidstring116
13. 2.65 Charles Jerome
14. 2.66 EvanWright1
15. 2.69 Urho Kinnunen
16. 2.74 Ash Black
17. 2.80 Shaun Mack
18. 2.82 NN29Cubes
19. 2.84 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
20. 2.96 624
21. 3.00 SpiFunTastic
22. 3.18 CubingWizard
23. 3.22 Ontricus
24. 3.30 BradenTheMagician
25. 3.34 Puzzle Maniac
26. 3.37 Parist P
27. 3.47 OriginalUsername
27. 3.47 OriIN
29. 3.48 Theemo
30. 3.50 AndyMok
31. 3.53 nikitapopkov
32. 3.68 WhatisCuber
33. 3.71 WizardCM
34. 3.79 TWAN111
35. 3.89 EthanMCuber
36. 3.90 asacuber
37. 3.91 Meanjuice
38. 3.96 slavaghterhouse
39. 3.99 Mantas U
40. 4.03 nigelthecuber
40. 4.03 Celeritardum
42. 4.04 Benjamin Smith
42. 4.04 Jakub589
44. 4.05 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
45. 4.06 DistanceRunner25
45. 4.06 MCuber
47. 4.18 Max C.
48. 4.25 CasperHegt
49. 4.28 BerSerKer
50. 4.33 Jason Tzeng
51. 4.36 Tkaczyk
52. 4.37 CaptainCuber
53. 4.40 JakubDrobny
54. 4.42 Parke187
54. 4.42 zachthesquanner
56. 4.46 tommyo11
57. 4.51 Exmestify
58. 4.58 xcalius
59. 4.70 JacobB
60. 4.76 SaCubing
61. 4.88 YuraRiabov
62. 4.98 Isaiah Scott
63. 5.03 Calcube
64. 5.10 JacobLittleton
65. 5.11 MaksymilianMisiak
66. 5.14 juanixxds
67. 5.25 William Henry Ruppert V
68. 5.28 Slawof944
69. 5.30 Carter Cubes
70. 5.32 2x2MasterYT
71. 5.35 Jorian Meeuse
72. 5.36 SpeedCubeLegend17
73. 5.38 brickinapresent
73. 5.38 yoyoyobank3
75. 5.40 Triangles_are_cubers
76. 5.45 DesertWolf
77. 5.59 yoimen
78. 5.62 Kyle Ho
79. 5.73 Cale S
80. 5.74 gruuby
81. 5.75 Soph_252
82. 5.80 Li Xiang
83. 5.83 BVCuber13
84. 5.84 Scooch
85. 5.86 Ordway Persyn
86. 5.91 Filiposák
87. 5.99 NmeCuber
88. 6.00 JDAW6
89. 6.20 bldcuber314
90. 6.48 Josh Moore
91. 6.50 Lynxcuber
92. 6.53 FishTalons
93. 6.98 R_14
94. 7.02 ichcubegerne
95. 7.11 beabernardes
96. 7.19 White KB
97. 7.32 bluishshark
98. 7.36 Automatixz
99. 7.37 Quixoteace
100. 7.51 MattP98
101. 7.54 sDLfj
102. 7.56 AustinCuber
103. 7.63 siwoo
103. 7.63 falconperegrinus
105. 7.79 SpookyCube
106. 7.93 Skewby_Doo
107. 8.03 DDDDavid
108. 8.10 KrzychXyz
109. 8.24 Einar Martin Sandvik
110. 8.25 brosuwu
111. 8.43 RubixNoob318
112. 8.56 Pffect3
113. 8.65 Cuber Rhythms
114. 8.99 Mike Hughey
115. 9.05 BenChristman1
116. 9.22 Jacck
117. 9.54 Bingus cuber
118. 9.56 CAPTAINVALPO96
119. 9.75 Discomantis
120. 9.85 Chrislix
121. 10.12 Bababooey6969
122. 10.20 Janster1909
123. 10.33 Bogdan
124. 10.41 gsingh
125. 10.54 Freddie Millard
126. 10.63 Anaksky_
127. 10.98 CatSharked
128. 11.04 MegaminxCubing
129. 12.23 Americancuber232
130. 12.31 freshcuber.de
131. 12.35 PotatoRad
132. 12.87 sporteisvogel
133. 12.96 Amadoj
134. 13.17 UnknownCanvas
135. 13.31 Nash171
136. 14.13 Nayano
137. 14.36 the_senate
138. 15.41 Algfish
139. 16.94 LasseBreucking
140. 17.25 Firestar32211
141. 21.02 Quexs
142. 27.42 Nomurcy2u
143. DNF tsutt099
143. DNF MartinN13
143. DNF cublyl33
1. 6.47 Brendyn Dunagan
2. 7.09 EvanWright1
3. 9.10 JacobB
4. 9.24 MaksymilianMisiak
5. 9.41 Shaun Mack
6. 9.56 nikitapopkov
7. 10.50 tsutt099
8. 10.98 DesertWolf
9. 11.23 Luke Garrett
9. 11.23 dycocubix
11. 11.34 bluishshark
12. 11.38 YuraRiabov
13. 11.47 remopihel
14. 11.58 DistanceRunner25
15. 11.63 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
16. 11.65 LeviGibson
17. 11.68 darrensaito
18. 11.70 Parist P
19. 11.74 Henry13
20. 11.88 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
21. 12.15 ichcubegerne
22. 12.17 zachthesquanner
23. 12.37 Cale S
24. 13.00 beabernardes
25. 13.29 brosuwu
26. 13.82 Urho Kinnunen
27. 13.84 Calcube
28. 14.05 CornerTwisted
29. 14.75 Jge
30. 14.87 Theemo
31. 15.07 DGCubes
32. 15.08 CubingWizard
33. 15.11 BradenTheMagician
34. 15.53 eyeballboi
35. 15.60 AndyMok
36. 15.66 2022GRAH02
37. 15.67 Tues
38. 15.79 zhangerliusmymanz
39. 15.85 xcalius
40. 16.96 rdurette10
41. 16.98 William Henry Ruppert V
42. 17.18 Max C.
43. 17.40 SkewbKid
44. 17.55 WizardCM
45. 17.79 Jakub589
46. 17.87 Mantas U
47. 18.10 MattP98
48. 18.67 Isaiah Scott
49. 19.39 JacobLittleton
50. 19.87 Filiposák
51. 21.22 aerwliz
52. 21.47 SaCubing
53. 21.54 tommyo11
54. 21.69 Meanjuice
55. 21.84 peterff
56. 21.86 NmeCuber
57. 21.92 NN29Cubes
58. 22.17 624
59. 22.28 2019PILH01
60. 22.40 Adam Chodyniecki
61. 22.52 juanixxds
62. 22.77 yoimen
63. 23.48 gruuby
64. 23.55 Pffect3
65. 23.91 Jammy
66. 24.24 Slawof944
67. 27.45 BVCuber13
68. 28.97 FishTalons
69. 29.68 DDDDavid
70. 30.22 Janster1909
71. 31.11 Freddie Millard
72. 31.70 CalamityCubes
73. 31.75 Cuber Rhythms
74. 33.10 R_14
75. 35.14 Mike Hughey
76. 35.29 BenChristman1
77. 36.41 CaptainCuber
78. 38.16 RubixNoob318
79. 38.61 Ordway Persyn
80. 39.82 OriIN
81. 40.31 CubingCrazy
82. 43.14 Li Xiang
83. 43.48 Soph_252
84. 43.53 Chrislix
85. 43.91 Celeritardum
86. 47.30 sporteisvogel
87. 48.44 MegaminxCubing
88. 49.01 Bogdan
89. 49.49 Discomantis
90. 50.85 Nayano
91. 55.48 CasperHegt
92. 56.24 Jacck
93. 1:02.28 Quixoteace
94. 1:03.23 One Wheel
95. 1:10.76 Jason Tzeng
96. 1:13.57 Bababooey6969
97. 1:27.65 gsingh
98. 2:06.33 finger go brr
99. 3:33.87 bldcuber314
1. 1.79 Ash Black
2. 1.90 CornerTwisted
3. 2.02 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
4. 2.05 Urho Kinnunen
5. 2.07 Legomanz
6. 2.20 2021MCEV01
7. 2.23 Charles Jerome
8. 2.80 tsutt099
9. 2.81 2x2MasterYT
10. 2.85 parkertrager
11. 3.03 Shaun Mack
12. 3.10 Brendyn Dunagan
13. 3.23 Badatcubingsmh
14. 3.32 HiImHinson
15. 3.40 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
16. 3.41 dycocubix
17. 3.50 Cale S
18. 3.54 SaCubing
19. 3.71 nigelthecuber
20. 3.79 AndyMok
21. 3.99 bluishshark
22. 4.13 Theemo
23. 4.15 Luke Garrett
24. 4.35 yoimen
25. 4.44 TheSilverBeluga
26. 4.47 remopihel
27. 4.48 William Henry Ruppert V
28. 4.50 nikitapopkov
29. 4.60 Parist P
30. 4.61 Aaron Mi
31. 4.79 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
32. 4.88 Tues
33. 4.93 slavaghterhouse
34. 4.97 2022GRAH02
35. 5.06 ichcubegerne
36. 5.07 Filiposák
37. 5.08 JacobB
38. 5.24 DGCubes
39. 5.32 dash
40. 5.37 Jakub589
41. 5.39 MattP98
42. 5.41 NN29Cubes
43. 5.47 hotufos
44. 5.50 MCuber
45. 5.58 Jge
46. 5.66 DDDDavid
47. 5.72 CalamityCubes
48. 5.75 BradenTheMagician
49. 5.79 xcalius
50. 5.80 AlphaCuber is Awesome
51. 5.82 CubingWizard
52. 5.97 DistanceRunner25
52. 5.97 624
54. 5.98 JDAW6
55. 6.03 Parke187
56. 6.14 Triangles_are_cubers
57. 6.32 Jammy
58. 6.39 SkewbKid
59. 6.44 brickinapresent
60. 6.72 Li Xiang
61. 6.83 Ordway Persyn
62. 6.95 Slawof944
63. 6.96 R_14
64. 6.97 Max C.
65. 7.01 GloopyGum
66. 7.07 JacobLittleton
67. 7.16 zachthesquanner
68. 7.31 Janster1909
69. 7.32 BVCuber13
70. 7.40 Calcube
71. 7.51 WizardCM
72. 7.55 brosuwu
73. 7.60 tommyo11
74. 7.71 NmeCuber
75. 7.82 ngmh
76. 8.09 Freddie Millard
77. 8.12 FishTalons
78. 8.15 Benjamin Smith
79. 8.19 CasperHegt
80. 8.25 beabernardes
81. 8.63 Meanjuice
82. 9.02 Puzzle Maniac
83. 9.09 SpookyCube
83. 9.09 OriIN
85. 9.12 Isaiah Scott
86. 9.22 Nayano
87. 9.24 gruuby
88. 9.30 Jason Tzeng
89. 9.41 Skewby_Doo
90. 9.47 YuraRiabov
91. 9.49 Automatixz
92. 9.76 Mantas U
93. 10.18 RubixNoob318
94. 10.21 rlnninja44
95. 10.37 bldcuber314
96. 10.52 sDLfj
97. 10.69 Lynxcuber
98. 10.70 Pffect3
99. 11.18 White KB
100. 11.47 Josh Moore
101. 11.93 Einar Martin Sandvik
102. 12.12 cublyl33
103. 12.36 CubingCrazy
104. 12.53 Bingus cuber
105. 12.79 freshcuber.de
106. 13.01 CaptainCuber
107. 13.02 juansuxween73
108. 13.31 Bogdan
109. 13.73 MegaminxCubing
110. 14.21 Chrislix
111. 14.51 Bababooey6969
112. 14.58 PotatoRad
113. 14.59 BenChristman1
114. 15.59 CAPTAINVALPO96
115. 15.78 Soph_252
116. 15.99 gsingh
117. 16.16 sporteisvogel
118. 16.37 LasseBreucking
119. 16.57 SpeedCubeLegend17
120. 21.70 Jacck
121. 22.36 Algfish
122. 23.78 Americancuber232
123. 40.19 pieto11
1. 20.26 Kacper Jędrzejuk
2. 21.64 DGCubes
3. 23.25 WizardCM
4. 32.22 xcalius
5. 48.88 Cuber Rhythms
6. 50.42 Soph_252
7. 52.84 DDDDavid
8. 1:00.07 Bababooey6969
9. 1:00.18 Slawof944
10. 1:08.23 bldcuber314
11. 1:08.24 gsingh
12. 1:34.98 LasseBreucking
13. DNF Meanjuice
13. DNF Pffect3
Mini Guildford(17)
1. 4:17.35 remopihel
2. 4:27.95 JacobB
3. 4:30.43 DGCubes
4. 4:35.01 William Henry Ruppert V
5. 4:51.95 xcalius
6. 4:57.91 YuraRiabov
7. 5:43.64 BVCuber13
8. 5:53.62 FishTalons
9. 5:55.36 SaCubing
10. 5:55.55 KingWilwin16
11. 6:01.21 MegaminxCubing
12. 6:30.81 DDDDavid
13. 6:34.74 Janster1909
14. 6:37.43 bluishshark
15. 8:01.87 Nayano
16. 8:35.53 Freddie Millard
17. 9:41.28 RubixNoob318
Redi Cube(11)
1. 7.61 Jayben Keene
2. 10.19 DGCubes
3. 11.75 brickinapresent
4. 13.81 tsutt099
5. 14.14 Meanjuice
6. 14.95 2022GRAH02
7. 19.89 Calcube
8. 20.78 abunickabhi
9. 22.09 Pffect3
10. 30.71 zachthesquanner
11. 47.92 Jacck
Master Pyraminx(17)
1. 17.14 Harsha Paladugu
2. 24.07 DGCubes
3. 33.09 2022GRAH02
4. 36.95 CornerTwisted
5. 36.98 Firestar32211
6. 41.39 Calcube
7. 41.72 xcalius
8. 45.70 624
9. 47.08 brickinapresent
10. 52.85 bldcuber314
11. 53.29 Meanjuice
12. 1:04.63 Jacck
13. 1:07.15 One Wheel
14. 1:10.64 Dylan K
15. 1:15.30 DDDDavid
16. 1:17.38 freshcuber.de
17. 1:34.74 R_14
15 Puzzle(11)
1. 9.40 Xsedim
2. 14.22 tommyo11
3. 14.53 R_14
4. 15.48 Daanbe
5. 20.06 YuraRiabov
6. 21.45 DGCubes
7. 22.67 Firestar32211
8. 24.09 NN29Cubes
9. 29.12 Pffect3
10. 33.04 Jason Tzeng
11. 2:43.52 Jacck
Speed Fewest Moves(7)
1. 42.12 YuraRiabov
2. 49.59 Meanjuice
3. 50.27 xyzzy
4. 64.25 Jacck
5. DNF WoowyBaby
5. DNF java
5. DNF baseballjello67
Mirror Blocks(19)
1. 13.87 BradenTheMagician
2. 15.00 Valken
3. 34.31 xcalius
4. 41.00 R_14
5. 41.54 DGCubes
6. 47.06 2022GRAH02
7. 49.28 brickinapresent
8. 54.67 Pffect3
9. 56.85 Bababooey6969
10. 59.13 Firestar32211
11. 1:02.63 Meanjuice
12. 1:06.72 sDLfj
13. 1:09.78 DDDDavid
14. 1:19.21 freshcuber.de
15. 1:24.85 Slawof944
16. 1:44.17 LasseBreucking
17. 2:07.35 gsingh
18. 2:16.41 pieto11
19. DNF cublyl33
Curvy Copter(2)
1. 1:31.32 xcalius
2. 1:33.32 DGCubes

Face-Turning Octahedron(9)
1. 21.26 edd_dib
2. 25.82 SpeedyOctahedron
3. 37.37 GrettGrett
4. 45.69 brickinapresent
5. 50.18 Einar Martin Sandvik
6. 1:02.47 DGCubes
7. 2:03.90 Pffect3
8. 3:19.34 freshcuber.de
9. 5:48.03 Jacck

Contest results(330)
1. 1793 Luke Garrett
2. 1521 AndyMok
3. 1471 remopihel
4. 1438 DGCubes
5. 1422 JacobB
6. 1410 xcalius
7. 1369 nikitapopkov
8. 1346 Parist P
9. 1317 NN29Cubes
10. 1285 CornerTwisted
11. 1265 tsutt099
12. 1257 Tues
13. 1247 Mantas U
14. 1178 WizardCM
15. 1152 Shaun Mack
16. 1144 Urho Kinnunen
16. 1144 Jge
18. 1139 tommyo11
19. 1125 Oskar Hanuszkiewicz
20. 1106 OriginalUsername
21. 1098 Theemo
22. 1077 SaCubing
23. 1044 Mark Zimmermann
24. 1029 Jammy
25. 1005 ichcubegerne
26. 1002 Ordway Persyn
27. 995 DDDDavid
28. 985 slavaghterhouse
28. 985 Alvin Cheng Hiu Yeung
30. 970 BradenTheMagician
31. 968 yoimen
32. 961 Meanjuice
33. 960 FishTalons
34. 959 Slawof944
34. 959 BVCuber13
36. 956 gsingh
37. 940 YuraRiabov
38. 932 Cale S
39. 927 dycocubix
40. 924 dash
41. 923 DistanceRunner25
42. 921 Aaron Mi
42. 921 brosuwu
44. 911 Samuel Eklund-Hanna
45. 907 bluishshark
46. 896 2022GRAH02
47. 890 Charles Jerome
48. 885 William Henry Ruppert V
49. 875 Max C.
50. 864 Tkaczyk
51. 862 Ontricus
52. 853 Jakub589
53. 846 MattP98
53. 846 CubingWizard
55. 833 R_14
56. 828 JacobLittleton
57. 817 Brendyn Dunagan
58. 802 Isaiah Scott
59. 789 MCuber
60. 775 torpidstring116
61. 762 beabernardes
62. 753 624
63. 752 Ash Black
64. 744 Jorian Meeuse
65. 732 Calcube
66. 729 David 1234
67. 721 ngmh
68. 703 HiImHinson
69. 697 zachthesquanner
70. 696 Filiposák
71. 691 zxmdm666
72. 690 2x2MasterYT
73. 686 EvanWright1
74. 666 asacuber
74. 666 Chrislix
76. 665 KingWilwin16
77. 643 manu1223
77. 643 juanixxds
79. 642 CuberThomas
79. 642 Soph_252
81. 639 Parke187
82. 638 Dream Cubing
83. 637 LeviGibson
84. 636 dylpickle123780
85. 629 GloopyGum
86. 628 nigelthecuber
87. 622 Scooch
88. 603 CaptainCuber
89. 600 BenChristman1
90. 598 rdurette10
91. 586 darrensaito
92. 575 Adam Chodyniecki
93. 562 xyzzy
94. 552 Swagrid
95. 543 Janster1909
96. 540 Puzzle Maniac
97. 538 Carter Cubes
98. 534 baseballjello67
98. 534 EthanMCuber
100. 533 2019PILH01
101. 532 MegaminxCubing
102. 525 AustinCuber
103. 524 KrzychXyz
104. 518 SpiFunTastic
105. 517 zhangerliusmymanz
106. 514 AustinReed
107. 510 MaksymilianMisiak
108. 508 eyeballboi
109. 504 anatoly_turenko
110. 503 NmeCuber
111. 496 Kyle Ho
112. 495 Exmestify
113. 492 SpeedCubeLegend17
114. 489 Garf
115. 486 Triangles_are_cubers
116. 481 Skewby_Doo
117. 480 JDAW6
118. 479 Cuber2s
118. 479 mihnea3000
120. 477 Discomantis
121. 475 Jason Tzeng
122. 466 TWAN111
123. 464 Benjamin Smith
124. 462 typeman5
125. 458 Josh Moore
126. 451 Quixoteace
127. 448 Li Xiang
128. 447 ihtsolvescubes
129. 446 Automatixz
130. 441 Fred Lang
131. 439 midnightcuberx
132. 435 OriIN
133. 424 CalamityCubes
134. 423 tciforce
135. 422 polkanov
136. 421 CasperHegt
136. 421 2017LAMB06
138. 420 lilwoaji
138. 420 Clock_Enthusiast
140. 416 Dylan K
140. 416 bldcuber314
142. 415 Valken
143. 410 TheReasonableCuber
144. 398 tom0989123
145. 394 WhatisCuber
146. 389 rlnninja44
147. 388 brickinapresent
148. 385 Bogdan
148. 385 DhruvA
150. 384 AndrewTheOgre
151. 382 DesertWolf
152. 377 Nihahhat
153. 376 Badatcubingsmh
154. 374 Celeritardum
155. 373 the_senate
156. 371 TimkaTv
157. 368 Freddie Millard
158. 366 jihu1011
159. 363 Nacho9
160. 362 Koen van Aller
161. 359 Lynxcuber
162. 358 Pffect3
163. 354 Timona
163. 354 RubixNoob318
163. 354 SpookyCube
166. 352 SkewbKid
167. 348 JakubDrobny
168. 345 Hargun02
169. 344 JFCUBING
170. 339 Bababooey6969
171. 337 abunickabhi
172. 332 sDLfj
173. 324 PotatoRad
173. 324 Nayano
175. 323 yoyoyobank3
177. 315 NebraskanSpeedsolver
177. 315 chr201939
179. 313 Hana_n
180. 307 sporteisvogel
181. 305 Lev
182. 297 trangium
183. 291 KP_2085
184. 282 Jacck
185. 274 Oskar
186. 272 iLikeCheese
187. 271 KingCanyon
188. 269 Cuber Rhythms
189. 267 peterff
190. 266 gruuby
191. 263 parkertrager
192. 258 falconperegrinus
193. 257 NathanaelCubes
193. 257 Vinceey
195. 254 bennettstouder
196. 248 Davoda_IV
197. 247 JakeAK
198. 246 fes_77
199. 243 aerwliz
200. 242 Vector
201. 238 NotJPerm
202. 237 J h
202. 237 1x1 wr holder!
204. 235 AlphaCuber is Awesome
205. 234 Hein Myat Soe
206. 231 Rollercoasterben
207. 228 HarryCapper
208. 227 Harsha Paladugu
209. 223 One Wheel
210. 220 JC Cuber
211. 219 somecuber23
212. 213 bitokn
213. 212 Einar Martin Sandvik
214. 211 2x2guy
214. 211 Mike Hughey
216. 204 Cubing09
217. 202 TheCubingAddict980
218. 192 Bingus cuber
219. 190 BirdCubing
220. 189 Billabob
221. 188 Ricardo Zapata
222. 183 RyanSoh
223. 179 yay
224. 176 20luky3
225. 175 White KB
225. 175 Quexs
227. 172 Keroma12
228. 169 M0VSES
229. 168 DsmdsmDsm
230. 166 SentsuiJack2403
231. 163 juansuxween73
231. 163 freshcuber.de
233. 162 Fisko
234. 161 Caleb Rogers
235. 157 CubingCrazy
236. 156 padddi
237. 146 Scrambled
238. 145 ilovecubing123
238. 145 Xsedim
240. 143 Americancuber232
241. 142 Ratsarecool
242. 139 CatSharked
243. 135 siwoo
244. 134 alyzsnyzs
245. 131 clabby w dunn
246. 130 MatsBergsten
246. 130 MartinN13
248. 128 SlashCubezz
249. 125 Legomanz
250. 124 Enoch Jiang
250. 124 Oliver Pällo
252. 123 bollnkk
253. 120 2021MCEV01
254. 118 John_NOTgood
254. 118 scylla
256. 115 Firestar32211
257. 114 GrettGrett
258. 113 CT-6666
258. 113 DanielTheKidd
260. 112 WoowyBaby
260. 112 sqAree
262. 111 Anaksky_
263. 110 bh13
264. 108 Algfish
264. 108 Jervis38
266. 104 randomness...
267. 101 TheRedStorm
267. 101 TheSilverBeluga
269. 99 Rodrick31
269. 99 BerSerKer
269. 99 fun at the joy
272. 98 kenerik.aus
273. 95 Amadoj
274. 94 IsekaiMe
274. 94 UnknownCanvas
276. 92 Alex Mirau
277. 89 Cactachyon
277. 89 Nash171
279. 85 Henry13
280. 83 gamer_olive
280. 83 hotufos
282. 82 Jayben Keene
283. 81 Schmidt
284. 80 adsuri
285. 77 LasseBreucking
285. 77 Halqrius
287. 75 Nomurcy2u
287. 75 Shadowjockey
289. 67 Jibbles19
290. 66 caleb_g
291. 55 pieto11
292. 53 cublyl33
293. 51 SuperCrafter51
294. 50 Snigel
295. 48 filmip
296. 44 Parou
296. 44 finger go brr
298. 43 TimCube
298. 43 alexpennington
298. 43 jordi_frei
301. 41 HamesJaw
302. 39 Rubika-37-021204
303. 37 Marvelous Musa
304. 35 freetho
305. 33 Lux
306. 32 TheSpeedSkewber
306. 32 Y cuber
308. 29 GezzaCubing
309. 27 Shah
310. 26 Braik
311. 25 NongQuocDuy
312. 24 Cubenovice
313. 23 IgorFSilva
314. 22 arbivara
315. 18 ottozing
315. 18 perigon
317. 17 tzak
318. 16 Kacper Jędrzejuk
318. 16 halvors
318. 16 That_slow_guy
321. 14 HelgeBerlin
322. 13 edd_dib
322. 13 Lutz_P
322. 13 jawklqnn
325. 12 m.ipg21
325. 12 SpeedyOctahedron
327. 11 Daanbe
327. 11 ramencubing
329. 9 java
330. 4 iwanna3.13mp
Sorry; I have not yet posted the 2024-05 scrambles here. I am able to preload the scrambles for the week on the competition pages, so that they come up as soon as the competition time changes over to the new week, but I don't yet have a way to automate posting the scrambles to a new thread in the forums. So I generally post these sometime late Monday night, usually several hours after the new week's competition has opened. I will attempt to post them now.

I would suggest that this be considered a submission for 2024-04, since I don't consider the competition closed until I post the results. So I will add this to the 2024-04 results. I will attempt to post the 2024-05 scrambles immediately.

If you would like to do the other scrambles for this (previous) week, please feel free to post them here and I will add them to the results, as compensation for the confusion. Sorry it was confusing!
No problems Mike! I'll get started on the new set of scrambles now instead :)