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Weekly competition 2010-07


Premium Member
Jul 6, 2006
Rotterdam (actually Capelle aan den IJssel), the N
Visit Channel
All current (new) scramblers from the WCA are used.
  • For all 3x3x3 events (including FMC) Cube Explorer was used to generate a random position and provide an inverse scramble (generator) for that position.
  • For all cubes > 3x3x3 (mediumcubes) a "w" means "Wide" so you turn not just the slice, but also the outer layer.
  • For all cubes > 5x5x5 (bigcubes) normally a subscript number indicates the amount of layers to turn like a wide turn. U32 would mean to turn the the U layer and the 2 layers beneath it (3 in total) a half turn. However, this forum doesn't support subscript, so I transform the default notation to "3U2" notation which also means "turn the 3 uppermost layers a half turn".
  • For Megaminx R and D are "double layer moves of the entire megaminx. The U moves are normal U moves, not "double layer" or cube rotations
  • For Square1 the new notation is not entirely clear about when to perform a slice/half-turn. I adjusted the scrambles so that no slice-turns are to be performed at the beginning or the end (unless the scramble begins or ends with (0,0))
  • Clock hasn't changed, but just so you know: UddU u=-1,d=5 would mean Up-Left-pin is Up, Up-Right-pin is Down, Down-Left-pin is Down, Down-Right-pin is Up and that you need to turn a corner that has its pin up rotated counterclockwise by 1 hour and that you need to turn a corner that has its pin down rotated clockwise by 5 hours
  • Pyraminx small letters are for the tips
Just to make sure everyone understands: We follow the official WCA rules for all events. Here are some things that people often don't know:
  • For multiple blind you can choose how many cubes you are going to do (let me know if 15 scrambles is not enough). If you choose 5 cubes you have to use the first 5 scrambles.
  • For one-handed you can use both hands during inspection
  • For with feet you can only use feet during inspection
  • For 3x3x3 Fewest Moves there is a 1 hour time limit.
  • For relay you have 15 seconds of inspection in total, you can use any order to solve the cubes and the rest of the relay-rules should be obvious
For every event you participate in you will be rewarded points. You will also be rewarded points according to your ranking. Because this is quite a complicated system you can read about it in this thread. The results of the competition will be available as soon as possible after the competition closes at the end of the thread.

If you think other events should be added to this competition you can influence that in the 2008: Other events for Weekly competition thread

This competition starts now and ends wednesday/thursday nightchange (officialy), but I will only close a competition after the new one is on-line. If a competition doesn't start at wednesday/thursday nightchange you still get the full 7 days to participate.

1. U' R F2 U' F' U F' R F' R2
2. F R2 U F' U' F
3. R F' U' F U2 R2 U' F'
4. U R2 F2 U2 F' U' F2 R U
5. R2 U' R2 F R' U F2 U' F2

1. D' L2 U' L2 R2 D' U' F2 L2 U B D F' U L R' F D2 U2 F2
2. R2 D' L2 U F2 R2 F2 D' B2 L2 F D' R U L2 D' R B F R'
3. L2 D' L2 B2 D' L2 B2 U2 L2 D' L' B U2 L' U2 F L' U' F2 L' U
4. U' L2 U' L2 F2 U B2 U R2 D F' L2 D2 L F U2 R' F2 R2 F' D2
5. F2 R2 U2 L2 U' B2 D2 U' F2 D2 L R2 F' D' R' B L' B' D R U

1. D L' R2 U' B2 Fw2 Uw' L' U L B Fw' F2 R2 B' F' D' Uw' U' Rw' U F2 L2 B Fw' D L B2 U Rw' Uw2 B2 Uw U Fw2 Rw' F2 R' D2 Uw
2. Uw2 Rw D Uw U2 Fw' F' D Uw' L2 Fw2 Uw2 L R2 D' Uw U B2 F' U' Fw Uw' Rw R2 Uw' R' D2 Uw2 U' B Fw Uw F2 L2 B' F D U2 Rw2 R'
3. L Rw F L2 R2 Fw' Rw2 B' Rw R2 Uw' Fw' Rw2 R' D R B' D' L' Rw' Fw D' U F' D2 Rw2 Uw L' B L2 Fw Rw2 B F' L2 B Fw F' U' B
4. D' Rw2 F2 R2 D Fw2 D B2 R D2 Uw2 U2 Fw' F2 D2 L R' B2 F' Uw Rw Fw2 U2 Rw2 B R' B' Fw Rw R2 U' L Uw2 B' R' Fw2 Uw F Rw U2
5. L Fw R' F2 U' Rw' F L2 R2 Fw2 F2 R U L2 B' Uw' U' Fw F D Uw' L' Rw R' U2 R2 Uw L2 D Uw U2 F Uw' L' B' D' Uw' L Rw R2

1. Rw2 R2 B2 Dw' U2 B F Dw F2 U' B' U' R2 F2 Lw2 R2 B' Dw2 U' L Fw Lw D Rw' D2 R' D' Bw2 L' B' F Rw2 D Rw R2 U2 Rw' R F' Lw' Rw' Dw' U R2 Bw2 D2 Dw U' F2 D F Dw Uw2 U F2 Uw' Lw2 Dw' Fw2 Dw2
2. D' U' F2 U L2 U2 R2 Bw2 D2 Dw2 Fw' Uw' B Lw Dw Fw' L Lw2 Rw F2 D F' Dw' Rw R Dw2 B2 D' Rw' R' Dw' Uw' L2 Fw D' Rw2 Bw D Rw' U2 Bw2 D' U' B' Fw Uw Lw Uw2 Rw R2 F D' B Rw2 Dw2 Lw2 Uw' U2 Bw2 Uw'
3. L U2 Lw' Uw' Rw2 D2 Bw R' Uw Fw2 L R2 Uw2 U2 L' Fw F U B2 Bw2 Uw2 Bw Uw' U2 F2 Lw Rw Bw D' U Bw' F Rw B Uw' R F' L' R Uw' U' Rw Uw Bw2 F2 Rw2 Dw' U2 Rw' B D R2 F Lw Rw2 Uw R2 Fw2 Uw2 Fw
4. Rw Bw' D2 F2 R B Bw L2 Lw' Rw' R' Dw2 Rw Bw2 D R B' U2 B' Uw' F2 L Bw Uw' U2 B D' B' D2 U2 Bw' Fw' R2 D R Uw L2 Lw2 R' U2 Bw D Fw2 Rw' Bw Lw2 Dw' Lw2 B U Lw' D L' Uw' Lw2 D' Dw' Uw' U' B'
5. D' F' Lw' D L2 Fw F' U R2 Fw D2 Dw2 Uw' Rw D2 L2 R2 Fw2 F Rw' Dw2 U2 L' R' Fw2 F' Lw Rw' R Bw2 F' Dw' L2 R2 F' Lw2 Bw Rw2 Uw B2 L2 R2 B' F' Rw Dw' Uw' L2 Bw Fw' F' L Uw' L' D' Fw Dw Fw2 F' U

1. 2F2 L' D' 2B2 2D2 B 2R2 2U' R 2D' 3U' B' 2U 2L 3R' R2 3U2 2U 2L' F' D2 2B 2L F 2L2 R' 3U 2F' 2R D2 2U U' B 3F 2R2 B 2B2 L2 2D2 2L R D' 2L2 3R' B2 2B L2 3R' 2F 2L2 3U' 3R2 2D 3U 3R2 B 2L2 2B2 R' B' D2 B 3U2 B 2B' 2U F2 D U' 2R 2D2 2U F2 2D' 2U2 U' F2 3R2 2R R
2. 3F' 2F2 3R 2B2 3U F L' 2L2 R2 D2 L2 3R2 U R' F2 2D 2U U L2 2D' 3U2 2U2 2F' 2L2 2F' 2L 2U' B' 2F2 2D R B' 3F' 2F F' 3R2 B D' R' 3F' R 2D L D' 2B L' 2F2 2R D L 2L 3U 2L' 3R' 2R2 F' U2 3R2 D' 3U' B' U2 2B2 D2 2B2 R2 B 2F 3U2 3R2 2D' F' D2 F 3R2 R2 B' 3R 2F2 U
3. 2F L B2 3F2 L' R' U2 3R2 R' 3U L' 2R' B' 2B' 3R2 D' 2U 3F 3R' D' F 2U U' 2B2 L' 2R2 B2 2F2 3U2 2L' 2R 2F 2L' 3R 2U' U' 2L 2U' 2F2 2L2 2F2 2L' D' L2 3F' D B' 2B D2 3U' L2 R2 3U2 2U 2R' 2D2 2R' U' L2 B 2B2 R 2B2 U2 2B' 3F' L 3R' 2R2 2F U2 3R' 2D 3U' U2 2F' D2 F 2R2 2U
4. F 2L2 F2 R2 D2 2R U R' D2 B2 2F' 2R2 2B' R' B' 2F' 2U2 R' 2D R 2D' 3F 3R' 2R U 2F2 2D 2U2 2L2 3U 2L' B' 2L 3R' 2U B 2D2 3U' 2U' R U' R 2U' 3F 2U F2 D2 2D' 2U2 L' 2R D' 3R 3U' 2F' D 2U B2 D' F' L2 2B2 F2 2L2 B' 3F 2R 3F' L' 2L2 3U' B2 F L' B' 2B 2F2 F 2R' 2B2
5. L2 2L' R B' 3F' D2 B' F L' 2R2 3U' 2F U' 3F' 2D R' 2U2 R' D' U2 2B2 3U2 U2 B 2F 3R R F' 2R' D' L2 B U 3R 2R' U' B' 2D 3F D2 3U' 3R 3U2 B 3R 2U' 2L2 3U' B' 2R' D' 2D 2U' B' 3F2 2R2 2F 2U2 3F2 F U 2L' 2R2 B2 2L 2F2 2U' U 2R D' 2R 2U2 U' 3F2 2F' L U2 2B2 2U 3R2

1. 2F' 3R D' 2D B' D' R' B2 2F D U2 3B2 L' B2 2L 2D 3D' 2B2 3L2 3F' 3L' 2B2 3L F R2 3U U2 2F2 L U B 2B 3U 2F2 R' 2B 3B2 2F D 3F F' 2L 2B2 L 2F' 2D 3D2 3R 2B 2U B2 3B' 3F' 2L2 2R2 F2 2L2 3D2 3B F2 3L' 3B' 2L' 3U2 2U2 L2 2D' 3U' L' 2R 2B' 3F' U B' 3B' 2L 3U' 3F2 D2 2L2 2B' 2F' F' L' 3B' 2F' F2 2U' U 2L' B' 3B' 2U L 2L2 3B 3U' 3F2 2D2 3B
2. 3B' R2 2B R' F 3U' 2U2 2L 3L' R 2U U' B2 3F2 2L' F 2R2 3U 2B' D2 L 3F D R2 3U 2L 3B F' 2R 3B' 3F' 2F2 L' 2R 3D2 3U 3F 3U 2L 3F 3D' 3R 2R2 D 3U U' 2B2 3R' 3F' 2L' D' 2U2 3F' D 2R2 U' L' 3L2 R2 D U' 3F F 2R' R 2U' 2R' 3D L 2L' 2F2 3D2 2U2 3B D 3L2 3B2 3F' U' F 3D' 3L 2B' 3U2 2R 3F 3D' 2L2 2F' 2U' 2F L2 2F 3R2 B 2F 2R 2U' U2 3F
3. U' R2 2D2 2U' B2 2F2 R 3U' L2 2F' F' 3U 3L' U' 3L2 3B F' 2R D 2U' 3R' D' 2U' U2 2B 3R' 2D B2 U' B' 3D B' 3F 3U' 3L2 3D2 U' 2F F' 2L 3L 3R2 2R' R2 F' 2L2 B L' 2B' 3F 2F 2L' 3B 2L2 D2 3L' 3D' F 3U2 3B2 F2 D2 B' 2B2 F U' 2B' F2 3L2 3F 3L' 2B 2F' F 3U 2L' 3L' 2B' 2F2 3L2 B' 3B 3R' D 3U2 3R2 U L B' 2B2 3B' 3U' 2U 3R2 D 3L2 3B 2D' 2L' 3L'
4. B2 3B 3L' 3U2 R' 2B' 3D2 2U' 3F' 2U' 3L' 2D 3F2 L' U' 2F2 U2 B2 3B2 3F' 2F2 2D 2L' 3F' D 2D' 3D 3R2 3U2 3L' 2F' 2L' 2D' 3D2 3L' 3R B2 F 2D 2L' U 3L2 2R D2 L 3D' 3U 3F' 2R' 2D 3D U' 2F' L 3L 3R B' 2D' 3R' 2D' L2 2D 3L2 R D' 2D2 2F 2D 3B2 3F2 F' 3L2 2U' 3L' 2D 2L 3L2 3D2 3L' B2 2B2 3B 3F 2F D2 L2 2U2 2B2 L2 2D' 3U' 3B2 3F 2U2 L2 3D' U 3B 3L' 3D
5. 3B' 2R' 3U2 3B' 3F2 L2 3L' U' 3F 2R' 3F' 2F 2D2 2R R2 B' L F2 L 2L2 3R2 F 3U 2R R2 3B2 2F2 3U2 2R2 3U2 B 2B' 2F2 D 2L2 D2 3D B2 2B' 2F 2U' 2L' D U R 3D 3B' D 3D' 2F D 2B 3B 3F' 2F' 2R' 2D2 3D' 2F2 2L 3R 3D' L 3D 3U 2L 3F' 3D' 2R2 R2 2B2 3R' F2 D' L 2B2 2D 2U' U 3F' 2L2 2D 3U2 U2 2F L2 B2 2R2 3B' 3F' R2 3U2 2B' R' F' R' 3D2 3U' 3F F

2x2x2 Blindfolded
1. F U' F2 R2 U' F R' F R2
2. R2 F' R U2 R' F2 U R' U
3. F' R' U2 F' R2 F U' F U2

3x3x3 Blindfolded
1. U2 L2 R2 U F2 D2 B2 U2 R2 B' R D2 U2 R2 B R2 F' U L' B R
2. B2 R B2 L' R2 B2 R2 U2 F2 D' R2 B2 U' B' D' U F' L2 D' L2 R'
3. F2 U2 B2 U F2 D' L2 D' L2 R2 D2 R B L F' U B F' U B' F'

4x4x4 Blindfolded
1. Rw' D B' Rw' Fw2 D2 L2 Fw2 D U2 Rw U B2 F' U2 L2 B2 F2 D' Fw2 L2 R B2 Fw F U' Rw B2 Fw' F' R Uw Rw2 D2 F D2 U Rw2 R2 U
2. B2 L' B F' U2 B' R D' Uw' Fw' D' L Rw Fw' D2 Uw' Fw' F' Uw2 U' B L' F' U' R' Fw2 F2 R2 F Rw' R' F Uw' U2 B2 D2 Uw U2 F2 Rw
3. R B2 U F2 D U2 L2 Uw' Fw2 L' Rw' R' D Fw' D Fw2 L D' Uw' U' B2 F' D Uw' U B' Fw' D2 Uw2 U L' B2 L Rw' D F' U2 L Uw Rw'

5x5x5 Blindfolded
1. Dw Uw U' B Fw Uw U2 Fw Uw2 F' Rw U Rw' D' Fw2 Uw U Fw L Fw2 Dw Bw Uw L R2 F' Lw2 Bw F Uw' Bw' Fw R Fw' L F U F2 D L2 Rw' Fw2 L' D Uw' U2 L2 Lw' D' F2 Dw Lw' Bw2 Lw2 F2 Dw' R B' Lw B
2. F2 Lw' B2 Uw2 Lw2 F Dw' B2 F D B2 D Dw2 U2 Bw' Uw' Rw Bw' Dw' L Lw2 Rw Uw2 B Bw2 Lw B2 U Rw R' Fw2 F2 U2 Lw2 Bw L' Fw U2 Fw2 Dw2 Fw' D2 Uw2 Fw' L R' Bw' Fw2 L2 Lw2 Rw Fw F2 L' U Bw Fw2 L' R2 Fw2
3. F2 Dw2 B Lw Rw' D2 B' Bw F L U' F2 Lw' Fw U B' L' Bw' Fw L' Fw D Lw2 Bw2 D' Bw Lw' Rw2 B2 Bw' Lw Uw2 U2 L Bw D2 Fw L' B' Rw D2 Fw' U Fw F2 D2 U2 B' F' D2 Uw2 U2 R2 Bw' D L2 Uw2 Lw R' Fw'

3x3x3 Multiple Blindfolded
1. F2 D' F2 U' R2 F2 U' B2 U' F' U2 F' R D' F L B L2 D' L' U2
2. U2 L2 F2 U L2 D B2 L2 B2 L2 D U' R' D' B' L2 F2 R F2 D2 L'
3. L2 D U2 L2 F2 U L2 R2 D R2 B U2 L' B2 F R2 U' R2 D2 B D'
4. D2 L2 D2 U B2 L2 D L2 D L2 B R D' U2 B' U' F' L2 D' L B2
5. D' B2 D2 B2 U R2 F2 R2 B2 D2 F' U2 R D' L R' U R B' L U2
6. F2 D L2 R2 F2 R2 D L2 R2 U L F L' R D' F2 L B L2 B' D'
7. U2 F2 D' B2 D R2 D2 F2 U' B2 D L B' D B' L R2 D F U' L'
8. F2 L2 R2 U B2 L2 R2 U F2 U' B2 D' B' L' B F R' D' B' R' D
9. D2 R2 D B2 U' L2 U' B2 R2 F L' R' D B2 U' L B R' F' L F
10. F2 U2 L2 F2 L2 U R2 F2 D' U2 R F U2 B F2 L2 U2 L B2 L U
11. F2 L2 D2 L2 D' B2 U2 L2 F2 L' D B L' U' B2 F2 L2 F L F' D'
12. F2 L2 U L2 U R2 U2 L2 D2 B2 U2 L' B' D F' R' U' F2 U R' U2
13. L2 D' L2 D' B2 F2 R2 D2 U' B2 U' R' B2 D' U' F2 R' D R F' R'
14. F2 U B2 D2 F2 L2 D' R2 D' R2 D2 B' U B2 L' B2 U R D2 B
15. U2 L2 D F2 D' B2 D L2 D' R2 D2 R' D' L F' U' R B D' L R

3x3x3 One Handed
1. U' B2 D2 U R2 F2 R2 U' L2 D2 F' D' B F2 R B' L' F D' R2 U'
2. L2 D U F2 L2 U' B2 L2 B2 L U' B' R D' R' D U' F2 U L' U
3. D2 L2 B2 L2 B2 U F2 U' F2 U2 B2 R' D' R' F' D' B R' B F' D2
4. F2 U R2 D' U2 R2 B2 U2 B2 U2 F R' D' L2 D' L F' D2 F R
5. B2 D B2 D2 R2 B2 R2 F2 U F2 R F L' U F2 U' B2 D B' L2 U

3x3x3 With Feet
1. L2 R2 D2 R2 U F2 D' L2 B2 D' L U R' B2 U R' F R2 U' L' F'
2. U B2 F2 U R2 F2 L2 U' L2 U' F' D' L F2 L' U' L2 R B' F' U'
3. R2 U B2 D L2 D2 F2 D' R2 B2 F' R' D' F2 D2 F' R' B2 R' U'
4. D2 B2 U' F2 R2 B2 D2 R2 U F2 L R2 D' F2 L2 R D' L' F' L' D
5. U R2 D L2 U2 B2 U' B2 R2 D F2 U' R2 B' U F L D2 U2 F D2

3x3x3 Match the scramble
1. D' L2 U2 B2 U L2 D' F2 R2 B2 R2 U R' U R2 B L' R2 F2 D U
2. L2 B2 F2 R2 D F2 L2 D F2 U F2 U F R D' R B L F2 U2 L2
3. B2 F2 R2 B2 U F2 D2 B2 F2 L' U' F' L' R' D' B' F D' R' D2 U'
4. B2 D F2 U2 L2 D' L2 F2 R2 F2 L B2 F2 U2 R D F D' F U R
5. U2 L2 D L2 D' R2 F2 D2 R2 D' B R2 B' L F U' B R' F D' F

3x3x3 Fewest Moves
1. F2 L2 R2 U L2 B2 F2 D B2 D2 F2 D' R D2 F' D' U2 B2 F2 L2 D

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay
2. F R F2 R F U2 R' F U
3. F2 R2 U L2 D' U' F2 U' F2 L2 B2 L' D' B2 F D B2 L R2 U2 B
4. U2 B Rw2 R' B2 D' U2 F Uw2 F R2 Fw' L Uw B Fw D U L' U' Rw2 R Uw2 B' D U2 B' L Rw' B2 L' B U' Fw2 Uw2 F' D' Uw' L2 Rw'

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay
2. U2 F R' U F' R2 F' U
3. L2 D' R2 D' L2 R2 D' L2 R2 B2 D R F U L R' U B' R U R2
4. U' L2 Rw F2 L2 Uw L2 R D U2 B F U Fw' F' Uw2 U' B D U B Fw2 L2 Rw' R' D U2 Rw2 R' D' Rw R' U Rw B2 Fw' F' U Fw Uw2
5. L' Fw' L' F' Lw Uw Rw Bw' L2 Lw2 Dw L' B2 U2 Lw Dw2 U' Rw' D2 F2 D2 F2 Dw B2 Bw2 R' B Fw2 L2 Fw' Dw Bw2 Uw2 B Fw Uw2 F' D' Lw2 Bw Rw2 U Lw' Fw2 D' L' Rw2 Uw2 R' D B' Bw' Uw Fw' Lw2 Fw' Lw' Bw2 D2 U'

Magic (Just do 5 solves)

Master Magic (Just do 5 solves)

1. UUdd u=5,d=2 / dUdU u=4,d=2 / ddUU u=4,d=-3 / UdUd u=1,d=1 / dUUU u=1 / UdUU u=1 / UUUd u=0 / UUdU u=1 / UUUU u=-5 / dddd d=-3 / dUdd
2. UUdd u=0,d=5 / dUdU u=0,d=5 / ddUU u=4,d=-1 / UdUd u=-3,d=-3 / dUUU u=1 / UdUU u=-2 / UUUd u=-3 / UUdU u=-4 / UUUU u=-5 / dddd d=-4 / Uddd
3. UUdd u=-2,d=3 / dUdU u=-1,d=5 / ddUU u=2,d=2 / UdUd u=1,d=0 / dUUU u=-4 / UdUU u=-4 / UUUd u=-5 / UUdU u=2 / UUUU u=-3 / dddd d=-3 / Uddd
4. UUdd u=-2,d=-4 / dUdU u=-4,d=0 / ddUU u=4,d=3 / UdUd u=-2,d=-2 / dUUU u=4 / UdUU u=4 / UUUd u=0 / UUdU u=-4 / UUUU u=1 / dddd d=0 / UUdU
5. UUdd u=-5,d=-1 / dUdU u=6,d=0 / ddUU u=1,d=1 / UdUd u=-3,d=-5 / dUUU u=-4 / UdUU u=0 / UUUd u=6 / UUdU u=2 / UUUU u=-3 / dddd d=1 / Uddd

1. R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- U'
2. R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ U
3. R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- U'
R++ D++ R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- U'
R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- U'
4. R-- D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D-- R-- D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- R-- D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- R++ D++ U
5. R++ D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R++ D++ U
R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ R-- D-- R-- D-- U'
R-- D-- R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D++ U
R-- D-- R-- D-- R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ U
R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D++ R++ D-- R++ D-- U'
R++ D-- R-- D++ R-- D++ R++ D-- R-- D-- U'

1. R U' L U R' U R U' R' L' U' R B l' b'
2. L R L' R' U R B U B' U R' U' R L' B u l' b
3. R' U L' U' R L' R U R' U' L' R B r' b
4. L B' L' B L' R L U R' U L' U L R L u r l b
5. L' U R L U' R' U R B U B' R' U R' r b

1. (0,2) (1,3) (-3,3) (3,3) (-3,3) (-1,3) (-5,0) (-2,0) (6,0) (-5,0) (6,5) (0,1) (0,2) (6,5) (6,2) (-2,4)
2. (4,5) (0,3) (0,3) (6,3) (3,0) (6,0) (-4,0) (0,3) (-2,0) (4,3) (6,5) (6,3) (-2,5) (-3,0) (-1,3) (1,3) (0,0)
3. (6,-1) (0,1) (-3,0) (0,3) (-4,3) (3,4) (6,3) (-1,3) (0,4) (0,3) (3,4) (6,0) (-3,0) (-2,0) (5,2) (1,4) (0,0)
4. (0,6) (-3,6) (0,1) (0,3) (0,5) (0,3) (0,3) (0,3) (-3,1) (-1,0) (-5,5) (0,2) (3,0) (3,2) (0,2) (-3,0) (6,0) (0,4) (0.0)
5. (0,3) (3,3) (0,4) (5,5) (6,4) (-3,3) (0,3) (3,0) (-3,1) (0,2) (3,0) (3,0) (5,3) (1,1) (3,4) (0,2) (0,0)

(sorry for this being so late. I had to go to Norway and didn't have time before now)


Apr 8, 2007
Visit Channel
2x2: (2.27), 5.31, 4.16, 4.28, (5.46) => 4.58
just do this in a real comp, k?

3x3: 12.47, (9.58), (15.64), 14.25, 15.27 => 13.99
first two solves, then I had tea, ATE alot, and was lying down for the last 3 solves.
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Evan Liu

Jul 15, 2009
Visit Channel
2x2: 6.23 (3.95) 5.13 (10.17) 5.79 => 5.72

Comment: Wow, nice scrambles. Very rarely do I get sub-6 avg of 5...

3x3: 19.58 (19.51) (22.24) 20.62 19.54 => 19.91

Comment: Yay, sub-20 :D

4x4: (1:29.40) (1:16.80) 1:24.54 1:27.30 1:23.90 => 1:25.25

5x5: 3:15.99 3:07.38 3:21.69 (3:24.56) (2:55.33) => 3:15.02

2x2x2 Blindfolded: 1:07.07 DNF DNF => 1:07.07

3x3 OH: 37.54 40.83 (33.91) 35.77 (43.57) => 38.04

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay: 2:01.72

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay: 5:29.39

Magic: (DNF) 1.59 1.31 (1.31) 2.35 => 1.75
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Sep 18, 2009
i am back...

2x2x2: 3.70
2.48, (1.47), 4.33, 4.29, (4.39)

3x3x3: 17.52
17.26, (14.45), (18.75), 18.29, 17.02

4x4x4: 1:32.46
1:32.42, (1:25.04), 1:31.00, (1:33.97), 1:33.95

3x3 OH: 37.74
(35.39), 38.11, (41.55), 36.09, 39.03

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay: 2:01.63

MegaMinx: 2:46.78
2:46.42, 2:48.94, (3:05.63), (2:42.79), 2:44.98
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Jul 1, 2008
Visit Channel
2x2x2: (6.25), (5.13), 5.49, 5.28, 6.12 = 5.63
I'm good enough to use CLL effectively now. Still have yet to get faster.

3x3x3: 14.55, (13.25), (15.36), 13.72, 14.08 = 14.12

4x4x4: 1:02.65, (1:00.67), (1:06.87), 1:06.75, 1:02.21 = 1:03.87

Pyraminx: (4.37), 6.35, 4.78, (6.43), 4.92 = 5.35

234 Relay: 1:31.58
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Sep 15, 2009
Haining, Zhejiang, China
Visit Channel
Junwen Yao
SPEEDSOLVING Weekly Competition 2010-03

1. (4.83)
2. 6.15
3. 5.62
4. 5.97
5. (6.29)
Average: 5.91
So bad.Cube:LANLAN.

1. 19.34
2. 19.09
3. (16.30)
4. 19.22
5. (22.61)
Average: 19.22
I'm trying to slowest slove.Cube:Type F Shengen.THE CUBE IS pretty good.

1. (1:17.09)
2. 1:16.15
3. 1:16.45
4. (1:01.76) PB
5. 1:13.67
Average: 1:15.42
almost sub1min in single.Damn. I use QJ's 6cm 4x4cube and + CubeSmith Stickers.

2x2x2 Blindfolded

1. 1:02.91
2. 1:18.14
3. DNF (48.50)
Poor Cube.EastSheen by JK.Wrong Pll with last one solve.

3x3x3 Blindfolded

1. 4:18.37
2. 4:39.32
3. DNF (6:38.77)

3x3x3 Multiple Blindfolded

21:58.75(memory 14min solve 7min)
I think i need more practice.
Cube:TypeA 5(White)+TypeA 3(Black)

2x2x2+3x3x3+4x4x4 Relay
everypart is so slow.
2x2:LANLAN 3x3:Shengen(TypeF) 4x4:QJ

2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay
POP in 3x3x3 part.Bad.
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Dec 1, 2009
East Coast, USA
Visit Channel
2x2: (5.09), 6.22, (6.96), 5.36, 5.93 = 5.84
Good average.

3x3: 15.90, 17.41, (15.71), (19.94), 17.91 = 16.77
This is good compared to the times I've been getting today, but 19 makes me cringe >_>

2x2 BLD: DNF(24.44), DNF(46.46), 14.83 = 14.83
I fail fail fail at BLD >_> 3rd was good (easy :p)
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Hyprul 9-ty2

Sep 25, 2009
Waterloo, Ontario
Visit Channel
2x2 : (3.44), 4.82, 5.07, 4.92, (5.89) = 4.94

3x3 : (13.12), 13.50, (15.89), 13.52, 14.06 = 13.69

2x2 BLD : 28.56, 28.10, 27.28+ = 27.28

3x3 OH : (33.13), 29.52, (25.16), 26.99, 25.54 = 27.35

3x3 BLD : DNF(2:01.89), DNF(2:04.55), 1:54.84 = 1:54.84

4x4 : (1:03.45), (57.52), 1:02.27, 58.50, 57.89 = 59.55

Magic : 1.62, 1.67, (1.33), (1.70), 1.59 = 1.62

Square-1 : 50.79, (40.44), 44.37, (59.39), 42.59 = 45.92

2-3-4 Relay : 1:32.11

3x3 FMC : 47 moves
F' U' R2 D2 U B2 U' F
D L' U B2 U2 L U L' D' B - 18
D2 B D' B' D L' D L B D' B' - 29
L D2 L' D' L D L' - 36
z2 R2 u R' U R' U' R u' R2 F U F' - 48
The bolded cancels into 47
So hard :(

Megaminx : 2:38.18, (2:42.00), (2:15.37), 2:28.64, 2:35.74 = 2:34.19
Fssking megaminx, need a new one.

3x3 Multi BLD : 2/3 in 11:24.75
2 twisted corners... NOOOOOOOOO

4x4 BLD : DNF(14:40.64), 15:42.44
Messed up a setup move during centers. On the second I had to re-memo my edges, I made a mistake :(

3x3 MTS : 1:26.09, 1:40.09, (1:43.79), (1:08.73), 1:21.25 = 1:29.14
Hard to believe its become so easy O_O

5x5 : 4:10.13, 4:09.97, 4:20.62, (3:49.29), (4:21.82) = 4:13.57
Not lubed, not modded, Rubik's Brand :)
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Premium Member
Sep 23, 2008
3x3 17.83, 16.52, (18.94), (15.50), 17.13 = 17.16
4x4 (1:18.68), 1:25.93, (1:32.31), 1:24.27, 1:21.97 = 1:24.06


Former Clock NR Holder
Apr 24, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Visit Channel
2x2: 1.72, 1.92, 4.60, 3.11, 2.58 = 2.54
Easy scrambles. 3rd one I did the wrong CLL.
3x3: 12.84, 8.74, 11.01, 9.16, 9.80 = 9.99
3x3OH: 18.09, 19.78, 22.33, 15.42, 23.38 = 20.07
lol inconsistency
2x2BLD: 10.71+, DNF(9.67), 7.48 = 7.48
Heh, easy scrambles.
5x5: 1:29.37, 1:19.05, 1:46.54, 1:13.29, 1:26.31 = 1:24.91
Sq-1: 23.71, 23.04, 21.48, 22.25, 25.40 = 23.00
3 had parity.
4x4: 51.23, 47.88, 39.60, 39.19, 50.59 = 46.02
Megaminx: 1:21.74, 1:06.07, 1:20.88, 1:14.53, 1:22.33 = 1:19.05
Pyraminx: 6.13, 6.79, 5.94, 8.26, 7.45 = 6.79
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Apr 29, 2008
Almelo, Holland
Visit Channel
2x2: 3.63, 3.65, 3.44, 3.94, 2.86 = 3.57
3x3: 15.44, 13.76, 15.18, 14.91, 12.42 = 14.61
4x4: 49.71, 53.96, 51.14, 49.72, 49.51 = 50.19 PP OP OP DP OP Good considering the parities.
5x5: 1:31.75, 1:28.99, 1:34.22, 1:33.77, 1:28.82 = 1:31.51
6x6: 3:29.82, 3:15.23, 3:20.37, 2:57.09, 3:11.62 = 3:15.74
7x7: 4:53.89, 4:52.17, 4:38.27, 4:48.25, 4:43.27 = 4:47.90
2x2BLD: 17.15, 22.72, 32.65(BH!) = 17.15
3x3BLD: 1:38.02, DNS, DNS = 1:38.02
4x4BLD: 9:20.50, DNS, DNS = 9:20.50
5x5BLD: No time
MultiBLD: 4/4 18:36 I'm pretty confident with 4 cubes now.
3x3OH: 29.88, 25.65, 25.83, 26.89, 28.59 = 27.10
3x3FMC: 39 moves
Magic: 1.15, 1.18, 1.47, 1.19, 1.18 = 1.18 :D
Master Magic: 2.71, 2.69, 3.06, 2.80, 2.96 = 2.82
2-4 relay: 1:09.42
2-5 relay: 2:57.82
Clock: 8.82, 7.72, 8.44, 8.11, 7.74 = 8.10 O_O
Square-1: 18.64, 18.38, 18.70, 23.39, 16.47 = 18.57
Pyraminx: 7.09, 6.41, 4.08, 7.04, 6.39 = 6.61
Megaminx: 1:22.36, 1:38.58, 1:17.72, 1:24.84, 1:36.05 = 1:27.75

FMC solution:

L B' L' F D' B2 D F' D' B2 L B L' B' D B L2 B' L' B L' D' U' F' D F2 D' F' R D' R2 D F B D2 B' L D U'
On inverse scramble:
U D' L' B D2 B'
F' D' R2 D R'
F D F2 D' F U
D L B' L B L2
B' D' B L B' L' D (D' B2 D F D' B2 D F') L B L'
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Mar 2, 2009
Visit Channel
Helsinki Open '10 events:
2x2: 5.58, (4.46 NR), (10.40), 6.41, 5.95 = 5.98 NR (SD = 0.34)
Sub-6 on a comp would be nice :D

3x3: 18.61, 19.27, (22.21), 21.21, (17.98) = 19.70 (SD = 1.10)
My CN isn't very good yet. All the sub-20's were with white cross and two over-20's with green.

5x5: 2:33.20, 2:28.23, (2:48.45), 2:41.60, (2:27.24 NR) = 2:34.34 NR (SD = 5.52)
Not very good but not very bad either.

3x3OH: 31.42, 32.36, 31.83, (31.31 NR), (37.04) = 31.87 NR (SD = 0.38)
That's my average PB!

3x3ft: 2:30.67, (2:56.18), (2:29.88), 2:42.23, 2:47.20 = 2:40.03 NR


magic: 1.78, (1.43 NR), 1.44, (3.39), 1.62 = 1.61 NR (SD = 0.14)
Should have done it later.

master magic: 5.85, (7.59), 6.95, 5.03, (4.82 NR) = 5.94 NR (SD = 0.79)
WHAT!?! So bad times??

(snake): 4.67, (4.44), 4.72, (5.79), 5.37 = 4.92 (SD = 0.32)
Just woke. But I'm happy with these results.

I'll put the NR behind the times and averages that were NR-s (although not officially :D)

Other events:
2x2 BLD:DNF(10.71), 12.75, DNF(5.84) = 12.75
WOW! I just thought that I will do two first ones fast and just try to ignore the CLL mostly. and the third one to do slow and just DO IT! But when the second one (PS. I did the second scramble on the first try accidentally so I did the first scramble on the seconds time. It means that the success was with the first scramble) came I saw the easy first layer and I saw that it's going to be T perm but I didn't want to think about the OLL because I wanted to do just fast and try. And it was solved!!! :eek: Aftre that I did the last one quickly too without worrying :D But I still failed on that.

3x3 MBLD:

3x3 FM: 63 moves
It's just so boring to do it :D

y2 U2 L2 R u' R u2 F' U F (9)
x' F' L2 U2 R U R' U' R U R' (10)
x' z U' F2 y' R' U2 R U R' U' R (9)
U' R r' U L F' L' U' R' r (9)
y' R U R' U R' F R F' R U2 R' U (12)
y' R U2 R' U2 R B' R' U' R U R B R2 U (14)

Megaminx: 3:58.71, 3:57.71, (3:10.78 PB), 4:02.88, (4:06.09) = 3:59.77 (σ = 2.24)

Pyraminx: 13.05, 9.75, 10.87, (18.51), (7.99) = 11.22 (σ = 1.37)
I should practise pyraminx sometimes.

square-1: (34.36), 48.59, (2:34.39), 1:42.57, 53.51 = 1:08.22 (σ = 24.37)
:fp Started off with a PB, then it seemed like a PB avg and on the 3rd I messed up the last parity andwent to the beginning. And I still had another parity in the end. 4th was a fail too.
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Nov 11, 2009
New Zealand, Whakatane
1: 00:10.83
2: 00:14.70
3: 00:08.33
4: 00:15.33
5: 00:06.22
Avg. 5: 00:11.08

1: 00:32.81
2: 00:33.37
3: 00:27.66
4: 00:30.92
5: 00:35.84
Avg. 5: 00:32.12

1: 03:28.86
2: 03:28.28
3: 03:34.74
4: 03:05.95
5: 03:16.50
Avg. 5: 03:22.87

3x3x3 OH:
1: 02:12.01
2: 01:29.95
3: 01:44.34
4: 01:02.27
5: 01:07.14
Avg. 5: 01:31.14

2-3-4 Relay:
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James Ludlow

Premium Member
Mar 28, 2009
Sunbury-on-Thames, England
Visit Channel

Magic: 1.46, 1.38, 1.42, 1.80, 1.43 = 1.44
Comment: This is amazing for me. I haven't practised at all, but with a little warm up I managed a couple of sub 1.4s, even a 1.30.
Master Magic: 2.96, 2.81, 2.88, DNF, 3.01 = 2.95
Comment: Much better after last weeks hideous attempt.
3x3: 25.15, 24.49, 26.00, 23.96, 24.51 = 24.72
4x4: 1.23.29, 1.23.36, 1.29.68, 1.19.82, 1.10.49 = 1.22.16
Comment: OLL skip on 5th, with just PLL parity for PLL. Lucky? O on first, OP on 3rd.
5x5: 2.29.98, 2.28.47, 2.34.46, 2.29.51, 2.30.85 = 2.30.11
Comment: Like an idiot, got a glimpse of the timer on third, at end of reduction, and saw I was at 1.35. Lost concentration from then on.
6x6: 5.02.71, 5.04.83, 4.38.38, 4.57.86, 4.59.83 = 5.00.13
Comment: How close to sub 5?
7x7: 7.37.36, 7.55.81, 7.32.89, 8.05.63, DNS = 7.52.93
Comment: I may do the 5th in a while. My average is only good because I got a counting good solve again.
2-4 Relay: 1:55.49
2-5 Relay: 4.52.65
Clock: 16.72, 15.99, 17.21, 16.29, 15.82 = 16.33
Pyraminx: 14.99, 16.13, 15.66, 13.71, 17.32 = 15.59
Square1: 50.63, 58.57, 53.07, 42.47, DNS = 54.09
Comment: The laws of averages said that the 5th would give me parity, so I DNS.
Megaminx: 3.29.75, 3.16.41, 3.12.28, 2.57.04, 3.15.77 = 3.14.82
Comment: OLL skip on 4th. I've never had that before. PBavg I'm sure.
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Jun 29, 2009
Shanghai, China, China
11.67, 12.64, 12.27, 11.59, 10.66 =11.84

i fail.

BTW, i am on vacation and i only have a 3x3, so this time i can't take part in the 2x2 competition ^_^


2.11, 1.87, 3.46, 3.00, 3.01 =2.70

i'm back...
mainly uses LBL lol
and for the second one i use CLL (i use CLL only for T case :p)
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Feb 18, 2009
Visit Channel
2x2: 2.68, 1.55, 2.53, 2.95, 2.06 = 2.42 - What the hell? So easy. Got my LanLan :D:D
3x3: 11.48, 13.12, 10.09, 10.73, 11.23 = 11.15 - Nice! :)
4x4: 45.69, 55.27, 43.33, 54.71, 46.84 = 49.08
5x5: 1:44.03, 1:37.56, 1:44.18, 1:34.27, 1:35.90 = 1:39.16
6x6: 3:22.32, 3:04.32, 3:09.45, 3:29.43, 3:25.19 = 3:18.99
7x7: 5:14.97, 5:04.26, 5:05.34, 5:16.54, 4:54.36 = 5:08.19
2x2 BLD: 16.34, DNF, 15.21 = 15.21
3x3 BLD: 2:16.68, DNF(2:08.80), 2:05.41 = 2:05.41
4x4 BLD: 18:01, DNS, DNS = 18:01
Multi BLD: 3/3 14:43 - PB :)
3x3 WF: 2:05.13, 2:13.09, 2:00.03, 2:02.88, 1:44.60 = 2:02.68
3x3 OH: 18.24, 23.87, 20.02, 28.79, 14.89 = 20.71 - first was a PLL skip last was an OLL skip.
3x3 MTS: 1:21.04, 1:11.23, 1:09.54, 1:00.45, 1:13.45 = 1:11.41
2-4 relay: 1:15.20
2-5 relay: 3:04.33
Magic: 1.43, 1.29, 1.44, 1.45, DNF = 1.44
Master Magic: 4.20, 3.89, 4.13, 3.87, 4.02 = 4.01
Clock: 9.29, 10.20, DNF, 10.38, 10.58 = 10.39
Megaminx: 1:03.92, 1:04.22, 1:04.63, 1:00.02, 59.72 = 1:02.72
Pyraminx: 4.35, 6.03, 7.11, 5.58, 4.35 = 5.32
Square-1: 20.13, 14.38, 30.50, 22.12, 17.64 = 19.96

3x3 FMC: 37

Scramble: F2 L2 R2 U L2 B2 F2 D B2 D2 F2 D' R D2 F' D' U2 B2 F2 L2 D
Solution: B' U B' R' D R' z F U2 F' U R U R' U L U L' R' U' R y' L' U L R U' R' U R U R2 U L U' R U L' U (37)

Cross: B' U B' R' D R' (6)
F2L#1: z F U2 F' U R U R' (13)
F2L#2: U L U L' R' U' R (20)
F2L#3: y' L' U L (23)
F2L#4: R U' R' U R U R' (30)
LL: R' U L U' R U L' U (38)

1 move cancels. Found this in 10 minutes. I was just doing solves untill I got lucky pretty much.. Not that fun, just wanted to get it done.
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Jun 19, 2009
Italy, Merano
Visit Channel
2x2: 4.75, 5.33, 4.20, 5.34, 5.52 = 5.14
3x3: 15.39, 16.33, 16.98, 14.56, 13.70 = 15.43
4x4: 59.94, 1:05.26, 1:09.95, 1:07.38, 1:19.41 = 1:07.53
All solves had OLL parity and 4 PLL parity, I always have bad luck on 4x4^^(it isn't really funny)
5x5: 2:18.74, 2:03.25, 2:08.41, 2:18.05, 2:11.81 = 2:12.76
Magic: 1.80, 1.74, 2.09, 6.30, 2.16 = 2.02
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Premium Member
Jul 9, 2008
Sherwood, Nottingham, UK
Visit Channel
Michael Erskine
2x2x2: (11.87), 13.25, 12.74, (17.03), 16.76 = 14.25
3x3x3: 41.96, (38.29), 41.27, (48.54), 45.07 = 42.77
4x4x4: 2:43.81, (2:12.75), 2:30.74, (2:48.84), 2:35.40 = 2:36.65
5x5x5: (5:19.12), 3:57.35, (3:51.65), 4:09.65, 4:23.97 = 4:10.32
6x6x6: 8:04.76, (7:32.11), (8:25.19), 8:21.30, 8:17.06 = 8:14.37
7x7x7: (11:09.83), 11:51.65, 11:13.69, 12:20.22, (12:29.43) = 11:48.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded DNF (10/12 edges - started with flipped piece in buffer position - I tried to flip it but it flipped the next piece too!), DNF (12/12 edges in 6:13.97 - about 3 mins memo :D), DNF (corners-only fail!) = DNF
(I think I'm getting the hang of edges and I've finally started understanding corners - I only recently realised that the colour-pair corners are clockwise from the same colour-pair edges :eek: )
3x3x3 One Handed: 1:26.89, 1:22.75, 1:10.58, (2:18.60), (1:09.81) = 1:20.07
3x3x3 Match the scramble:
2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 Relay: 4:03.99
(a series of unfortunate events)
2x2x2 + 3x3x3 + 4x4x4 + 5x5x5 Relay: 8:18.89
(messed up my edge parity fix on the 5x5 :( )
Magic: (2.05), 2.61, 2.96, (3.46), 2.51 = 2.69
(scared of breaking it!)
Master Magic: 9.89, (13.08), 12.46, 11.03, (8.71) = 11.13
(already missing strings - on last legs!)
Clock: 24.80, 25.51, (21.68), 23.96, (27.84) = 24.76
MegaMinx: 4:22.91, (4:08.31+), 4:10.64+, (4:50.13), 4:33.09 = 4:22.21
PyraMinx: (14.95), 17.40, 15.36, 21.23, (21.56) = 18.00
Square-1: 3:01.74, 2:04.40, (3:29.27), 3:04.48+, (1:01.31) = 2:43.54
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