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WCA banned him for 2 years!


Aug 31, 2022
Ogłoszone przez Sebastiano Tronto, piątek, 27 stycznia 2023 08:37 CET

Dear WCA community,
The Disciplinary Committee has just concluded an investigation on a case of cheating in 3x3x3 Multi-Blind. The competitor was found guilty and we are convinced that this behavior extends to prior competitions as well. As a result, they have been banned for 2 years and some of their results have been changed to DNF.
Since this competitor is relatively well-known in the community, still holding multiple national records (unaffected by our investigation), the WDC decided to make the report for this investigation public. The intention is to explain the reasons behind our decision and give you some insight on how the Committee works.
The report can be found here.
Best regards,
Sebastiano Tronto,
On behalf of the WCA Disciplinary Committee

Sukant Koul just got a 2 year ban for cheating by peeking under the blindfold. All of his blind solves since Indian Nationals 2019 were DNFed.o_Oo_O:mad:
I would have thought that the sight blocker would be enough to prevent this kind of cheating
If you watch the videos linked in the report, you can see there are times the judge(s) aren't holding the sight blocker correctly, too far away from him and/or too high, and he's moving around a lot, too, as if he's trying to see around the sight blocker.
If you watch the videos linked in the report, you can see there are times the judge(s) aren't holding the sight blocker correctly, too far away from him and/or too high, and he's moving around a lot, too, as if he's trying to see around the sight blocker.
You're welcome to believe what you like, all I'm going to say is at least one very experienced cuber DMed me on facebook to say this investigation undermines the credibility of the WDC itself.
Meanwhile my appeal (public version) is here, you can read it if you're interested in my side of the story. If you read the full thing, I can absolutely guarantee that even if you believe I cheated the MBLD attempt you will still end up disagreeing with the WDC's punishment.
all I'm going to say is at least one very experienced cuber DMed me on facebook to say this investigation undermines the credibility of the WDC itself.
Why does the defendant say something along this line in every, EVERY internet drama of the recent years?
Why does the defendant say something along this line in every, EVERY internet drama of the recent years
Funny. Still doesn't change that I got a DM out of the blue from someone very well known that I've never interacted with.
Wow, did he actually reference @abunickhabi in that? It said Abhijeet was unrepredictable.
I'm not sure where the surprise is coming from. Abhijeet is equally capable of getting a perfect 22/22 and of DNFing an easy 10 cube attempt at any given point of time.
In the appeal:
"If the ban stays at two years, I can promise I will come back in 2025 and break the Indian
MBLD NR with a harmonica holder, just to make a point."
I saw that too lol, I actually really hope it happens. I kinda agree with Sukant that his punishment is a bit harsh, even if he cheated.
I don’t think the punishment was harsh at all. In all competitive activities, including sports, cheating is very much looked down upon. Cheating in sports via performance enhancing drugs usually results in a multi year ban, as well as removal of all results not proven to be 100% legit. If the WDC was too lenient then people would start cheating all the time. This punishment shows that the WCA is harsh on cheaters but still willing to give a second chance eventually. I know almost everyone is 8-16 on this forum, but 2 years really isn’t that long of a time.

And by all means, I’d love to see him break the record in 2025, but it’s not right for him to just say sorry and immediately come back.
I don’t think the punishment was harsh at all. In all competitive activities, including sports, cheating is very much looked down upon. Cheating in sports via performance enhancing drugs usually results in a multi year ban, as well as removal of all results not proven to be 100% legit. If the WDC was too lenient then people would start cheating all the time. This punishment shows that the WCA is harsh on cheaters but still willing to give a second chance eventually. I know almost everyone is 8-16 on this forum, but 2 years really isn’t that long of a time.

And by all means, I’d love to see him break the record in 2025, but it’s not right for him to just say sorry and immediately come back.
I would ask you read chapter 4 of my appeal - even if you believe I cheated MBLD, there's actual evidence of my 3bld results being legitimate that the WDC never looked at. They removed 5 rounds of MBLD, some 4-5 rounds of 5bld, 8 rounds of 4bld.....and 38 rounds of 3bld - without ever investigating 3bld at all.

Also considering I never confessed and still maintain my innocence, me saying sorry or expressing remorse wouldn't be very logical, would it?
I don’t think the punishment was harsh at all. In all competitive activities, including sports, cheating is very much looked down upon. Cheating in sports via performance enhancing drugs usually results in a multi year ban, as well as removal of all results not proven to be 100% legit. If the WDC was too lenient then people would start cheating all the time. This punishment shows that the WCA is harsh on cheaters but still willing to give a second chance eventually. I know almost everyone is 8-16 on this forum, but 2 years really isn’t that long of a time.

And by all means, I’d love to see him break the record in 2025, but it’s not right for him to just say sorry and immediately come back.
You definitely have a point.
I would ask you read chapter 4 of my appeal - even if you believe I cheated MBLD, there's actual evidence of my 3bld results being legitimate that the WDC never looked at. They removed 5 rounds of MBLD, some 4-5 rounds of 5bld, 8 rounds of 4bld.....and 38 rounds of 3bld - without ever investigating 3bld at all.
Admittedly I haven’t looked that far into the actual investigation; I’ve read everything briefly but mostly taken the WDC’s word for it. If it’s true that there is irrefutable evidence that some of the rounds they removed were indeed legitimate, then I think it’d be fair to not remove those rounds and only remove recent proven cheated results and any questionable/unproven results.

Also considering I never confessed and still maintain my innocence, me seeing sorry or expressing remorse wouldn't be very logical, would it?

Yes; I was merely stating as part of why I thought the punishment was fair that a simple apology or confession imo wouldn’t mean that all punishment should be removed