Providing cubers with a good Roux tutorial was once my goal since the ones I learned from were taken down. Since 2009 my old tutorials have served many people well and I'm happy to announce that I have remade my videos with better more updated content. I promise you that they are not only clearer, sexier, more up to date, but they are the also the most recent tutorials that I have done. :3
Old Videos - These were my first tutorial videos. They were popular but very outdated and were made when I didn't have good content and quality. Still I feel proud of these and keep them up as an option. These videos are unlisted and can only be found here on Speedsolving.com
Step 1 - Don't Be Stupid - Instead do the following
With a simple Private Message to your forum-friendly Waffleand you might find what you're looking for.
Step 2 - Order of Importance - When practicing, always know what's important. This list is from most important to least important.
Blocks - Half of the entire solve and needs the most attention.
Look for pieces and track - This is so you spend less time looking for pieces and more time making moves.
Orientation for Edges - This step should take less than 1.5 seconds. Practice the above. Most people don't get EO very well. Practicing this step will help you so that you don't miss any Bad Edges.
CMLL - You can sub-20 using 2 look corners (I know I can). So CMLL comes in last in importance. It's just algs and muscle memory. Easy Peasy.
Keep Track of above - DO IT!
Solve times - Once you get the hang of it, then be concerned about your complete solve
To Remember this just work on B.L.O.C.K.S. seriously. (See what I did there :3)
Step 3 - Drilling yourself for different steps. - Here is what I do to practice each step.
First Block
Scramble and solve for the first block only. Take as much time as you need to optimize your solution for it. The best you can do for speedsolves for the first block is about 10 STM
Second Block
Scramble using only Rw,R, U, M moves. This will preserve the first Block. Again use as much time as needed to find an optimal solution.
Just practice each case.
qqTimer has an option for scrambling just the Last Layer which means the corners as well.
qqTimer again has a great scrambler for <M,U> solving. Go to it and practice away!
Step 4 - Other stuff worth mentioning. - General Tips and Tricks, Thanks to Other Forum Members
Practice Optimization for Last Step Edges
If you're not improving, this is what you do
If you think Roux can't compete with Fridrich
Really nice summary for all steps
Tricks for step 4b
If you're going to ask about color neutrality and when to learn CMLL
Some First Block Examples
Don't Make any Hybrids of Roux...EVER(Highlighting shows the way)
Some More First Block Examples
Waffles Cube Thing - Teh Website
Main Tutorials
Okay. So the spoiler below contains the main tutorial videos. Auxiliary tutorials can be found in the descriptions of these videos on YouTube. Old Videos - These were my first tutorial videos. They were popular but very outdated and were made when I didn't have good content and quality. Still I feel proud of these and keep them up as an option. These videos are unlisted and can only be found here on Speedsolving.com
Main Tutorial Videos
Here are my CMLL videos. Also pretty outdated but still contains 90% of the algs I still use to date. The Abridged Version on How to Be Sub-20 with Roux
Just Follow 4 easy steps, and you'll be sub-20 in no time (about 2-3 months) You can also visit my Sub-15 Guide to Roux, for tips and tricks based on your current times and own progress.
Just Follow 4 easy steps, and you'll be sub-20 in no time (about 2-3 months) You can also visit my Sub-15 Guide to Roux, for tips and tricks based on your current times and own progress.
Step 1 - Don't Be Stupid - Instead do the following
- Search for answers before asking.
- Stop asking questions that have already been answered.
- Stop wasting time asking questions that have been answered and actually do work to be faster.
With a simple Private Message to your forum-friendly Waffleand you might find what you're looking for.
Step 2 - Order of Importance - When practicing, always know what's important. This list is from most important to least important.
Blocks - Half of the entire solve and needs the most attention.
Look for pieces and track - This is so you spend less time looking for pieces and more time making moves.
Orientation for Edges - This step should take less than 1.5 seconds. Practice the above. Most people don't get EO very well. Practicing this step will help you so that you don't miss any Bad Edges.
CMLL - You can sub-20 using 2 look corners (I know I can). So CMLL comes in last in importance. It's just algs and muscle memory. Easy Peasy.
Keep Track of above - DO IT!
Solve times - Once you get the hang of it, then be concerned about your complete solve
To Remember this just work on B.L.O.C.K.S. seriously. (See what I did there :3)
Step 3 - Drilling yourself for different steps. - Here is what I do to practice each step.
First Block
Scramble and solve for the first block only. Take as much time as you need to optimize your solution for it. The best you can do for speedsolves for the first block is about 10 STM
Second Block
Scramble using only Rw,R, U, M moves. This will preserve the first Block. Again use as much time as needed to find an optimal solution.
Just practice each case.
qqTimer has an option for scrambling just the Last Layer which means the corners as well.
qqTimer again has a great scrambler for <M,U> solving. Go to it and practice away!
Step 4 - Other stuff worth mentioning. - General Tips and Tricks, Thanks to Other Forum Members
Practice Optimization for Last Step Edges
If you're not improving, this is what you do
If you think Roux can't compete with Fridrich
Really nice summary for all steps
Tricks for step 4b
If you're going to ask about color neutrality and when to learn CMLL
Some First Block Examples
Don't Make any Hybrids of Roux...EVER(Highlighting shows the way)
Some More First Block Examples
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