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Volunteers for High Range IQ Test needed


Mar 25, 2008

We are working on a high-range IQ Test and need people to test it.
Currently the test consists of 15 sequence items.

More items will be added but first we want people to the test the current set of items. There is no time limit, calculator/internet everything is allowed, even though there is almost no knowledge besides simple math needed.
Don't make any solutions public.

If you are interested, PM me and I will send you the test.
When sending me the solutions, please add the following information:

Solutions+explanation for every item.
Age/Gender/Other standardized/normed IQ Tests you have taken+scores (we act extremely discreet).

Volunteers will be allowed to do the final version of the test and get it scored for free. Since the final test version (which will consist of way more items) will be properly normed and used as admission test for a few high IQ societies, you might be interested in it.

You should spend more than a day for the test though. Give it at least 4-7 days or even more.
The items might be very different in terms of difficulty...as of now, there might be some items which are unsolvable with the information given. We already tested the items on several members of High IQ societies and the majority of the items were solved.

For any further questions or requesting the test, PM me.

Thanks in advance!
Ummm... all based on maths? That doesn't sound like a very accurate judge of IQ.

EDIT: Sorry, that doesn't sound like what I'm trying to say... is it all based on maths? In which case it would not be very accurate.
Nevertheless, drop me a PM, i'd like to have a look.
me too, please
Might be fun. me too then :)
I'd like to take this test also.
yep. me too.

since i followed directions does that mean i win? was following directions actually part of the test? was the IQ test just a cover for the real test, which was to discover who could follow directions? Will Sharon's Husband Jeff ever wake up from his coma? Tune in next week to find out on the next episode of "As the Cube Turns"
Thanks to everyone who is interested and willing to try. :)

The test is non-verbal and it's all about pattern recognition.
I said that only basic/simple math is needed...so 1+1=2 will do it. ;)

So, everyone here got the "tools" to solve the items.

There are extremely difficult IQ tests out there which aren't solvable with the typical "school mathematics". If anyone is interested in such a test you may contact me as well.
Just PM me then. ;)

There will be a second volunteer set finished soon and we started working on the spatial part of the test (this will take longer though).

So anyone who is interested in the second set of items may already contact me or mention it when sending the solutions for set one.
There are extremely difficult IQ tests out there which aren't solvable with the typical "school mathematics". If anyone is interested in such a test you may contact me as well.
So someone who is extremely intelligent, but has no knowledge in university level math, will fail that test? IQ tests suck. They have no expressiveness or significance at all. Since when does high intelligence imply high math skills (or the other way around)?
There are extremely difficult IQ tests out there which aren't solvable with the typical "school mathematics". If anyone is interested in such a test you may contact me as well.
So someone who is extremely intelligent, but has no knowledge in university level math, will fail that test? IQ tests suck. They have no expressiveness or significance at all. Since when does high intelligence imply high math skills (or the other way around)?

Well, the test I mentioned above actually requires some "above average" math skills.
But the test isn't developed by me and I'm not related to it in any way...I only mentioned it because some people here would probably prefer such a test over the test I'm (and others are) creating.
That you need some math skills for this test doesn't mean that everyone who has math skills can solve the items...there is way more needed for it.
The test is made for people with a high IQ who are mathemtically gifted.

It doesn't measure general intelligence though.

Most people (especially people in high IQ societies) believe that intelligence is more about pattern recognition than about finding associations between words or solving some math problems. That's why most societies prefer non-verbal and (if possible) culture-free tests.

Tests like the one I'm working on test general problem solving skills, pattern recognition and creativity.
There are some similar tests out there and some of them are standardized and therefore they know that only people who are really "above average" get a good score on these tests.

There is no point in seriously trying a high range IQ test if you haven't clearly scored above average on another standardized IQ test.
In the end, most items in the majority of the tests will be just too hard for an average person to get a good score. Some people don't even manage to get the minium score in tests in order to get some kind of value.

I understand your criticism...I criticize IQ tests as well but the math test I mentioned above is ment to be for mathematically gifted people who want a real challenge...probably it's rather "brain masturbation" than IQ-testing, that might be true. ;)
I just dont see the point in testing the intelligence if there does not even seem to be a general "definition" of what intelligence is.
Basically there is; the problem is just that everyone is making up an own definition, ignoring that there actually already is a definition.

Most people think that individual with a pretty big knowledge are very intelligent.
Go to a quiz show, answer some stupid questions and if you win you will be considered as an outstanding/very intelligent person by like half the world. ;)

But it's about a certain ability, mainly about problem-sovlving and "thinking strategies". People with a high IQ also think faster than the average person; they don't have to think different, they are just faster.
It's mainly our short-term memory which decides if we can solve items in a test.

And it can't be a coincidence that outstanding people always score above average in such tests...it doesn't work the other way around though; not everyone scoring really high on a test has to be an outstanding person...there is a difference between a highly intelligent person and a genius.
Genius has way more to do with creativity than with intelligence...though for outstanding performances, one needs a good amount of both.
Haha...well, if that's they way you want to argument.
As soon as someone brings the problem of induction in a discussion it really is pointless.

This way you can make any scientific topic inane.
Of course everything is based on experience only... :rolleyes:

Highly gifted kids who are conspicuous in school or even earlier, can read and do simple math (for example) at a very young age etc. score high on such tests while other kids don't.