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[Vietnamese NR] Tuan Nghia Duong 3x3 9.31 single (LL skip)

holy crappp sub-10, just like that

and I thought the secret was rice :p
Thank you guys, I wasn't expecting this video to be posted over here, thanks Cuong ;)
It actually could've been sooo much faster, but i won't ask for more :P
And yes, rice is the secret ;)
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Man, what a lucky solve. I think I'd have a freaking heart attack if I had a LL skip in a comp. In my 2 years of cubing (almost), I've still not had a LL skip. If it happened in a comp I'd pass out :P
Life is strange

I got a 22.65 PLL skip at home

2 weeks later I got a full step 18.63 and that too when I had no practice.

But a LL skip would be like a dream come true, If I get a LL skip in OH then I can have Indian NR