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Unpoppable DIY

dam.. they only have a few selected colors of the NEW cube.. they should make some pink ones.. that be downn
According to Lucas Garron, they aren't actually that great. He said it's a good travel cube, meaning it is quite good for not popping, and it is very light, he said.
According to Lucas Garron, they aren't actually that great. He said it's a good travel cube, meaning it is quite good for not popping, and it is very light, he said.

100% true, unless you love moving incredibly fast, (I mean like Yu Nakajima's LL fast, not sub 15 fast) but its not bad for one hand.
According to Lucas Garron, they aren't actually that great. He said it's a good travel cube, meaning it is quite good for not popping, and it is very light, he said.
Well, they are great. Just not really any greater than the other DIY's. ;)
I probably wouldn't average any worse on it than on any other cube.

In particular, I feels like it lacks a bit of the momentum a heavier DIY has. Also, the grooves that keep it on track (which is really a nice thing) have a slight tendency to prevent moves -but you can still cut corners pretty well if you handle it correctly.

But yeah, definitely a good "travel cube," in addition to being a meritable speedcube.

I would really like to buy another one to break it in more and see if I can make it even nicer. I don't want to ruin my current one. :cool:
(I'd also like to see a better-sized "old type A".)
How good do you think the new Type A could be for OH? True it would be slightly limiting, but would the ability to be looser cancel that out? (I don't have a OH cube now, and don't want to sacrifice my good 2H cube for one).
