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[Unofficial] Triangular Francisco Method: ~22 second solve (maybe +2)


Premium Member
Sep 9, 2010
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Hey guys.
Decided to record a quick solve. Turned out to be pretty good. Is there anything wrong with my technique/turning style? I know my G-perms are bad, I'm learning new ones.
Also is this angle OK? From the left or right my hands block most of the cube. My recording device is an iPod touch shoved into a Dayan box with a QJ 3x3x2 as counterweight to keep it upright.
This might be +2, my inspection was kinda long.

EDIT: Checked qqtimer, time was still there. 22.59
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Nice. :) Is this about what you average?

You're turning is so slow O_O for all my sub-23 times I'm usually turning as fast as I possibly can the entire time, I wonder how efficient you are?
Nice. :) Is this about what you average?

You're turning is so slow O_O for all my sub-23 times I'm usually turning as fast as I possibly can the entire time, I wonder how efficient you are?

This is a little faster than average, I average 25-28. This one had a nice triangle.
From what I remember, it was a g-perm which is my slowest, and the ESO was M' U M U2 M' U' M which is one of the easier ones. I tried to figure out my moves from the video but it was too hard.

edit: OLL was l' U' L U l F' L' F
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This is a little faster than average, I average 25-28. This one had a nice triangle.
From what I remember, it was a g-perm which is my slowest, and the ESO was M' U' M U2 M' U M which is one of the easier ones. I tried to figure out my moves from the video but it was too hard.

Ah, ok. Are you fully colour neutral? That might be part of my inefficiency; I currently have a fixed block and haven't started practicing the other 3 that I was supposed to. XD

Maybe part of the reason I'm need to turn so fast to get decent times is because I don't know full PLL. ^.^ And I'm sure learning CLS would help a lot too, have you begun to work on that?
Ah, ok. Are you fully colour neutral? That might be part of my inefficiency; I currently have a fixed block and haven't started practicing the other 3 that I was supposed to. XD

Maybe part of the reason I'm need to turn so fast to get decent times is because I don't know full PLL. ^.^ And I'm sure learning CLS would help a lot too, have you begun to work on that?

No, I'm yellow only. Colour neutral would really help a lot though.

I know full PLL (relearning Gs though). I pretty much just finished learning the ESO cases. I was going to generate the CLS cases so that they wouldn't care about edge orientation but couldn't decide which moveset to use (<R, U, M> or <R, U, F> seem best)
No, I'm yellow only. Colour neutral would really help a lot though.

I know full PLL (relearning Gs though). I pretty much just finished learning the ESO cases. I was going to generate the CLS cases so that they wouldn't care about edge orientation but couldn't decide which moveset to use (<R, U, M> or <R, U, F> seem best)

Yea, I suppose.

For CLS I decided to do RU + 2 quarter Ds (if necessary), because it was the counterpart of ESO, which I did MU + 2 quarter Ds (unless DR is solved). It made sense to me for some reason...
Yea, I suppose.

For CLS I decided to do RU + 2 quarter Ds (if necessary), because it was the counterpart of ESO, which I did MU + 2 quarter Ds (unless DR is solved). It made sense to me for some reason...

You mean RU but allowed to do 2 D moves?
All my ESO are MU except for 1 which has a couple F2s.
Also, if you do CSO before ESO, you can do some cool things even without CLS algs. For example, if you insert the corner and then have the headlights OLL (with edges misorientated) you can do F U R U' R' F' to orientate the corners, instead of R2 D R' U2 R D' R' U2 R'.
You mean RU but allowed to do 2 D moves?
All my ESO are MU except for 1 which has a couple F2s.
Also, if you do CSO before ESO, you can do some cool things even without CLS algs. For example, if you insert the corner and then have the headlights OLL (with edges misorientated) you can do F U R U' R' F' to orientate the corners, instead of R2 D R' U2 R D' R' U2 R'.

Yes, a single D and D'.

Yea, yea, I know. :P But I find that since I'm already looking at the edges for Step 2 I have much better recognition doing ESO and then plain old CLS. Whatever works for you though!
Yes, a single D and D'.

Yea, yea, I know. :P But I find that since I'm already looking at the edges for Step 2 I have much better recognition doing ESO and then plain old CLS. Whatever works for you though!

Well usually I insert one edge, then insert corner, then ESO. Probably just preference like everything else in cubing.
Well usually I insert one edge, then insert corner, then ESO. Probably just preference like everything else in cubing.

:O I actually never really thought of that, it makes total sense though.

Have you fully adopted to TFM as your main method now?

(Also, on a side note, nonlucky 18.85 :3)
:O I actually never really thought of that, it makes total sense though.

Have you fully adopted to TFM as your main method now?

(Also, on a side note, nonlucky 18.85 :3)

Haha. Small problem when an edge is already solved though, but I guess it already being solved makes up for it.
Yeah it's my main now.
Nicely done, I still haven't gotten a sub-20 TF solve.
Haha. Small problem when an edge is already solved though, but I guess it already being solved makes up for it.
Yeah it's my main now.
Nicely done, I still haven't gotten a sub-20 TF solve.

Hmm, I guess, but not that big of a deal since you run into that case when doing it the normal way.

:) Sweet.

I know I've gotten a couple, but this is my fastest nonlucky single (I had an 18.20 PLL skip though).
Hmm, I guess, but not that big of a deal since you run into that case when doing it the normal way.

:) Sweet.

I know I've gotten a couple, but this is my fastest nonlucky single (I had an 18.20 PLL skip though).

Almost as fast as your official personal best.

ESO algs:
1 = Orientated, 0 = misorientated, UL UB UR UF
Edge in DF: 1000 - M' U2 M U' M' U M
0111 - M' U' M U M' U M U2 M' U' M

Edge orientated in UF: 1111 - M' U2 M
1101 - (U') M' U' M U' M' U M
1001 - M' U' M U2 M' U M
1011 - (U') M' U2 M U' M' U' M U2 M' U M
0101 - (U) M' U M U' M' U M
0001 - (U2) M' U M2 F2 M' F2

Edge misorientated in UF: 1110 - (U) M U M U2 M' U M'
1100 - M' U M U M' U M U2 M' U' M
1010 - (U2) M' U M U' M' U' M
1000 - (U) M' U' M
0100 - F2 M' U' M U F2
0000 - (U') M' U2 M U2 M' U M
Are any of yours shorter? I have a couple of really long ones (~11).
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