I had the idea of creating something similar to "Tresling" that I saw on the "Big Bang Theory"... but for cubing - I have looked for this on the forum but couldn't find anything so I thought I would see what everyone thinks
The idea: Two or more cubers decide on "C" number of cubes to solve each. You solve them One Handed and play Tetris simultaneously. The solves will be timed.
The winner of:
Tetris - The person with the "highest Tetris Line Score".
Cubing - The person with the "highest {cubing score}".
The overall winner is the person who wins both.
Another process will be used if one competitor wins Tetris and the other wins Cubing.
1. The competitors decide how many cubes they will solve: can be different numbers of cubes for each cuber.
2. Each cuber does a mean of 2/3 OH to decide their "Game Average".
3. The "Expected Time" must be calculated for each player.
Expected Time = [No. of cubes chosen to solve] x [Game Average]
E = CG
4. The cubers then begin solving and playing tetris at the same time.
5. When one cuber has solved all of their cubes; they must stop their timer but may continue Tetris. The other cuber must then stop playing tetris and only continue solving their cubes.
6. When all players have solved all of their cubes; the game is over and all timers and games of Tetris must be stopped/paused and the winner can be decided.
Cubing Score = Expectation - Total Solve Time
Higher the better.
Tetris Score = No. of lines collected x 5
If there are 2 competitors:
The winner of Tetris is the competitor with the Highest "Tetris Score"
The winner of Cubing is the competitor with the highest "Cubing Score".
If a competitor wins both Games then they are the winner.
If there is a tie between rounds:
Cubing Score + Tetris Score = TIEBREAKER SCORE
The competitor with the highest Tiebreaker Score is the winner.
If there are more than 2 competitors:
The Tiebreaker score must be used for each competitor and the highest Tiebreaker score wins.
The reason for working out expected time and relative times is because this allows any level of cuber to play another instead of having to find someone else with the same average.
I have not tried this out with anyone because I do not know any cubers that I could meet in person to try this out. This could be carried out over the internet using some sort of external timer, tetris software and skype. I cannot test this myself because my internet connection horrible :L
I'm not sure how scores will work out with one competitor being allowed to continue play tetris while the other is not. I may still result in the slower cuber winning. If you solve the problems just post your thoughts here
I cannot think of a good name for Cubing + Tetris either :L
I have an idea for introducing SpeedChess in the middle of this but many things can be changed or added to this idea. Feel free to make suggestions and I hope that this will inspire some people to create their own cubing ideas like this
Thank you
The idea: Two or more cubers decide on "C" number of cubes to solve each. You solve them One Handed and play Tetris simultaneously. The solves will be timed.
The winner of:
Tetris - The person with the "highest Tetris Line Score".
Cubing - The person with the "highest {cubing score}".
The overall winner is the person who wins both.
Another process will be used if one competitor wins Tetris and the other wins Cubing.
1. The competitors decide how many cubes they will solve: can be different numbers of cubes for each cuber.
2. Each cuber does a mean of 2/3 OH to decide their "Game Average".
3. The "Expected Time" must be calculated for each player.
Expected Time = [No. of cubes chosen to solve] x [Game Average]
E = CG
4. The cubers then begin solving and playing tetris at the same time.
5. When one cuber has solved all of their cubes; they must stop their timer but may continue Tetris. The other cuber must then stop playing tetris and only continue solving their cubes.
6. When all players have solved all of their cubes; the game is over and all timers and games of Tetris must be stopped/paused and the winner can be decided.
Cubing Score = Expectation - Total Solve Time
Higher the better.
Tetris Score = No. of lines collected x 5
If there are 2 competitors:
The winner of Tetris is the competitor with the Highest "Tetris Score"
The winner of Cubing is the competitor with the highest "Cubing Score".
If a competitor wins both Games then they are the winner.
If there is a tie between rounds:
Cubing Score + Tetris Score = TIEBREAKER SCORE
The competitor with the highest Tiebreaker Score is the winner.
If there are more than 2 competitors:
The Tiebreaker score must be used for each competitor and the highest Tiebreaker score wins.
The reason for working out expected time and relative times is because this allows any level of cuber to play another instead of having to find someone else with the same average.
I have not tried this out with anyone because I do not know any cubers that I could meet in person to try this out. This could be carried out over the internet using some sort of external timer, tetris software and skype. I cannot test this myself because my internet connection horrible :L
I'm not sure how scores will work out with one competitor being allowed to continue play tetris while the other is not. I may still result in the slower cuber winning. If you solve the problems just post your thoughts here
I cannot think of a good name for Cubing + Tetris either :L
I have an idea for introducing SpeedChess in the middle of this but many things can be changed or added to this idea. Feel free to make suggestions and I hope that this will inspire some people to create their own cubing ideas like this
Thank you
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