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Just wondering where the best place to increase your typing speed was, I've seen people like Maskow and Gu_Roux using it in some of their videos, I just wanted to know if there was a no. one website.
I would suggest keybr.com at first to learn proper finger positioning(be aware that every key has its coresponding finger so as not to start with wrong technique).
After you complete all letters on keybr I suggest 10fastfingers.com.
Both websites are very nice
I used to use atrt 3 plus but its not free. Its basically a video game where the faster you type, the faster you kill stuff and it brought my typing speed up to about 80 WPM in just a few weeks practice
I remember back in the early/mid-90's when I taught myself to type with the DVORAK keyboard rather than QWERTY. I thought it would take off. Turns out I was wrong!
I knew QWERTY anyway. I got to about the same WPM in DVORAK before concluding it just wasn't practical even if it may have had more potential. Not used it in over 20 years now.