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The Worst 3x3 Cube.

Overrated catchy and locky mess.
I took the ballcore out of mine and installed it (with corner magnets) into my WRM 2019 and now THAT cube is FABulous ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐ made the RS3M Super better as well ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

also, I think maybe you haven't tried the Shengshou Tank 3×3 pffft!
I took the ballcore out of mine and installed it (with corner magnets) into my WRM 2019 and now THAT cube is FABulous ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐ made the RS3M Super better as well ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯

also, I think maybe you haven't tried the Shengshou Tank 3×3 pffft!
Wait the corner stocks of wrm/gts3m and super rs3m 2022 are interchangeable?
I disassembled both cubes and swapped the cores
I had already tried a Maru core-corner magnetic kit (for the YJ Yulong V2M @ 56mm) that didn't work out, the core shell was too big for the 55mm WRM 2019 but the cornwr oieces from the kit were already superglued into the corner oieces sonit was a happy ifea to swap in the Ball-core from the RS3M
I did stack 3×1mm N52 magnets on each corner piece for added stability
That WRM 2019 is now my new main ᕦ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ᕤ

If anyone is looking at getting an RS3M Super, I recommend the MagLev version ... I couldn't feel any difference from the core-corner magnets but the maglev definitely makes the cube quicker and flows through turns mkre smoothly
1982 rubik's clone cubes, called 'Wonderful Puzzlers.' Even WAY WORSE than Rubik brand.
In those days to get any kind of speed you needed what was called 'an original Rubik's cube'. But 99% of cubes were clones which sucked.