So I've been thinking and I think I've derived a cool new method for solving the last slot on any Friedrich solve while also doing OLL. This will be a 2-look system, but isn't normal LS/OLL 2-look also?
OLSLL stands for "Orient Last Slot and Last Layer." Essentially, you do the following steps:
LSP - Last slot pairing: Pair up the two pieces for the last slot. They do NOT have to be oriented at all (disoriented edge and twisted corners are fine). This should be very quick.
L5EO - Last 5 edges orientation: Insert the pair and orient the last 5 edges on the puzzle in one algorithm (one of 16). Most of these are 3-gen, but some are 4-gen. :/
L5CO - Last 5 corners orientation: Orient the last 5 corners on the puzzle in one algorithm (one of 23). These are all <R, U> 2-gen sexiness.
To show you what a solve could look like, I have one here to show you guys:
Scramble: L2 U' B' U2 R' F2 L2 B' L F' L2 B2 L U2 R2 U B' R2 D' B2
Cross (on bottom): x' z D U' R L2 B' U' L2
F2L Pair 1: y' R U' R' U2 y R' U' R
F2L Pair 2: U' F' U F
F2L Pair 3: L' U L y' L' U' L
L5EO: U2 R U2 R' F' U' L' U2 L U' F
L5CO: U R U2 R' U2 R U2 R' U' R U R'
PLL: U' Dw2' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U'
You may visually see the solve executed
here. I do not currently have public algorithms available.
NOTE: This is not MGLS, EJF2L, VHLS, or anything like that. Similarities are intentional, but this method is not any that I've seen before.
ALSO NOTE: This method is purely an alternative to LS+OLL, similar to how CLL+ELL is an alternative to OLL+PLL.
What are you guys' thoughts on this? I think this is pretty cool and am currently learning the algorithms to put it in practice myself. Please keep this to a nice thread. I don't want this thread cancerous with all of this "YOUR METHOD SUCKS JUST USE NORMAL CFOP" stuff. This is a new idea. Also, if you want more example solves, just ask! I can do a few for you guys if you want.