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Some interesting method-related quotes from the now closed speedsolvingrubikscube group. I've known about these for years, but haven't posted them until now.


This is another idea I had a while ago. It similar to the Petrus idea of
orienting edges early so that you only need to turn two sides.

Instead, we orient all edges right at the beginning, create a "line" on
the D side from front to back (or a cross if you wish), then we only
need to turn three sides to solve the rest of the cube (L, U, R). This
also means you don't ever need to rotate the cube.

To see what I mean, have a look at this video by AdaM:

Either by plan or by chance, all of your F2L edges must have been
oriented after your first few opening moves. We can deduce this because
after that you only used L,U,R turns to solve the rest of the F2L. On
the other hand, not all of your LL edges were oriented. I have to say
seeing you solve the cube without rotating it looks pretty cool.

Note, it only takes 4.6 moves on average to orient all edges at the
beginning, and maybe you can combine this with placing parts of the
"line" or "cross".


If you don't want to rotate the cube or move your left hand, here's
something you can do too:
- Make a 1x1x3 line: DLB, DL, DLF (4 moves)
- Make the 6 remaining corners solvable in <R,U> (3 moves)
- Then, solve everything using R, U, r and u only. (Hint: siamese cubes)

As an example, see my solution on this page:


PS: This method is useless for sub20 cubing.


I have thought of a possible improvement that may apply to more than
just one method.

To demonstrate, consider the petrus method:

1. solve a 2x2x3 block
2. complete the first two layers by adding a 3x2x1 slice
3. complete the last layer

One approach for step 2 is:

a. build a 2x2x1 section
b. add on a 1x2x1 section

For (a), you can choose between 4 starting points and pick the easiest one. If
you find a good one, it can be done in 2, 3 or 4 moves. Otherwise it can take
about 8 moves. Sometimes there are no good options among the 4 starting

But now consider that there are actually 8 different 3x2x1 slices to choose
from in step 2. The slice you choose doesn't have to join with step 1 with
matching colours, it just needs to be the same shape. In the final step, you
can slide this slice back to where it should go in just one move.

This gives you 8 different options for step 2a, greatly increasing your
chances of finding a good option.

Once you get to the final layer, you have to be able to recognise all the
patterns with three of the pieces being a different colour, but it's not as
difficult as you might think - try it. Of course, some systems for the last
layer may be easier to handle than others.

This idea also applies, with more opportunities, in the tripod approach
described in my last email.


I am quite sure that there are many people who came up with this
idea for solving the F2L independently, so it will be next to
impossible to find the "inventor". I learned about it when I joined
the college. There were at least 5 guys (all coming from the same
high school) doing the F2L this way. However, they solved the F2L
kind of intuitively using lots of auxiliary moves with only a
handful of basic intuitive moves. As a result, they were not too
fast, and so I did not pay attention to this idea at first. Then,
one day just for fun I tried to solve the F2L using this approach
and quickly saw the _potential_ of this approach. However, it needed
a substantial "overhaul". Thus, I developed over a dozen new, less
obvious algorithms that you can see on my page.

It must have been somebody from that high school from which the 5
guys came who "invented" the idea. Perhaps, we could find out the
name if I contact those 5 guys and talk to them. Then, we would have
to ask Guus about the origin of his system and try to decide who
was "first" ... Any volunteers for this?

I thought Gilles Roux's CP line was an interesting find considering a recent topic and debate about the viability. The others show that Ryan Heise proposed EOLine three years before Zbigniew Zborowski, the first proposal for non-matching blocks in a speedsolve, and that Jessica Fridrich did more than just use the F2L method she learned from others - she developed it to a more advanced form.

I've always thought Ryan Heise is one of the greatest method developers. His completely intuitive Heise method with non-matching blocks and EO built in, HTA, Tripod, said that he experimented with an EO form of the Roux method before 2003, and the first to propose the EOLine/EOCross idea.
Some interesting method-related quotes from the now closed speedsolvingrubikscube group. I've known about these for years, but haven't posted them until now.


This is another idea I had a while ago. It similar to the Petrus idea of
orienting edges early so that you only need to turn two sides.

Instead, we orient all edges right at the beginning, create a "line" on
the D side from front to back (or a cross if you wish), then we only
need to turn three sides to solve the rest of the cube (L, U, R). This
also means you don't ever need to rotate the cube.

To see what I mean, have a look at this video by AdaM:

Either by plan or by chance, all of your F2L edges must have been
oriented after your first few opening moves. We can deduce this because
after that you only used L,U,R turns to solve the rest of the F2L. On
the other hand, not all of your LL edges were oriented. I have to say
seeing you solve the cube without rotating it looks pretty cool.

Note, it only takes 4.6 moves on average to orient all edges at the
beginning, and maybe you can combine this with placing parts of the
"line" or "cross".


If you don't want to rotate the cube or move your left hand, here's
something you can do too:
- Make a 1x1x3 line: DLB, DL, DLF (4 moves)
- Make the 6 remaining corners solvable in <R,U> (3 moves)
- Then, solve everything using R, U, r and u only. (Hint: siamese cubes)

As an example, see my solution on this page:


PS: This method is useless for sub20 cubing.


I have thought of a possible improvement that may apply to more than
just one method.

To demonstrate, consider the petrus method:

1. solve a 2x2x3 block
2. complete the first two layers by adding a 3x2x1 slice
3. complete the last layer

One approach for step 2 is:

a. build a 2x2x1 section
b. add on a 1x2x1 section

For (a), you can choose between 4 starting points and pick the easiest one. If
you find a good one, it can be done in 2, 3 or 4 moves. Otherwise it can take
about 8 moves. Sometimes there are no good options among the 4 starting

But now consider that there are actually 8 different 3x2x1 slices to choose
from in step 2. The slice you choose doesn't have to join with step 1 with
matching colours, it just needs to be the same shape. In the final step, you
can slide this slice back to where it should go in just one move.

This gives you 8 different options for step 2a, greatly increasing your
chances of finding a good option.

Once you get to the final layer, you have to be able to recognise all the
patterns with three of the pieces being a different colour, but it's not as
difficult as you might think - try it. Of course, some systems for the last
layer may be easier to handle than others.

This idea also applies, with more opportunities, in the tripod approach
described in my last email.


I am quite sure that there are many people who came up with this
idea for solving the F2L independently, so it will be next to
impossible to find the "inventor". I learned about it when I joined
the college. There were at least 5 guys (all coming from the same
high school) doing the F2L this way. However, they solved the F2L
kind of intuitively using lots of auxiliary moves with only a
handful of basic intuitive moves. As a result, they were not too
fast, and so I did not pay attention to this idea at first. Then,
one day just for fun I tried to solve the F2L using this approach
and quickly saw the _potential_ of this approach. However, it needed
a substantial "overhaul". Thus, I developed over a dozen new, less
obvious algorithms that you can see on my page.

It must have been somebody from that high school from which the 5
guys came who "invented" the idea. Perhaps, we could find out the
name if I contact those 5 guys and talk to them. Then, we would have
to ask Guus about the origin of his system and try to decide who
was "first" ... Any volunteers for this?

I thought Gilles Roux's CP line was an interesting find considering a recent topic and debate about the viability. The others show that Ryan Heise proposed EOLine three years before Zbigniew Zborowski, the first proposal for non-matching blocks in a speedsolve, and that Jessica Fridrich did more than just use the F2L method she learned from others - she developed it to a more advanced form.

I've always thought Ryan Heise is one of the greatest method developers. His completely intuitive Heise method with non-matching blocks and EO built in, HTA, Tripod, said that he experimented with an EO form of the Roux method before 2003, and the first to propose the EOLine/EOCross idea.
'This method is useless for sub-20 cubing' lol. I'm sure sub-20 is doable.
'This method is useless for sub-20 cubing' lol. I'm sure sub-20 is doable.

You have to think of the times. Back then we saw things as having limits. The idea of someone solving the cube under eight seconds was viewed as impossible by most people. Methods have improved in small ways, techniques have been developed, new fingertricks have been discovered, and hardware has improved dramatically.
Yau5 for 4x4? It could work for Petrus, because at 3x3 stage 2x2x3 is done, and you could just not place the final cross edge
lol I did some solves with this and on the 4th or 5th I was confused that I had 1 misoriented edge during EO and wasted like 15s until I finally realized the there is something called OLL Parity.
I thought Gilles Roux's CP line was
Wow, did I write this 17 years ago?
The others show that Ryan Heise proposed EOLine three years before Zbigniew Zborowski
Many people discussed this method (i.e. 1/ Solve DF+DB while orienting edges 2/ Finish F2L in <U, L, R> 3/ Finish last layer with Petrus 5+6+7) long before. Look at the link in Ryan's post (borntodie...), it's a link to Adam Géhin, the fastest speedcuber I knew in 2003, we thought a lot about this technique together at that time, and dismissed it for the same reasons I would dismiss it today.
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Wow, did I write this 17 years ago?

Many people discussed this method (i.e. 1/ Solve DF+DB while orienting edges 2/ Finish F2L in <U, L, R> 3/ Finish last layer with Petrus 5+6+7) long before. Look at the link in Ryan's post (borntodie...), it's a link to Adam Géhin, the fastest speedcuber I knew in 2003, we thought a lot about this technique together at that time, and dismissed it for same reasons I would dismiss it today.

Interesting. I had heard that you thought about this before. It's good to have confirmation.
I had heard that you thought about this before.

Again, not just me, many others.
With Adam, it was natural to think about it. We were both using Lars' approach (but with a PLL ending - AKA "Petrich"). In those times, the early edge orientation trick and <R,U> abuse looked nice (especially with our old rusted cubes), and thinking about applying it even earlier was rather straightforward. He decided to go full Fridrich, I was lazy.
By the way, we used to call "Petrus 5+6+7" the principle of solving the last layer with 1 sequence, once the LL edges oriented. Bernard Helmstetter was the first to generate all those LL cases, with multiple solving sequences (possibly in the 90's).
Again, not just me, many others.
With Adam, it was natural to think about it. We were both using Lars' approach (but with a PLL ending - AKA "Petrich"). In those times, the early edge orientation trick and <R,U> abuse looked nice (especially with our old rusted cubes), and thinking about applying it even earlier was rather straightforward. He decided to go full Fridrich, I was lazy.
By the way, we used to call "Petrus 5+6+7" the principle of solving the last layer with 1 sequence, once the LL edges oriented. Bernard Helmstetter was the first to generate all those LL cases, with multiple solving sequences (possibly in the 90's).

I see what you mean. There are many ideas, and even things that were completely developed before, that now have other people's names attached. Sometimes there is no overlap for people to carry knowledge over so things become lost to history. Then someone reinvents and they get most of the credit. I've gone through many posts in the archives to find the origins of things so that I can restore them to the proper person, as best as possible.

Wow, did I write this 17 years ago?

Time has really gone by fast. It doesn't feel so long ago when we were gathered in that discussion group.
Sometimes there is no overlap for people to carry knowledge over so things become lost to history.
And sometimes, people seem to decide what History has to be.
I gave you the insane last-layer approach as an example among many others.
When you read https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/ZBLL , it seems that someone suddenly thought about solving the last layer with oriented edges in 2002.
Not only hundreds of people had this basic idea before, but it was already developed, and absolutely everybody knew about it thanks to http://speedcubing.com/ .

In the meantime, some have done a great job making people forget Jessica's name...
And sometimes, people seem to decide what History has to be.
I gave you the insane last-layer approach as an example among many others.
When you read https://www.speedsolving.com/wiki/index.php/ZBLL , it seems that someone suddenly thought about solving the last layer with oriented edges in 2002.
Not only hundreds of people had this basic idea before, but it was already developed, and absolutely everybody knew about it thanks to http://speedcubing.com/ .

In the meantime, some have done a great job making people forget Jessica's name...

What do you propose that we do? What other things have you noticed have been recreated, or, in the case of oriented edges LL, have been taken over? Maybe we could put together a few things or some sort of history timeline. That could go toward helping the community understand that people didn't suddenly start having ideas only 15-20 years ago. I feel like the community thinks that the puzzle was introduced in the 70's and people only ever thought about layer-by-layer and corners first until the internet was invented.

We're in an age of reinvention. There are so many recent methods on the wiki that aren't unique at all, yet have someone listed as the proposer in 2020. I've even noticed it recently in a few of the things I've done. People have recreated my developments and I have tried to bring awareness. It is difficult because the tendency is to associate something with the one who popularized. It's also possible that some of the things I've created have been developed before.

Feel free to send me a PM or email ([email protected]) if you have ideas.
Please make a timeline, then we can have a kinda database of "The New Method / Substep / Concept Idea"s, so people can actually have a look at what's happened. I wonder what cubing would be like if all you first generation people carried on cubing consistently, because it's clear that cubing would most likely be in a different (and probably better due to lack of method stagnation) place. Only really now is method stagnation less of a thing due to people theory crafting new ideas (that might not be new) again.
Please make a timeline, then we can have a kinda database of "The New Method / Substep / Concept Idea"s, so people can actually have a look at what's happened. I wonder what cubing would be like if all you first generation people carried on cubing consistently, because it's clear that cubing would most likely be in a different (and probably better due to lack of method stagnation) place. Only really now is method stagnation less of a thing due to people theory crafting new ideas (that might not be new) again.

I've got some things written so far. I also have a plan for what it should be like. It won't happen really soon because this requires and deserves time. It needs to be done the right way.
According to @ProStar , I never posted this, so here: I am officially posting HK+. Read the wiki article if you want to know what it is.

Are there any differences between the first four steps of this and the first four steps of Yau? The fifth and final step of Yau is to solve F2L+LL. As it is now, based on the HK+ wiki page, it appears to be a suggestion to use Yau as the big cube method for HK. Is it a stretch of the Yau wiki page's wording, the F2L acronym, leaving out one edge in F2L and calling it a new method? Or is there more to be changed/added to the HK+ wiki page?
According to @ProStar , I never posted this, so here: I am officially posting HK+. Read the wiki article if you want to know what it is.

This looks exactly like Yau, with the only differences being:

You don't solve the last cross edge after centers
You solve 3x3 different
Are there any differences between the first four steps of this and the first four steps of Yau? The fifth and final step of Yau is to solve F2L+LL. As it is now, based on the HK+ wiki page, it appears to be a suggestion to use Yau as the big cube method for HK. Is it a stretch of the Yau wiki page's wording, the F2L acronym, leaving out one edge in F2L and calling it a new method? Or is there more to be changed/added to the HK+ wiki page?
This looks exactly like Yau, with the only differences being:

You don't solve the last cross edge after centers
You solve 3x3 different
It is basically Yau. Only difference is what @ProStar said. It allows you to do 4-2-3 edge pairing(which I might have come up with). If you want, you can call it a Yau variant. It is just a way to make a reduction good for Hawaiian Kociemba.