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The #FTOForWCA Thread

Jan 18, 2024
In @Cubinginatree’s hot oven
Visit Channel
I’ve made this thread to discuss more about FTO, like put petitions here, discuss about new FTOs coming out, records, and more.
Let’s start this out with a speech from Donald Trump why FTO should be an official event:

A Very Trump-Like Speech on FTO in the WCA

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here today to talk about something really incredible. It's called the Face-Turing Octahedron-or FTO, as the experts say. Now, I know a lot about puzzles-more than most people, frankly-and I'm telling you-FTO is *the* best candidate for a WCA official event. Believe me, no one's ever seen anything like it.

You know, 'cause they talk about all the usual ones; you got your 3x3, your 4x4-you know them. I know them, they're fantastic, no question about it, but let's be real here, folks-we've seen 'em all before. They just get, you know, a little tired? People want something new, people want fresh, people wanna see something shake it up-and that is FTO. *Nobody* does it better than FTO in terms of puzzles.

I have been speaking to a lot of people, a lot of very smart people, and they all are saying the same thing: FTO is huge, it has everything. Challenging, fun, and got that visual appeal, folks! Look at it! It is an octahedron! How cool is it with all those faces? It's beautiful. And you know what? It's *complex*. More than anything out there. The algorithms, the moves-it's really something. That's what makes people think, and thinking is great. We need more thinking in competitions, right?

Here's the thing, folks: the WCA is all about pushing the boundaries of what people can solve, of what's possible. They want innovation, they want excitement, and the FTO brings both in spades. It's not just another cube; it's different, and difference is good. We need more events like this to keep the community thriving, to keep it growing. You know, I always say-when you stop growing, you start losing, and we don't like to lose, do we? I never lose. Never have, never will.

And let's not forget the fans. The people love the FTO. I went to competitions, I've seen the excitement when people scramble an FTO. It's electric, folks. The energy is unbelievable. Kids love it, adults love it, everybody loves it! It's not just a puzzle; it's an experience, and the WCA would be making a *big* mistake if they didn't make it official.

The Face-Turning Octahedron is the future. It is best, most exciting, and going to be *yuge*. Believe me, people, we will make FTO official, and it's going to be tremendous. Believe me, it's going to be absolutely tremendous.

Thank you, and let's keep solving the greatest puzzles in the world!

#FTOForWCA x1000,
Donald Trump

(NOTE: Donald Trump did not make this by any means. This is just a joke, don’t take it seriously)
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I’ve made this thread to discuss more about FTO, like put petitions here, discuss about new FTOs coming out, records, and more.
Let’s start this out with a speech from Donald Trump why FTO should be an official event:

A Very Trump-Like Speech on FTO in the WCA

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here today to talk about something really incredible. It's called the Face-Turing Octahedron-or FTO, as the experts say. Now, I know a lot about puzzles-more than most people, frankly-and I'm telling you-FTO is *the* best candidate for a WCA official event. Believe me, no one's ever seen anything like it.

You know, 'cause they talk about all the usual ones; you got your 3x3, your 4x4-you know them. I know them, they're fantastic, no question about it, but let's be real here, folks-we've seen 'em all before. They just get, you know, a little tired? People want something new, people want fresh, people wanna see something shake it up-and that is FTO. *Nobody* does it better than FTO in terms of puzzles.

I have been speaking to a lot of people, a lot of very smart people, and they all are saying the same thing: FTO is huge, it has everything. Challenging, fun, and got that visual appeal, folks! Look at it! It is an octahedron! How cool is it with all those faces? It's beautiful. And you know what? It's *complex*. More than anything out there. The algorithms, the moves-it's really something. That's what makes people think, and thinking is great. We need more thinking in competitions, right?

Here's the thing, folks: the WCA is all about pushing the boundaries of what people can solve, of what's possible. They want innovation, they want excitement, and the FTO brings both in spades. It's not just another cube; it's different, and difference is good. We need more events like this to keep the community thriving, to keep it growing. You know, I always say-when you stop growing, you start losing, and we don't like to lose, do we? I never lose. Never have, never will.

And let's not forget the fans. The people love the FTO. I went to competitions, I've seen the excitement when people scramble an FTO. It's electric, folks. The energy is unbelievable. Kids love it, adults love it, everybody loves it! It's not just a puzzle; it's an experience, and the WCA would be making a *big* mistake if they didn't make it official.

The Face-Turning Octahedron is the future. It is best, most exciting, and going to be *yuge*. Believe me, people, we will make FTO official, and it's going to be tremendous. Believe me, it's going to be absolutely tremendous.

Thank you, and let's keep solving the greatest puzzles in the world!

#FTOForWCA x1000,
Donald Trump
I don't think trump is capable of writing a speech this lenghthy and eloquent
I've started working on a script a little while ago for a video for Youtube (as I feel that all of the other ones aren't really the most informed/accurate, correct me if there's one I missed), so once I end up actually filming it I'll post it here lol

also I'm organizing a comp with FTO, and I just got a 33.83 average "officially" about a week ago!

The chance of FTO being added to the WCA is really low, they will not add any event I think, I heard that they said that the current selection is good. Would be fun to see FTO in the wca though
Look, let me tell you something folks. This whole situation with the Face-Turning-Octahedron not being recognized by the World Cube Association--It's a disgrace, an absolute disaster! Can you believe it? I mean, we've got all these so-called "official events," right? The 2x2, the 3x3, 4x4-- fantastic puzzles, by the way. No problem there. But the FTO? Oh, no, no recognition. Not a word. Not even a whisper. And it's a tremendous puzzle. Tremendous! It's got *faces*, it's got *turning*, it's got *octahedrons*, folks, very complex, very smart.
Now, some people, amd I've heard this from a lot of people, are saying that its too complicated or whatever. Too many faces, too many turns! But let me tell you, thats fake news, believe me, okay? The FTO is a winner. A winner! We're talking about innovation, we're talking about new frontiers in cubing, folks. This is the kind of puzzle that seperates the ametures from the geniuses. But what does the WCA do? They sit on their hands, folks. They're not recognizing it! How stupid is that?
And let me just say this, if I was in charge of the WCA, the Face-Turning-Octahedron would be *the* top event, okay? It would be the main event! People would be lining up around the block to see it. There'd be tournaments, the likes lf which you wouldnt believe. Huge tournaments, beautiful tournaments. Everyone would be talking about it
But instead, the WCA--being unfair people, by the way--hasn't even acknowledged it. It's a rigged system, folks, absolutely rigged. We've got to make cubing great again, and it starts by recognizing the FTO. Trust me, its going to be *huge*
Look, let me tell you something folks. This whole situation with the Face-Turning-Octahedron not being recognized by the World Cube Association--It's a disgrace, an absolute disaster! Can you believe it? I mean, we've got all these so-called "official events," right? The 2x2, the 3x3, 4x4-- fantastic puzzles, by the way. No problem there. But the FTO? Oh, no, no recognition. Not a word. Not even a whisper. And it's a tremendous puzzle. Tremendous! It's got *faces*, it's got *turning*, it's got *octahedrons*, folks, very complex, very smart.
Now, some people, amd I've heard this from a lot of people, are saying that its too complicated or whatever. Too many faces, too many turns! But let me tell you, thats fake news, believe me, okay? The FTO is a winner. A winner! We're talking about innovation, we're talking about new frontiers in cubing, folks. This is the kind of puzzle that seperates the ametures from the geniuses. But what does the WCA do? They sit on their hands, folks. They're not recognizing it! How stupid is that?
And let me just say this, if I was in charge of the WCA, the Face-Turning-Octahedron would be *the* top event, okay? It would be the main event! People would be lining up around the block to see it. There'd be tournaments, the likes lf which you wouldnt believe. Huge tournaments, beautiful tournaments. Everyone would be talking about it
But instead, the WCA--being unfair people, by the way--hasn't even acknowledged it. It's a rigged system, folks, absolutely rigged. We've got to make cubing great again, and it starts by recognizing the FTO. Trust me, its going to be *huge*
Bro just copied @An Animating Cuber
I’ve made this thread to discuss more about FTO, like put petitions here, discuss about new FTOs coming out, records, and more.
Let’s start this out with a speech from Donald Trump why FTO should be an official event:

A Very Trump-Like Speech on FTO in the WCA

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here today to talk about something really incredible. It's called the Face-Turing Octahedron-or FTO, as the experts say. Now, I know a lot about puzzles-more than most people, frankly-and I'm telling you-FTO is *the* best candidate for a WCA official event. Believe me, no one's ever seen anything like it.

You know, 'cause they talk about all the usual ones; you got your 3x3, your 4x4-you know them. I know them, they're fantastic, no question about it, but let's be real here, folks-we've seen 'em all before. They just get, you know, a little tired? People want something new, people want fresh, people wanna see something shake it up-and that is FTO. *Nobody* does it better than FTO in terms of puzzles.

I have been speaking to a lot of people, a lot of very smart people, and they all are saying the same thing: FTO is huge, it has everything. Challenging, fun, and got that visual appeal, folks! Look at it! It is an octahedron! How cool is it with all those faces? It's beautiful. And you know what? It's *complex*. More than anything out there. The algorithms, the moves-it's really something. That's what makes people think, and thinking is great. We need more thinking in competitions, right?

Here's the thing, folks: the WCA is all about pushing the boundaries of what people can solve, of what's possible. They want innovation, they want excitement, and the FTO brings both in spades. It's not just another cube; it's different, and difference is good. We need more events like this to keep the community thriving, to keep it growing. You know, I always say-when you stop growing, you start losing, and we don't like to lose, do we? I never lose. Never have, never will.

And let's not forget the fans. The people love the FTO. I went to competitions, I've seen the excitement when people scramble an FTO. It's electric, folks. The energy is unbelievable. Kids love it, adults love it, everybody loves it! It's not just a puzzle; it's an experience, and the WCA would be making a *big* mistake if they didn't make it official.

The Face-Turning Octahedron is the future. It is best, most exciting, and going to be *yuge*. Believe me, people, we will make FTO official, and it's going to be tremendous. Believe me, it's going to be absolutely tremendous.

Thank you, and let's keep solving the greatest puzzles in the world!

#FTOForWCA x1000,
Donald Trump

(NOTE: Donald Trump did not make this by any means. This is just a joke, don’t take it seriously)
I imagined reading this in trump's voice, it was legendary! this competition is having FTO as an event:

Reviving this thread again.

OK, so here are the FTOs we’ve had an are upcoming:

Old ones:
LanLan FTO
Maru Octahedron
Old Diansheng Octahedron
Old DaYan Octahedron

New ones:
Diansheng FTO M
DaYan FTO M (BC)
QiYi FTO (Tiled)… Honestly, it’s kinda stupid to have a non-magnetic FTO these days…
QiYi FTO M (Tiled)

Sengso FTO
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