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F (R U2 F) // eo
D R' D' // 223-centers
(R D R' D' R') /// 12 to 4 centers+3e+2c

F D R' D' R D R D' R' F' U2 R'

i cant figure out why this isnt working someone who understands center insertions plz help
Don’t have a cube on me rn but I might be able to help. Bump this tomorrow if no one has helped and I can check it out


Nov 4, 2015
Visit Channel
R2 L2 U R' F L' F' R L2 U2 F2 U2 L2 B' L2 B' D2 F'
R F2 U2 F’ R
U y R’ D’ R U’ R’ D R’ U’ F2
U R2 D2 L2 F2 D’ L2 D’ R2
24 moves!

I don't think enough people know the power of Kociemba, it truly is amazing.

It is :D but i suck at it ...

F (R U2 F) // eo
D R' D' // 223-centers
(R D R' D' R') /// 12 to 4 centers+3e+2c

F D R' D' R D R D' R' F' U2 R'

i cant figure out why this isnt working someone who understands center insertions plz help

R' U' F R D' F2 R2 D B2 R2 U R2 B2 F2 D' L R F' D' L' U2 L F2 R' U' F //scramble
your centres are skewed by M2 S M2 S' ie: R2 L2 F' B U2 D2 F' B
so your new scramble is: R' U' F R D' F2 R2 D B2 R2 U R2 B2 F2 D' L R F' D' L' U2 L F2 R' U' F R2 L2 F' B U2 D2 F' B
and the center skew alg in slice format (M2 S M2 S') affects the cube's centres by a z2. So you do the moves on the normal as if they were affected by a z2, while keeping the premoves on the inverse the same. So F D R' D' becomes F U L' U' and then the rest of the skeleton remains the same.

The (modified) Scramble: R' U' F R D' F2 R2 D B2 R2 U R2 B2 F2 D' L R F' D' L' U2 L F2 R' U' F R2 L2 F' B U2 D2 F' B
Revised skeleton: F U L' U' R D R D' R' F' U2 R'

F [@1] U L' U' R D R D' R' F' U2 R'
Insert at @1: U' R2 U D' F2 D
After the 1st insertion: F U' R2 U D' [@2] F2 D U L' U' R D R D' R' F' U2 R'
Insert at @2: D' B' D F2 D' B D F2
After the 2nd insertion: F U' R2 U D2 B' D F2 D' B D2 U L' U' R [@3] D R D' R' F' U2 R'
Insert at @3: R' U L U' R U L' U'
Fewest moves: 22. 12 moves cancelled
The final solution: F U' R2 U D2 B' D F2 D' B D2 R U L' U' D R D' R' F' U2 R' (from IF, imao what are these insertions lol)

now the revised skeleton is:
z2 F U' R2 U D2 B' D F2 D' B D2 R U L' U' D R D' R' F' U2 R'

and you can insert centers anywhere :) (with the actual scramble)

F D' L2 D U2 B' U F2 U' B U2 L D R' D' U L U' L' F' D2 L'
tysm for this post, this prompted me to actually learn centre insertions. I thought they worked like normal insertions, then realised how terribly wrong i was :p
also idk why this works, its like magic :p

this post might be a better explanation: https://www.speedsolving.com/forum/threads/the-fmc-thread.13599/page-236
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Mike Hughey

Staff member
Jun 7, 2007
SS Competition Results
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question: all the times here are in UTC: https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/competitions/FMC2019#competition-schedule

so does this mean that in some locations the comp will continue past midnight???? :eek:
I'm sure that must be the case. The idea for these competitions has always been that everyone uses the same scrambles and they are run totally concurrently. That may mean there might not be that many participants there. But I know I sometimes find 2 AM to be a nice time for FMC. :)

Edit: The Atlanta, GA site says it's a private residence, but the Google Maps link seems to take you to a Nieman-Marcus in a mall. Is Jacob Ambrose a mall squatter? :)
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Theo Leinad

Mar 31, 2017
For FMC 2019, private residences might show locations nearby and real location will be sent to the competitors near competition's date.
Glad to hear people discussing FMC 2019 here in the forum :D

Cale S

Jan 18, 2014
Iowa, USA
Visit Channel
23.67 pb mo3 :)
just 2 means after a 24.00 mean which was tied pb

R' U' F B D' L D2 F2 D2 R' U2 R' U2 R2 F2 D' L2 R' B' R F' U L' R' U' F

L2 B' // sq
D U L' // EO + roux block
(U' L2 D' L2) U' // F2L - 1
(D2 F' D2 F D) // 15 to 4c

L2 B' U D L' U' D' ^ F' D2 F D2 L2 D L2 U
^ = D L2 U' R2 B2 U L2 D' R2 F2

Solution: L2 B' D U L' U' L2 U' R2 B2 U L2 D' R2 F D2 F D2 L2 D L2 U (22)

R' U' F B2 U2 R2 B2 L2 B2 R2 D2 U F2 U B D' B L U R' B2 L2 B R' U' F

U2 R2 F' R // EO + sq
B2 D' B' // 222
L2 U // 9 to 3e6c
L U2 F' U2 F L' // 15 to 2c2c

U2 R2 F' R B2 @ D' B' L2 U L U2 F' U2 F L'
@ = D L2 F2 D B2 U' R2 F2 U B2 D2

Solution: U2 R2 F' R B2 D L2 F2 D B2 U' R2 F2 U B2 D B' L2 U L U2 F' U2 F L' (25)

R' U' F L' D' F L2 F2 L' D2 U2 L' F2 D2 F2 D2 R2 U' F D2 B2 L F' U R' U' F

(B D L2 U F') // EO + sq
(R' F2 U R2 D2) // 10 to 3e5c
(B U' L D2 L' D2 U B') // 18 to 3c

B U' D2 L D2 L' U B' D2 R2 U' F2 R F U' L2 D' @ B'
@ = [D, F' U F]

Solution: B U' D2 L D2 L' U B' D2 R2 U' F2 R F U' L2 F' U F D' F' U' F B' (24)


Nov 4, 2015
Visit Channel
23.67 pb mo3 :)
just 2 means after a 24.00 mean which was tied pb

R' U' F B D' L D2 F2 D2 R' U2 R' U2 R2 F2 D' L2 R' B' R F' U L' R' U' F

L2 B' // sq
D U L' // EO + roux block
(U' L2 D' L2) U' // F2L - 1
(D2 F' D2 F D) // 15 to 4c

L2 B' U D L' U' D' ^ F' D2 F D2 L2 D L2 U
^ = D L2 U' R2 B2 U L2 D' R2 F2

Solution: L2 B' D U L' U' L2 U' R2 B2 U L2 D' R2 F D2 F D2 L2 D L2 U (22)

R' U' F B2 U2 R2 B2 L2 B2 R2 D2 U F2 U B D' B L U R' B2 L2 B R' U' F

U2 R2 F' R // EO + sq
B2 D' B' // 222
L2 U // 9 to 3e6c
L U2 F' U2 F L' // 15 to 2c2c

U2 R2 F' R B2 @ D' B' L2 U L U2 F' U2 F L'
@ = D L2 F2 D B2 U' R2 F2 U B2 D2

Solution: U2 R2 F' R B2 D L2 F2 D B2 U' R2 F2 U B2 D B' L2 U L U2 F' U2 F L' (25)

R' U' F L' D' F L2 F2 L' D2 U2 L' F2 D2 F2 D2 R2 U' F D2 B2 L F' U R' U' F

(B D L2 U F') // EO + sq
(R' F2 U R2 D2) // 10 to 3e5c
(B U' L D2 L' D2 U B') // 18 to 3c

B U' D2 L D2 L' U B' D2 R2 U' F2 R F U' L2 D' @ B'
@ = [D, F' U F]

Solution: B U' D2 L D2 L' U B' D2 R2 U' F2 R F U' L2 F' U F D' F' U' F B' (24)
Nice! Where did you find these pure 2c2c algs?


Premium Member
Oct 10, 2013
Visit Channel
In case you're not on FM FB group. Reto's 23 mo3:

23.00 mo3 WR solutions with some explanations

Scramble 1 // R' U' F L2 D' B2 D2 L2 U2 L2 D L' R B' D' F R2 D L R2 B2 U' B' R' U' F

R F' U' D2 L // Some blocks and preparing EO
(R U D2 F) // 223 block and EO
L' D2 // Realizing that the last 2 moves are useless for EO
(L2 D2) // Pseudo F2L-1
D L' D2 R D' L D R' D2 // L3C

Skel // R F' D * U' L' D2 R D' L D R' L2 F' D2 U' R' - 16
* L2 U R' U' L2 U R U' // 8-1

Solution // R F' D L2 U R' U' L2 U R U2 L' D2 R D' L D R' L2 F' D2 U' R' - 23 Moves

Scramble 2 // R' U' F D L2 R2 U' F2 L2 B2 F2 U R' D U' R D L' B2 L F L D2 R' U' F
D L2 D R' // 222 block with inserted move to get better continuation
F' D2 F' // 223 block
L D2 L // 2 Pairs
F' B D F B' // F2L-1
L D L' D' // L3C

Skel // * D L2 D R' F' D2 F' L D2 L F' B D F B' L D L' D' - 19
* R2 D L2 D' R2 D L2 D' // 8-5

Solution // R2 D L2 D' R2 D2 R' F' D2 F' L D2 L F' B D F B' L D L' D' - 22 Moves

Scramble 3 // R' U' F D2 R D2 L2 U2 B2 R' U F' L' U2 L2 B' D U2 F2 L' U R' U' F
(U') // 122 block
L2 F2 L // 222 block
B2 R' D R // 223 block with inserted move to get better continuation
R D R' B2 D // F2L-1 (which is a 3E3C)

Skel // L2 F2 L B2 R' D R R D R' B2 D U * - 12
+ U D' F' * R' F U' D R' B R // 10-3
* F' R' B' R F R' B R // 8-3

Solution // L2 F2 L B2 R' D R R D R' B2 U2 F2 R' B' R F R' B F U' D R' B R - 24 Moves



Jan 23, 2019
24 moves, my first ever sub 30! (from last week's reddit comp) Previous pb was 32 lol

R' B F // EO
R' D' B2 R' B2 // 2x2x3
(U' L2 U L U2 L' U' L U' L) // AB3C (doing pseudo F2L)

Skeleton: R' B F' R' D' B2 R' B2 L' U L' U L U2 L' U' L2 # U (18)
# = F' D F U F' D' F U' //(8-2=6)

Solution: R' B F R' D' B2 R' B2 L' U L' U L U2 L' U' L2 F' D F U F' D' F (24)

I don't think I got any better, I just got really lucky this week (8 move EO and 2x2x3 for this scramble and 10 move EO and F2L-1 for 2nd scramble)


Dec 24, 2015
5×5×5 FMC UWR(?) single, 127 moves.

I knew Cale's 147 listed on the wiki would be very easy to beat—I already had a 146 two years ago (with 37 moves 3×3×3 stage), so the 147 technically wasn't even UWR. Hitting 55-60 moves for centres and edge pairing (each) in a linear solve is also pretty easy, so realistically I was aiming for 140-ish moves (55+55+30=140). I set a 2.5-hour time limit before I started, but I ended it after about 1:45 because I got bored.

Scramble (random-state):
R2 B2 R2 F U2 L2 D2 F L2 B2 F R' D' B2 U R2 U' B L U' R' U u2 F r2 U2 r2 u2 R2 B2 r2 F u2 F' r2 d2 F D' F' R2 B d2 f2 u2 f2 F' r2 B D F2 r2 d2 R' b2 f2 d2 B2 U L2 B' R F U2 d' R u2 L2 u' F' d' R b' u' b2 L' f' u' r' B R U'

U f F u' d' D2 L2 b B' L d' R L2 D' b2 f // white/yellow mixed (16/16)
R u2 F2 u2 L' F' // most of red (6/22)
u B' d2 u F u L2 d' // green + parity (8/30)
L2 u d B' u' d' // orange 2x3 (6/36)
U r2 U2 L' R b2 F2 l2 U2 D2 b2 // fix white/yellow, red (11/47)
u' L' u L2 d L d' // finish (7/54)
// centres total: 54 moves

// 1 wing already paired
R' F R L' B2 L f // +3/4 wings (7/7)
R F2 R' b2 // +2/6 wings (4/11)
L F2 B L' f2 b2 // +3/9 wings (6/17)
R' U B' U' R b // +2/11 wings (6/23)
U' B2 U f // +3/14 wings (4/27)
R' B' R b' // +3/17 wings (4/31)
f2 F L F' L' f2 // +3/20 wings (6/37)
U B' U' d2 L' B U B' L d2 // +4/24 wings (10/47)
// edge pairing total: 47 moves

L2 D F' // EO + p222 (3/3)
R D2 R' @ D B2 // p223 (5/8)
L' D2 L2 D' L D' L D L' # U // F2L-1; ab4c (10/18)
@ = R D2 R' U R D2 R' U' // 6 cancel (lol)
# = L2 U' R2 U L2 U' R2 U // 2 cancel (8/26)
// 333 total: 26 moves
// full solve: 54+47+26 = 127 moves

Centres were kinda bad because I tried to be too fancy with white/yellow and effectively wasted a bunch of moves, but edge pairing was very lucky and 26 moves for 333 is pretty nice too. Used alg.cubing.net to check the scramble, but other than that, everything was pen and paper (and stickers and cubes).


5×5×5 FMC UWR(?) single, 127 moves.

I knew Cale's 147 listed on the wiki would be very easy to beat—I already had a 146 two years ago (with 37 moves 3×3×3 stage), so the 147 technically wasn't even UWR. Hitting 55-60 moves for centres and edge pairing (each) in a linear solve is also pretty easy, so realistically I was aiming for 140-ish moves (55+55+30=140). I set a 2.5-hour time limit before I started, but I ended it after about 1:45 because I got bored.

Scramble (random-state):
R2 B2 R2 F U2 L2 D2 F L2 B2 F R' D' B2 U R2 U' B L U' R' U u2 F r2 U2 r2 u2 R2 B2 r2 F u2 F' r2 d2 F D' F' R2 B d2 f2 u2 f2 F' r2 B D F2 r2 d2 R' b2 f2 d2 B2 U L2 B' R F U2 d' R u2 L2 u' F' d' R b' u' b2 L' f' u' r' B R U'

U f F u' d' D2 L2 b B' L d' R L2 D' b2 f // white/yellow mixed (16/16)
R u2 F2 u2 L' F' // most of red (6/22)
u B' d2 u F u L2 d' // green + parity (8/30)
L2 u d B' u' d' // orange 2x3 (6/36)
U r2 U2 L' R b2 F2 l2 U2 D2 b2 // fix white/yellow, red (11/47)
u' L' u L2 d L d' // finish (7/54)
// centres total: 54 moves

// 1 wing already paired
R' F R L' B2 L f // +3/4 wings (7/7)
R F2 R' b2 // +2/6 wings (4/11)
L F2 B L' f2 b2 // +3/9 wings (6/17)
R' U B' U' R b // +2/11 wings (6/23)
U' B2 U f // +3/14 wings (4/27)
R' B' R b' // +3/17 wings (4/31)
f2 F L F' L' f2 // +3/20 wings (6/37)
U B' U' d2 L' B U B' L d2 // +4/24 wings (10/47)
// edge pairing total: 47 moves

L2 D F' // EO + p222 (3/3)
R D2 R' @ D B2 // p223 (5/8)
L' D2 L2 D' L D' L D L' # U // F2L-1; ab4c (10/18)
@ = R D2 R' U R D2 R' U' // 6 cancel (lol)
# = L2 U' R2 U L2 U' R2 U // 2 cancel (8/26)
// 333 total: 26 moves
// full solve: 54+47+26 = 127 moves

Centres were kinda bad because I tried to be too fancy with white/yellow and effectively wasted a bunch of moves, but edge pairing was very lucky and 26 moves for 333 is pretty nice too. Used alg.cubing.net to check the scramble, but other than that, everything was pen and paper (and stickers and cubes).
Nice B!

Cale S

Jan 18, 2014
Iowa, USA
Visit Channel
23.67 tied pb mo3

R' U' F L' U F L U F' R2 B' U' F2 L2 D2 R U2 L F2 B2 R D2 L2 R' U' F

R2 F' (D' B') // EO
B2 R F2 // roux block + sq
(U L D F2 D2) // 4e4c

R2 F' B2 R F2 D2 @ F2 D' L' U' B ^ D
@ = L2 U L U2 L' U' L2
^ = [B', U F U']

Solution: R2 F' B2 R F2 D2 L2 U L U2 L' U' L2 F2 D' L' F U' B U F' U' D (23)
R' U' F L' D' L2 R2 U' B2 L2 U F2 L2 U' B2 F L' D R2 D2 R' B' L2 D' R' U' F

B (U2 D' F') // EO
F2 L' D' R // roux block
F2 // sq
D R' D2 U' // F2L - 1
(L' D L' U' L U D' L') // 21 to 3e

B F2 ^ L' D' R F2 D R' D2 U' L D U' L' U L D' L F D U2
^ = F2 L2 U L2 F2 R2 D R2

Solution: B L2 U L2 F2 R2 D R2 L' D' R F2 D R' D2 U' L D U' L' U L D' L F D U2 (27)
R' U' F D' B2 L2 U2 F2 R' F2 R B2 D2 B2 U2 R' D B L' D L U2 B U2 R' U' F

B2 L' D2 B // EO + sq
(R2 D' B2) F2 // 223
(L U' L2) L2 // F2L - 1
U' L' U' L U2 L' U' L U2 // lol

Solution: B2 L' D2 B F2 L2 U' L' U' L U2 L' U' L U2 L2 U L' B2 D R2 (21)


May 6, 2019
Zandvoort, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Hey, I'm new to this site, and pretty new to FMC. I was normally interested in being the fastest but with the current records it's going to be pretty much impossible, so I chose for something that would be like an actual puzzle :D

Where did you all get your basic skills from, and what did you average on in the beginning? I'm trying out all these 'hard' things like edge orientation, inversions and NISS but still gets me around 50, sometimes over. I'm really interested in how to reduce my move count to at least in the 30 range, even if one solve would take me a week XD

Anyway, maybe if I think I'm capable enough, going to attend some competitions, because I've never been to one and it would be cool to do so heh.


May 27, 2018
Visit Channel
If you’re just starting out, then getting in the 30s might not be realistic, I’m sorry, but you can be consistently under 50 moves, and without using NISS / inversions or psuedo blocks or insertions or whatever.
-The three biggest concepts you need to know are 1) Blockbuilding 2) EO 3) Corner Comms
-EO is probably the easiest to learn and be good at, search up ZZ EOline tutorial and you will know EO very well.
-Commutators are next, somewhat easy to learn, but slightly less useful. The most common use of commutators are Corner comms for Last 3 Corners, an example of one is R’ D’ R U2 R’ D R U2. If I were to kind of explain it, you put a corner where it goes (R’ D’ R) then move it over to replace it with another corner you want to solve (U2) then undo what you did, which restores everything else on the cube (R’ D R U2).
-Blockbuilding is by far the most useful, but isn’t as simple to get good with. Everyone knows what this is but some people are better than others. Two resources are Block Trainer and Cube Explorer. I’m personally more experienced with figuring out blockbuilding tricks on Cube Explorer than Block Trainer, but I think both are good.
Oh also some more tips for blockbulding is 1) Be color neutral, of course. Be able to expand blocks in any direction. 2) Always focus on solving more than one piece at a time.
A good goal for blockbuilding during FMC for YOU might be ~6 moves for 2x2x2, max 8 moves. If you decide to start with 2x2x2, (you don’t have to though) then don’t let yourself keep going unless it’s 8 or less.
-A random note about FMC is that doing the same thing everytime isn’t efficient.

Here’s a quick example solve, something that I know you can do if you learn and improve a bit, I’m keeping the techniques here simple-
Scramble: U' R F' U D R2 F' L2 U2 F2 R' D2 L F2 R F2 D2 F2 L2 F' L
B R F L2 D’ // 2x2x2 (5)
R’ U F U F2 // ->223 (5)
U {F B’} R {F’ B} // EO (6)
U’ R2 // Square (2), now at EOF2L-1 at 18 moves. For you, I’d set a goal of 25 moves or less for EOF2L-1
(y) R U2 R’ U R U R’ U2 // Edges + 1corner (8) (preferably you want Edges+2corners so you can do corners with 1 comm!)
(x’) R’ D R U’ R’ D’ R U // 1st Corner Comm (8)
(z2) R’ D R U2 R’ D’ R U2 // Last 3 Corners / 2nd Comm / Finish (8)
A good goal for Last Slot / L10P would be 25 moves or less. In my example I spent like 2 seconds finding a solution so that’s why it’s not like 18 xd For last slot, do a quick check to see if doing Pair -> last layer is easy, because sometimes you might be PLL skip or whatever. However, the FMC way to do EO Last Slot, is Edges + 2 corners and then L3C with one corner comm.

Hope this helped, good luck with FMC!
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2010
Belluno, Italy
Visit Channel
Hey, I'm new to this site, and pretty new to FMC. I was normally interested in being the fastest but with the current records it's going to be pretty much impossible, so I chose for something that would be like an actual puzzle :D

Where did you all get your basic skills from, and what did you average on in the beginning? I'm trying out all these 'hard' things like edge orientation, inversions and NISS but still gets me around 50, sometimes over. I'm really interested in how to reduce my move count to at least in the 30 range, even if one solve would take me a week XD

Anyway, maybe if I think I'm capable enough, going to attend some competitions, because I've never been to one and it would be cool to do so heh.

WoowyBaby gave you some really good advice, I second that.

In case you don't know, I have a (quite long) written tutorial: https://fmcsolves.cubing.net/fmc_tutorial_ENG.pdf
Most FMC techniques are explained there :)
Feb 23, 2019
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multi stage...
If you’re just starting out, then getting in the 30s might not be realistic, I’m sorry, but you can be consistently under 50 moves, and without using NISS / inversions or psuedo blocks or insertions or whatever.
-The three biggest concepts you need to know are 1) Blockbuilding 2) EO 3) Corner Comms
-EO is probably the easiest to learn and be good at, search up ZZ EOline tutorial and you will know EO very well.
-Commutators are next, somewhat easy to learn, but slightly less useful. The most common use of commutators are Corner comms for Last 3 Corners, an example of one is R’ D’ R U2 R’ D R U2. If I were to kind of explain it, you put a corner where it goes (R’ D’ R) then move it over to replace it with another corner you want to solve (U2) then undo what you did, which restores everything else on the cube (R’ D R U2).
-Blockbuilding is by far the most useful, but isn’t as simple to get good with. Everyone knows what this is but some people are better than others. Two resources are Block Trainer and Cube Explorer. I’m personally more experienced with figuring out blockbuilding tricks on Cube Explorer than Block Trainer, but I think both are good.
Oh also some more tips for blockbulding is 1) Be color neutral, of course. Be able to expand blocks in any direction. 2) Always focus on solving more than one piece at a time.
A good goal for blockbuilding during FMC for YOU might be ~6 moves for 2x2x2, max 8 moves. If you decide to start with 2x2x2, (you don’t have to though) then don’t let yourself keep going unless it’s 8 or less.
-A random note about FMC is that doing the same thing everytime isn’t efficient.

Here’s a quick example solve, something that I know you can do if you learn and improve a bit, I’m keeping the techniques here simple-
Scramble: U' R F' U D R2 F' L2 U2 F2 R' D2 L F2 R F2 D2 F2 L2 F' L
B R F L2 D’ // 2x2x2 (5)
R’ U F U F2 // ->223 (5)
U {F B’} R {F’ B} // EO (6)
U’ R2 // Square (2), now at EOF2L-1 at 18 moves. For you, I’d set a goal of 25 moves or less for EOF2L-1
(y) R U2 R’ U R U R’ U2 // Edges + 1corner (8) (preferably you want Edges+2corners so you can do corners with 1 comm!)
(x’) R’ D R U’ R’ D’ R U // 1st Corner Comm (8)
(z2) R’ D R U2 R’ D’ R U2 // Last 3 Corners / 2nd Comm / Finish (8)
A good goal for Last Slot / L10P would be 25 moves or less. In my example I spent like 2 seconds finding a solution so that’s why it’s not like 18 xd For last slot, do a quick check to see if doing Pair -> last layer is easy, because sometimes you might be PLL skip or whatever. However, the FMC way to do EO Last Slot, is Edges + 2 corners and then L3C with one corner comm.

There is a whole world of FMC about Kociemba, which I use more often than the “traditional” way (EOF2L-1, E’s+2c, L3C)
Kociemba Phase 1 reduces the cube to a [R2, L2, F2, B2, U, D] state, which solves EO, Corner Orientation (CO), and E-layer placement. So after Phase 1 it it looks like you have two “Guimond sides”, or some people say it looks like a Domino Cube.
I won’t go too in depth about it, but here’s a quick example of what it might look like, using the same scramble as above-
Scramble: U' R F' U D R2 F' L2 U2 F2 R' D2 L F2 R F2 D2 F2 L2 F' L
(y' z2)
F D' R' U2 F' U L' // Edge Orientation + Kociemba 2x2x3 (7)
R U' R' // Koce. “F2L-1” (3)
D' R U R' U2 R U R' // Orient L5C (8)
PHASE 1 TOTAL- 18 moves
(y') D L2 // 2x2x2 (2)
U F2 // ->2x2x3 (2)
R2 [U' R2] // F2L-1 (1, because cancelled moves)
[R2 U] f2 U' F2 U' F2 R2 F2 R2 U2 f2 U' // TTLL/L5C FMC algorithm (11)
Phase 2 total- 16 moves
34 HTM

Hope this helped, good luck with FMC!
I’m really interested in Kociemba related ideas, but I can’t find anywhere to explore them. Could you explain how Kociemba works or show me somewhere I could learn more?