Solution: D R F B' U R U2 B2 D' R2 D U' F2 R' F2 R2 L' U2 L2 D2 (20)
D R F B' //EO (4/4)
U R //JZP (2/6)
U2 B2 U' * //DR 4b2, one of the many variations (3/9)
(D2 L2 U2 {L' B2 R}) //HTR (6/15)
(F2 B2) //Leave double slice (2/17)
{} = L R2 F2 R //Solve M slice (+1/18)
* = U D' R2 D U' B2 //Solve E slice (6-4/20)
Although not quite as bad as the first scramble, this scramble is not good either *unless* one finds the good DR. And once again I was blessed that I found it early on, and I wrote down my 20 before the 20 minutes mark. Regardless of what everyone else did, at this point I had already reached my goal of showing that all the work I put in the last months has been useful, and that I can still get an NR.
Once again the solution is very slicey (15 move corner skeleton), so I tried to look for a simplification not to repeat the show of the first attempt. If I submitted the 20, Kai "just" needed a 19 to beat me and sneak on third place, while Jay and I think Louis-Marie needed an 18. In the end there was a 19, but I honestly would have not seen it, even if I decided to try the righ 4qt HTR - why trying to insert a 2e2e in 18 when I already have a 20? For reference, here is the 19:
D R F B' //EO (4/4)
U R //JZP (2/6)
* U2 B2 U //DR 4b2 (3/9)
(R U2 R' F2 L' B2 U2 R) //HTR with fixed slice (8/17)
(F2) //2e2e (1/18)
* = B2 U2 B2 U2 B2 U2 (6-5/19)
Congrats to Jaye for finding this sub20, very cool solution!
As people pointed out, the first U after EO changes a 4-2 aka 4c4e RZP into another 4-2. I did not even think about it, not sure if I was dumb or smart
I had a bunch of other promising RZP from the 3- and 4-move EOs, but nothing worth noting. This is the only other DR I had, again with 3c6e RZP:
R F D' B' //EO (4/4)
U //RZP 3c6e (1/5)
R U' L R2 D //DR 2c4 (5/10)
I started working on HTRs from (L' U2 L') but then moved back to findingDRs and found the good stuff.