So I started FMC 2 weeks ago because of the forum competition, and it's the funnest (note: not funniest) thing in cubing for me by far and nothing comes close
(well, maybe big cubes BLD, which I've quit
But being a noob and all in FMC (only 6 attempts so far), I couldn't find a place on this forum for me to ask questions about FMC. I believe many would agree that too many speedcubing questions are over-asked in this forum, but I've only ever seen a handful of threads about FMC, hence this thread.
I'd love to read and learn from a lot of good and elegant solutions from the pros here.
I'll start off with a question I hope the experts here can help me with:
Scramble: U2 R F2 D2 B2 D2 F2 L2 R F2 L U2 B U' B' U2 L2 F' L2 B U2 (21f)
Premove + (Scramble)': D' + U2 B' L2 F L2 U2 B U B' U2 L' F2 R' L2 F2 D2 B2 D2 F2 R' U2
2x2x2: R L' D' (3/3)
Triple x-cross: R' U' B D B2 D2 R2 D B R' (10/13) (EO skip)
13 moves at this stage is very good for me, so I don't want to give up this good start. But, now what?
I see a few ways to end this, but none of them are nice:
Permute remaining edges: (cancelled: R) U2 R' U R U' R' (6/18)
OLL: L' U R U' L U R' (7/25)
PLL: B2 L2 B R B' L2 B R' B (9/34)
Undo premove: D' (1/35)
(Different) triple x-cross: R' U' B D B2 D' B R' B' R B (11/14) (EO skip)
Permute remaining edges: U' F' U2 F (4/18)
Remaining corners suck
(Different) triple x-cross: R' U' B D B2 D' B R' B' R B (11/14) (EO skip)
Finish off F2L: U F' U' F U' F' U F (8/22) (OLL skip)
PLL + AUF: L2 U F' B L2 F B' U L2 U2 (10/32)
Undo premove: D' (1/33)
So, how would YOU end this? I'd like to see how you guys handle this bad ending.

But being a noob and all in FMC (only 6 attempts so far), I couldn't find a place on this forum for me to ask questions about FMC. I believe many would agree that too many speedcubing questions are over-asked in this forum, but I've only ever seen a handful of threads about FMC, hence this thread.
I'd love to read and learn from a lot of good and elegant solutions from the pros here.
I'll start off with a question I hope the experts here can help me with:
Scramble: U2 R F2 D2 B2 D2 F2 L2 R F2 L U2 B U' B' U2 L2 F' L2 B U2 (21f)
Premove + (Scramble)': D' + U2 B' L2 F L2 U2 B U B' U2 L' F2 R' L2 F2 D2 B2 D2 F2 R' U2
2x2x2: R L' D' (3/3)
Triple x-cross: R' U' B D B2 D2 R2 D B R' (10/13) (EO skip)
13 moves at this stage is very good for me, so I don't want to give up this good start. But, now what?
I see a few ways to end this, but none of them are nice:
Permute remaining edges: (cancelled: R) U2 R' U R U' R' (6/18)
OLL: L' U R U' L U R' (7/25)
PLL: B2 L2 B R B' L2 B R' B (9/34)
Undo premove: D' (1/35)
(Different) triple x-cross: R' U' B D B2 D' B R' B' R B (11/14) (EO skip)
Permute remaining edges: U' F' U2 F (4/18)
Remaining corners suck
(Different) triple x-cross: R' U' B D B2 D' B R' B' R B (11/14) (EO skip)
Finish off F2L: U F' U' F U' F' U F (8/22) (OLL skip)
PLL + AUF: L2 U F' B L2 F B' U L2 U2 (10/32)
Undo premove: D' (1/33)
So, how would YOU end this? I'd like to see how you guys handle this bad ending.
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