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The Clock example solve game!!

Sep 15, 2017
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I've been doing a lot of clock and clock fmc lately, I average 4.8-5.2 on clock and 10.5 on clock fmc so here we go:
I'll start!
Scramble: UR4- DR5+ DL6+ UL3+ U1- R1+ D1+ L3- ALL2+ y2 U5+ R5- D3+ L4- ALL1- UR DL
UR2- UL6+ U2- //1st cross (3/3)
y2 DL4+ DR5+ U5- //2nd cross (3/6)
dr6+ ur1- ul1- dl3+ ALL3+// corners (5/11)
Note: the lower case dr, dl, ul, and ur means that all the pins are up exept for that pin.
this is an fmc solution, so not what I would do in a speedsolve because of the bad fingertricks

Next: UR1- DR4- DL6+ UL3- U0+ R2- D2+ L5- ALL3- y2 U3- R4+ D4+ L4- ALL4+ DR
Next: UR4- DR4- DL1- UL0+ U0+ R1- D0+ L4+ ALL1+ y2 U4+ R3+ D3- L6+ ALL5-
Ok here is a pretty epic speedsolve solution that I may not go for often due to its riskiness:

z x2
ul3+ (but turn the dial with the pin down) UR4+ DL3- UR4- U3- dr1- //1st cross plus part of the second (helps with finger tricks)
UR4- UL6+ U4+ // Second cross
dr1+ ur1+ ul4- ALL6+ //corners

Next: UR2- DR3- DL6+ UL4- U4- R2+ D3+ L3+ ALL5+ y2 U1- R6+ D4+ L0+ ALL4- DR DL
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Next: UR2- DR3- DL6+ UL4- U4- R2+ D3+ L3+ ALL5+ y2 U1- R6+ D4+ L0+ ALL4- DR DL

Speedsolve solution

UR6+ R2+2+ (first number is dial with pin up, second is dial with pin down) L1+ ur0+6+ ALL2- // first cross + most of the back
U3+ D1+ // second cross
dr2- dl3- ur4- ul6+ ALL1+ // corners

Next: UR0+ DR4+ DL3- UL0+ U4+ R3- D4- L3- ALL4- y2 U5- R3- D2- L4- ALL1- UR DR DL
DR1- DL4+ UL2+ U6+ ALL2- // First Cross
x2 DR4+ DL1+ UL2+ // Second Cross
ul4+ ur1- dr1+ dl3- ALL5+ // Corners

Next: UR2- DR3- UL2+ U3+ D2- L5+ ALL2- y2 UL6+ U1- R4- UR DL
Next: UR3+ DR2+ DL3+ UL4- U4+ R5- D2- L5- ALL1- y2 U2+ R4+ D6+ L4+ ALL3- UR DL UL
Method: No-Flip, video for more info:

Notation: I'll indicate moves on the pins that are down in brackets like this: UR2-(4+)


0 10 6 4 (5) or 0 2- 6+ 4+ (5+) // Memo (depends which you prefer)

y2 DL3-(5+) UL3- L0(0) ur0(2-) dr3-(6+) dl4- ul4-(4+) ALL2- // Solved

Technically, the L0(0) move doesn't even need to be there, but I put it there to show where the memorization sequence fits into the solution.

Next: UR5+ DR3- DL2+ UL2- U6+ R5- D4- L0+ ALL6+ y2 U3- R2- D2- L1+ ALL1- DL
Next: UR5+ DR3- DL2+ UL2- U6+ R5- D4- L0+ ALL6+ y2 U3- R2- D2- L1+ ALL1- DL
Solution (7 Simul):
(-5,-4) = GH, (2,0) = BL, (3,2) = CB // Memo
dl(5-)4- R0+(2+) DR2+(4-) \3+(2+) UL3+(2-) L4-(3+) ur(3-)5- // Solved (sry if it's confusing, idk the proper notation so I largely followed my previous post)

Next: UR5+ DR4- DL1- UL2- U5+ R2- D1+ L5- ALL3- y2 U2+ R2+ D1- L3- ALL1+ DL UL
Solution (7 Simul):
(-5,-4) = GH, (2,0) = BL, (3,2) = CB // Memo
dl(5-)4- R0+(2+) DR2+(4-) \3+(2+) UL3+(2-) L4-(3+) ur(3-)5- // Solved (sry if it's confusing, idk the proper notation so I largely followed my previous post)

Next: UR5+ DR4- DL1- UL2- U5+ R2- D1+ L5- ALL3- y2 U2+ R2+ D1- L3- ALL1+ DL UL
Also using 7-simul! I’ll sort of follow how you wrote your notation. I’m also confused on how to properly write this notation.

(-4, -2) = HJ, (3, -3) = CI, (0, 4)= LD // Memo

dl(4-)2-, R(3+)3-, DR(1+ on UL, 1+ on. DR), ULDR(0+)4+, UL2-, UL2- on UR, L5+, L(4- on UR), ur4-

Next scramble: UR6+ DR4- DL4+ UL1- U3+ R3- D3+ L5+ ALL1+ y2 U6+ R4+ D2+ L5- ALL2- DR DL
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Next scramble: UR6+ DR4- DL4+ UL1- U3+ R3- D3+ L5+ ALL1+ y2 U6+ R4+ D2+ L5- ALL2- DR DL
i think i followed the scramble correctly, cause im just learning clock and clock notation

(Beginner's Method)

y2 DR3- U4+ R4+ L4+ ALL1+ // cross 1
y2 DR2- U6+ R2- L5+ // cross 2
ul6+ ur5- dl1+ dr6+ ALL4+ // corners

not sure if my solution worked, but if it did, any tips?

next: UR4- DR5+ DL2- UL5- U3- R3+ D6+ L6+ ALL2- y2 U6+ R5- D4- L0+ ALL1+ DR DL UL
next: UR4- DR5+ DL2- UL5- U3- R3+ D6+ L6+ ALL2- y2 U6+ R5- D4- L0+ ALL1+ DR DL UL
 Twizzle link 
UR4- DR5+ DL2- UL5- U3- R3+ D6+ L6+ ALL2- y2 U6+ R5- D4- L0+ ALL1+ DR DL UL
y2 // Inspection
DL1+ DR2+ R6+ ALL1- // First cross
y2 DR4+ UR6+ R5- ALL3- // Second cross
Can't notate the rest on Twizzle, but here it is:
ur5+ dr4+ dl1- ul5+ ALL1- // Corners

Next: UR3+ DR5+ DL6+ UL6+ U1- R1+ D3+ L4- ALL5- y2 U2+ R5- D1- L5- ALL3+
Using Sheerin:

y2 z'
Memo: 5 e d 2 4 (I use the alphabet for negative numbers)
DL5+(4) UR2- UL5- L1+(5) ul1-(e) dl4+(d) ul2+(2)

Next; UR3+ DR3+ DL4- UL5- U0+ R4- D4- L6+ ALL1+ y2 U2+ R4- D0+ L5- ALL2+ UR UL
(Using Flip with tracing)
[__] is a turn on a dial that is down

Memo: 5 5 Un cuatro [dos], cuatro tres (spanish for negative)

Exec: UL5+ UR5+ R1- ul4- [2-] x2 UL4- UR3- R6+ dr1+ /1- ul3+

11 moves if you count the simul move as 1.

Next: UR2+ DR5+ DL6+ UL3+ U4+ R4+ D2+ L0+ ALL1- y2 U5+ R4+ D3- L4- ALL5- UR UL
Sorry, thank you for reminding me. Here it is: UR1+ DR3+ DL1+ UL1+ U4- R4- D0+ L4+ ALL1+ y2 U0+ R3- D3+ L1+ ALL5- UR DR UL
Memo: OB DA BD
Exec: dl0+(2) R4+(1) DR2+(-5) \2+(4+) UL4- (-1) L4+(6+) ur1-(3+)

Next: UR2+ DR5- DL5- UL1- U4- R1+ D0+ L1+ ALL5- y2 U5- R5+ D3- L1+ ALL4- UR