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"The boy who always wins -Feliks Zemdegs" Short Documentary

Pretty good! I like the way the text looks and all. You should always run it by a native English speaker first though. Just because it's hard to get all of the idioms right (e.g. "run it by someone") without growing up with the language. Good start though and I hope you make a full length documentary about cubing one day. We need a good one! The world needs to know! :-D
Pretty good! I like the way the text looks and all. You should always run it by a native English speaker first though. Just because it's hard to get all of the idioms right (e.g. "run it by someone") without growing up with the language. Good start though and I hope you make a full length documentary about cubing one day. We need a good one! The world needs to know! :-D
Thanks a lot! It's always nice to get feedback! :D

I agree with Louie about the proofing idea. I did spot a couple of mistakes; it should 'anyone' instead of 'enyone' at 0:11. And should the 'i' be capitalized at 0:26?
From what I should make the next longer documentary?


I agree with Louie about the proofing idea. I did spot a couple of mistakes; it should 'anyone' instead of 'enyone' at 0:11. And should the 'i' be capitalized at 0:26?

Yes you're quite right but I was in a rush and I'm 12 years old Finnish boy so mistakes sometimes happen :)
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He can be found on Facebook and generally responds to even stupid stuff. If you brought this up, it'd sure catch his attention!!
Yep feel free to use my footage for your videos (this goes for anyone making fast solve compilations etc.)

It can be a fake profile. He says that he doesn't have a public Facebook in he's YouTube profile. And I don't have a Facebook profile :) Could you ask?

Yeah I use facebook, but I don't really post cubing stuff on it. I think I'll make a 'like' page sometime soon to help streamline contact + questions. Because currently I'm contacted via twitter, youtube, facebook, email and speedsolving - I barely check all of them every day let alone respond to them.

Then contact fazdad, and if no response, just don't make it. They won't take that excuse :p

Haha I'm not that mean am I?