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Struggles with WRM 5x5

Cool to hear you got a WRM 5x5. How is it? (Besides being tight)
I came in the mail 20 minutes ago so I’ll do some solves first before giving a review.

@Isaiah Scott it looks like you left a review for it on the Cubicle so do you have any adjustment tips? I’m struggling to remove the centers.
Anyone that mains a WRM 5x5 how did you set it up? I can’t find a good tensioning. When I loosen the cube to make the inner layers move faster and stop catching ( which hasn’t happened yet ) the outer layers are waaaay to fast. The cube is pretty pop resistant though. If anyone can help please do.

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Cool to hear you got a WRM 5x5. How is it? (Besides being tight)
The outer layers are probably faster than my 3x3 even after being lubed with FZ calm. The inner layers become a lot less slow after loading but are still very locky. With enough accurate turning it is not that bad of a problem. Something still is catching internally which later I am going to investigate and see if I might be able to sand something down. Nevertheless I am maining this over the Dayan Nezha but I still think the MGC is WAY better based off of my friends cube and think this cube is not worth the price.
I did get a new PB though:
Generated By csTimer on 2023-12-30
single: 2:05.34

Time List:
1. 2:05.34 R2 Bw' U' F' Fw2 Dw2 Bw' Dw2 B Fw2 Uw' Rw' F' B U' Dw' Uw' D' L' Uw Dw2 D2 L U2 D2 F' D Bw' F D2 U Fw2 L' F2 Rw' B' Dw2 Bw2 L2 D2 Rw2 L2 D' Uw' Rw' Fw Bw' U' L' B Rw' Lw2 Fw' Lw2 F2 L Uw2 U2 Bw' B'
The outer layers are probably faster than my 3x3 even after being lubed with FZ calm. The inner layers become a lot less slow after loading but are still very locky. With enough accurate turning it is not that bad of a problem. Something still is catching internally which later I am going to investigate and see if I might be able to sand something down. Nevertheless I am maining this over the Dayan Nezha but I still think the MGC is WAY better based off of my friends cube and think this cube is not worth the price.
I did get a new PB though:
Generated By csTimer on 2023-12-30
single: 2:05.34

Time List:
1. 2:05.34 R2 Bw' U' F' Fw2 Dw2 Bw' Dw2 B Fw2 Uw' Rw' F' B U' Dw' Uw' D' L' Uw Dw2 D2 L U2 D2 F' D Bw' F D2 U Fw2 L' F2 Rw' B' Dw2 Bw2 L2 D2 Rw2 L2 D' Uw' Rw' Fw Bw' U' L' B Rw' Lw2 Fw' Lw2 F2 L Uw2 U2 Bw' B'
Well, at least I know now not to buy it. But cool to know that you like it.
Anyone that mains a WRM 5x5 how did you set it up? I can’t find a good tensioning. When I loosen the cube to make the inner layers move faster and stop catching ( which hasn’t happened yet ) the outer layers are waaaay to fast. The cube is pretty pop resistant though. If anyone can help please do.

I tightened it by 1/16th of a turn, but it is still a bit wonky and inconsistent
Anyone that mains a WRM 5x5 how did you set it up? I can’t find a good tensioning. When I loosen the cube to make the inner layers move faster and stop catching ( which hasn’t happened yet ) the outer layers are waaaay to fast. The cube is pretty pop resistant though. If anyone can help please do.

I kept mine at stock tensions, and just lubed it with a bit of mystic.
I had an MGC for about a year and learned to tolerate it, then finally got a WRM a couple of months ago. It came a little too tight, I adjusted it about a half turn on each side (I agree, it was hard getting the center caps off), and now it's way better than the MGC. Now I hate solving the MGC, it's so inferior.

The WRM 5x5x5 is still not very forgiving with bad alignment - the 6x6x6 and 7x7x7 are both weirdly better - but it is still the nicest 5x5x5 I've ever owned.

There sure is room for a better one on the market, though!
I had to resort to the screwdriver lol.
View attachment 28472
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I find the center caps can come off pretty light & easy
just by getting a fingernail up under the edge of one...
. . . being *gentle* with that screwdriver also works ok
. . . . .
after you've been "under the hood" a few times 🌒✨🌘 you'll see there's kind of a way to hold the cube that makes it easier slash nigh on effortless✅

I tightened mine about 1/4 turn on each side stock tensions...
the 3×3 stage is amazing, but if def takes some time & effort to develop inner alice turning that works well with that

Definitely a good step up from thw MGC
and the WRM v1 has been around a long(ish) time
@Mike Hughey
I hope and expect Moyu will come out with an AoChuang WRM v2 here soon...🙏

congrats on the new cube!
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