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Speedsolving Forum end of year CHAMPIONSHIP (STARTED)

Should the groups be randomized or skillbased?

  • Randomized

    Votes: 17 38.6%
  • Skillbased

    Votes: 27 61.4%

  • Total voters


Feb 1, 2023
the glen, meeting alula
SS Competition Results
I'm here with another comp for all of you! I'll try to make this a yearly thing (sorry if someone already does this yearly) anyone can join no matter what your skill level is!
The comp will be Round Robin --> Bracket Tournament so 32 people will be in the round robin (see spoiler to see how it works) and 16 people will move on to the second part which is the bracket round we will start when we have 32 contestants and have fun everyonee!

Registration: https://forms.gle/EeLYyL9BfH8r2spy5

Tournament Page: https://challonge.com/speedsolving

There will be groups of 4 people in 1 group and I will post different scrambles for each group and each round of the group, you will move on to the 2nd part of the competition (the bracket) if you are the top 2 in having the most wins in the group and I will deal with ties once they happen
I'm here with another comp for all of you! I'll try to make this a yearly thing (sorry if someone already does this yearly) anyone can join no matter what your skill level is!
The comp will be Round Robin --> Bracket Tournament so 32 people will be in the round robin (see spoiler to see how it works) and 16 people will move on to the second part which is the bracket round we will start when we have 32 contestants and have fun everyonee!

Registration: https://forms.gle/EeLYyL9BfH8r2spy5

Tournament Page: https://challonge.com/speedsolving

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There will be groups of 4 people in 1 group and I will post different scrambles for each group and each round of the group, you will move on to the 2nd part of the competition (the bracket) if you are the top 2 in having the most wins in the group and I will deal with ties once they happen
View attachment 27019
Registered! It would be great if we had more events (especially if it's a "championship" lol)

Please add pyra