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Speedcubing in Belgium


Feb 8, 2011
Hi Belgian cubers :)

I'll be hosting a meetup for all interested Belgian cubers early September.
If you would like to join, please go to this doodle and check the days you are able to come, so I can decide for a date.

Meeting place: station Gent-Dampoort
By train, Gent is directly reachable from important cities as Ostend, Antwerp and Brussels. Gent-Dampoort also has a rather large parking area.
When everyone has arrived, we will head for my student room, which is a ~10 minute walk (if there's too many people showing up, I'll try to find another place).

Further (more detailed) information will follow later, as soon as we've found a date fitting for most people. :)
More information

So, it seems rather obvious that our meetup will be held on sunday 18th september :) (see the doodle above).
Apparently there will not be much people arriving by train. Therefor, we can skip the meet-at-Gent-Dampoort-part and just gather at my student room. Everyone is welcome from 13h00 (depending on the arrival of your train, you can off course drop in a bit sooner or later :)).

According to Google maps, this is 1.2 km from the train station Gent-Dampoort.
If you come by car, be aware that there are a lot of one-way streets in the neighborhood.
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Hi Manu,

I will only know this evening if I will be able to join tomorrow.
As I am a slowcuber I cannot share tips on how to get faster but I can share some stuff on FMC, commutators and Human Thistlethwaite (if some one is interested).
i will be there tomorrow too, probably, and i really wonna learn commutaters and some tips for FMC. So, i'll see you tomorrow? :)
Hi Manu,

I will only know this evening if I will be able to join tomorrow.
As I am a slowcuber I cannot share tips on how to get faster but I can share some stuff on FMC, commutators and Human Thistlethwaite (if some one is interested).
Aw, I haven't been on the forums for a long time.
I just saw this thread today. -,-

Can I still come tomorrow?
@Eleredo, sure you can :)
@Cubenovice, I know just as much about commutators as about Belgian politics (so that's about nothing), I'd love to get some information on them :)

Well, it will be a bit crowded in here, as I expected 11 people, and now there might be 15 people coming. :D I guess we'll need another location for the next meetup. :)
The meetup was awesome! :D This was actually the first time I went to a cube meet-up and it was a great experience. I'm looking forward to any other meet-ups that may follow in the future.

Thanks again for everything (and for the GuHong you sold me, it's way better than my F-II :D)
Two cubes left

So, apparently someone forgot his/her V-cube 7 :fp (I'll probably go to Amstelveen and Dutch Open, so you can get it back there.)

There also was a broken Rubik's 2x2x4 left: Marco fixed it (with some effort) and it works perfectly, but somebody else took Marco's 2x2x4 home by accident. :confused: Anyone got more information on this?
I almost got a heart attack reading that, I quickly checked my bag. :p
It looks like it isn't my 7x7, and there's no 2x2x4 here either.