I suppose
@SpeedCubeLegend17 will forgive me for posting in his progression thread again about this, as it might help him as well. For this scramble:
B L B R U2 D' F2 L2 F' D F2 D F2 U' B2 L2 U' F2 R2 U
It gives me these solutions:
D(ec): F2 D L F R' D2
U(ec): z2 F U F2 R L' B' R2
L(ec): z' L2 F B R D
R(ec): z R2 D F D2
F(ec): x' B R' L D2 B2
B(ec): x F L D2 B L D
I don't know what the (ec) means, but the solution appears to be done from a different angle after clicking it. That's not the relevant part, however. After doing the scramble, applying F2 D L F R' D2 will solve the yellow (D layer) cross. If you want a solution for the red cross, which is the right face, you need to do z R2 D F D2.
Hope this helps!