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Skewby_Doo's Progression Thread

3x3: I average 15-18 with full PLL other than Na perm and G perms. I hope to finish learning PLL by the end of the year and learn some of OLL to get sub-15. My pb ao5 is 7.80 and my pb single is 4.82, both of these pbs were extremely lucky and will probably last me a while.
No! Your pb and ur pb ao5 are blatantly FAKE! you don’t even know full pll. Stop lying!
I decided to make this to document all of my progress. I have been cubing for ~8 months now and enjoy playing tennis, cubing, and writing(as you can tell by the length of this post). Here are my current global avgs and pbs:

2x2: I currently average mid 4 to low 5 with Ortega, and hope to get consistently sub 5. I enjoy 2x2 but do not practice much so I do not plan on learning CLL as of right now, but may in the future. My pb ao5 is 2.65, and my best single is 0.58 with a stackmat.

3x3: I average 15-18 with full PLL other than Na perm and G perms. I hope to finish learning PLL by the end of the year and learn some of OLL to get sub-15. My pb ao5 is 7.80 and my pb single is 4.82, both of these pbs were extremely lucky and will probably last me a while.

OH: I average around 40 with OH and only learning OH turning about a month ago, and need to practice that. I hope to improve my turning to average sub-35, and I need to learn an OH Z perm alg. I learned an H perm alg a few days ago and have practiced that some. I have 3 comps with OH soon and 2 have a 45 cutoff, so if I perform decently I should make that. I like OH but I need to practice it. My pb single is a 26 and my pb ao5 is a 29, but I do not know exactly and will have to check.

4x4: I average around 1:35 with Hoya, and want to get sub-1:30 so I can make cutoff, as most competitions near me have a 1:30 or 1:00 cutoff. I want to work on my Hoya cross edges and lookahead during 3-2-3 edge pairing. I will probably learn a new OLL parity alg, as my current one uses a lot of inner slice moves and kills all of my solves.

5x5: I do not time my 5x5 solves at the time of posting this, as I practice other events, but I use reduction right now and will learn more 5x5 tech in the future. I can solve 5x5 but I need to learn edge parity if I want to speedsolve it.

6x6: I do not do 6x6 because I do not have one, and I also am not that interested in it. I will post more updates if I get into it big cubes more.

7x7: I have solved my 7x7 a few times with redux but I struggle a lot on the last two centers. I learned how to solve them more consistently, and can solve 7x7 if I do not get edge parity. I am not currently timing 7x7 solves because I am extremely slow.

Pyraminx: I average 5-8 on pyraminx with LBL right now, and and hoping to make rd 2 in one of my upcoming comps, and maybe even make finals. Pyraminx is an event that I enjoy, and I know the top edge solved L4E cases. I am planning on learning L4E sometime next year. My pb single was a 6-mover that I got 0.69 on, and my pb ao5 is 2.66.

Skewb: I have been solving skewb a lot lately as I recently upgraded from the RS to the gan, and have been averaging around 8. I know Sarah's intermediate method and good algs for last layer, but I still need to mork on my h-perm fingertricks. If I improve my OLL recognition I can hoepfully get my avg down to around 5-6, and I plan to practice skewb in the future. My comps have only 2 rds of skewb so I will not make finals, but that is a long-term goal. My pb single is a 1, but I do not know exactly. My pb ao5 is 7.91, but I can definitely beat that it the future.

Clock: I really like this event and average around 18 with flip. I am hoping to learn no-flip next year, but I have 3 comps with clock in a few months so I will not learn it before then. I want to work on my turning accuracy, as I have pretty good TPS and fingertricks. My pb is 10.65 and my pb ao5 is 12.98.

Megaminx: I am not super into mega but I average around 3 minutes with CFOP/Beginner Method. I do not really practice this event but I might learn some sort of intermediate method at some point. My pb is around 2:30 and I do not know my pb ao5. If I start practicing mega I will post more updates.

SQ-1: I average around a minute on squan using beginner's method, but I do not know the parity alg. I know how to solve parity but it uses the method that essentially scrambles the cube afterward. I really enjoy the turning style of squan and hope to get into it more, but it is not at the top of my priority list. My pb single is in the 20s but I do not remember it. I will know once I check twisty timer because I used mobile for those solves. My pb ao5 is 33.19, which was very lucky with only one parity.

FMC: I did my first ever FMC mean today in the weekly comp and it was really fun. I got a 58 mean but I really like the concept of FMC and might learn some block building and NISS stuff in the coming months. I guess my pb single is 55 and my pb mo3 is 58. I am hoping to practice FMC in the future and will give updates on my progress.

BLD events: I do not do BLD but I really want to in the future. I learned 2BLD and have gotten a few successes but I struggle with new cycles and will learn that some. Once I get 2BLD down, I will learn 3BLD but for now, I do not really practice any BLD events.

Thank you for reading my rant of a progression post.
Your PB AO5 does seem a little suspicious (especially for 3x3 - i average a couple of seconds slower than you and yet my PB AO5 is 16.xx). I don't think you are cheating as you have only just started the thread however you may have made a mistake.
I decided to make this to document all of my progress. I have been cubing for ~8 months now and enjoy playing tennis, cubing, and writing(as you can tell by the length of this post). Here are my current global avgs and pbs:

2x2: I currently average mid 4 to low 5 with Ortega, and hope to get consistently sub 5. I enjoy 2x2 but do not practice much so I do not plan on learning CLL as of right now, but may in the future. My pb ao5 is 2.65, and my best single is 0.58 with a stackmat.

3x3: I average 15-18 with full PLL other than Na perm and G perms. I hope to finish learning PLL by the end of the year and learn some of OLL to get sub-15. My pb ao5 is 7.80 and my pb single is 4.82, both of these pbs were extremely lucky and will probably last me a while.

OH: I average around 40 with OH and only learning OH turning about a month ago, and need to practice that. I hope to improve my turning to average sub-35, and I need to learn an OH Z perm alg. I learned an H perm alg a few days ago and have practiced that some. I have 3 comps with OH soon and 2 have a 45 cutoff, so if I perform decently I should make that. I like OH but I need to practice it. My pb single is a 26 and my pb ao5 is a 29, but I do not know exactly and will have to check.

4x4: I average around 1:35 with Hoya, and want to get sub-1:30 so I can make cutoff, as most competitions near me have a 1:30 or 1:00 cutoff. I want to work on my Hoya cross edges and lookahead during 3-2-3 edge pairing. I will probably learn a new OLL parity alg, as my current one uses a lot of inner slice moves and kills all of my solves.

5x5: I do not time my 5x5 solves at the time of posting this, as I practice other events, but I use reduction right now and will learn more 5x5 tech in the future. I can solve 5x5 but I need to learn edge parity if I want to speedsolve it.

6x6: I do not do 6x6 because I do not have one, and I also am not that interested in it. I will post more updates if I get into it big cubes more.

7x7: I have solved my 7x7 a few times with redux but I struggle a lot on the last two centers. I learned how to solve them more consistently, and can solve 7x7 if I do not get edge parity. I am not currently timing 7x7 solves because I am extremely slow.

Pyraminx: I average 5-8 on pyraminx with LBL right now, and and hoping to make rd 2 in one of my upcoming comps, and maybe even make finals. Pyraminx is an event that I enjoy, and I know the top edge solved L4E cases. I am planning on learning L4E sometime next year. My pb single was a 6-mover that I got 0.69 on, and my pb ao5 is 2.66.

Skewb: I have been solving skewb a lot lately as I recently upgraded from the RS to the gan, and have been averaging around 8. I know Sarah's intermediate method and good algs for last layer, but I still need to mork on my h-perm fingertricks. If I improve my OLL recognition I can hoepfully get my avg down to around 5-6, and I plan to practice skewb in the future. My comps have only 2 rds of skewb so I will not make finals, but that is a long-term goal. My pb single is a 1, but I do not know exactly. My pb ao5 is 7.91, but I can definitely beat that it the future.

Clock: I really like this event and average around 18 with flip. I am hoping to learn no-flip next year, but I have 3 comps with clock in a few months so I will not learn it before then. I want to work on my turning accuracy, as I have pretty good TPS and fingertricks. My pb is 10.65 and my pb ao5 is 12.98.

Megaminx: I am not super into mega but I average around 3 minutes with CFOP/Beginner Method. I do not really practice this event but I might learn some sort of intermediate method at some point. My pb is around 2:30 and I do not know my pb ao5. If I start practicing mega I will post more updates.

SQ-1: I average around a minute on squan using beginner's method, but I do not know the parity alg. I know how to solve parity but it uses the method that essentially scrambles the cube afterward. I really enjoy the turning style of squan and hope to get into it more, but it is not at the top of my priority list. My pb single is in the 20s but I do not remember it. I will know once I check twisty timer because I used mobile for those solves. My pb ao5 is 33.19, which was very lucky with only one parity.

FMC: I did my first ever FMC mean today in the weekly comp and it was really fun. I got a 58 mean but I really like the concept of FMC and might learn some block building and NISS stuff in the coming months. I guess my pb single is 55 and my pb mo3 is 58. I am hoping to practice FMC in the future and will give updates on my progress.

BLD events: I do not do BLD but I really want to in the future. I learned 2BLD and have gotten a few successes but I struggle with new cycles and will learn that some. Once I get 2BLD down, I will learn 3BLD but for now, I do not really practice any BLD events.

Thank you for reading my rant of a progression post.
Your pyra times are very sus too. You can’t get sub 3 averages and subwr times in only 8 months of cubing.
I would like to clear up any confusion from these times:

First of all, I am not going to deny that every single scramble from all of the pbs brought up were extremely lucky. I myself do not even feel like I deserve the times, with my ao5 having my first last layer skip ever(as well as having good F2L) and a PLL skip(with the last layer skip being my first and the 4 from that average). The pyraminx time was also really lucky and it was a 2 gen 6 mover that cstimer spat out. This is also my only ever sub-1 so I did not intend to imply that I am consistently sub-1 or anything outlandish like that. I don't usually use hand scrambles except when I am traveling, etc. but I can put some of the scrambles below this if needed. I have learned full PLL other than Nb perm and 3 G-perms as stated in the post. Pyraminx Ao5: This one was a typo and it is 4.65. It has been changed at the time of posting this. Again, none of these times are skill on my part, just luck that I do not deserve at this stage into cubing. I apologize for causing any controversy over my times.

Really dumb pyraminx scramble: R' L R L' R' L

I will post the 3x3 scramble when I find it but it was a 1 move cross into 2 free pairs with rotationless last two pairs, then an antisune + PLL skip.

If this thread gets too out of hand I will probably take it down to avoid causing any drama in the future. Again, there was no skill whatsoever in the solves, with my 3x3 single being 27 moves and me only having 5 TPS. I did not intend to make my first thread on the forum imply that I fake my solves, but I can see why some of you would think that, due to my short time amount of time cubing. I do not think I deserve the times at all, and I am not skillful enough to get another four if I was given even a good scramble. This was almost entirely luck and I did not mean to cause controversy about this.
A sub8 average isn’t lucky it needs skill which u don’t seem to have.please post the scrambles to ur pb and pbao5 as they are clearly impossible while averaging 15-18.
1. 15.82 I don't really need to post this one since it was normal and was not counting.

2. 5.98(This was pb by 3 seconds) U F' U2 R2 D2 F L2 B' F' R2 F U2 L' F U' L' B D' L2 F D R'

3. 9.33 L' F U2 B2 F2 D2 L' U2 R2 F' R' F2 D' U' L2 U D' B F2 L' U2 R L F' L

4. 8.08 B2 U2 R B2 D2 B2 R' U2 L' D F2 D2 L U B L U' F' L'

5. 4.82 B2 D2 B2 D B2 D R2 B2 R2 B2 U R2 B' R2 D2 F2 D U' B' U D' F2 U2 F'

Again, I never said I have the skill to get a sub-8 average, and I would disagree and say that it is possible with luck and not just skill.
5.98 scramble isnt that amazing for a 18 second solver to get sub 6
9.33 scramble Is good
8.08 scramble is good I got a 5.24
4.82 scramble is possible but not for a 18 second s9lver
For you PB ao5, do you just take your best solves ever and average them? (With a random 'bad' solve because it doesn't count anyway)
The point of an average is that the solves are consecutive.
5.98 scramble isnt that amazing for a 18 second solver to get sub 6
It is. Notice that the world record single became sub 6 when the world record average was already sub 8. I'd say a normal PB for an 18 second solver is in the 11-14 range. My PB single only became sub 10 when I averaged around 12-14 (can't remember exactly)
I know it is blatantly fake getting a pll skip (pb) last layer skip pll skip easy ll (pb ao5). So I believe u sir are blind
i believe you sir, need to read your progression thread and see if it's any better.
B2 D2 B2 D B2 D R2 B2 R2 B2 U R2 B' R2 D2 F2 D U' B' U D' F2 U2 F'
If you're going to take my scramble from the easy/lucky/funny/hard/weird scramble thread, adjust the moves so it's a different angle, then add a few moves at the end that conveniently solve the cross, don't expect to get away with it. Also, I average less than 10 seconds, and got a 5 on the real scramble. Even if, somehow, you actually happened to get a nearly identical scramble, which you didn't, you would not be able to get a 4.
As mentioned above, a majority of the scrambles from the average were from a thread with easier scrambles. I realize now that using scrambles like these and counting the times is unethical, and should not be counted as a personal best. I have removed all of this average from my timer, pb sheet, etc. I apologize for doing this and will be careful to not use any easier than normal scrambles in the future. I am using this scenario as a wake up call to myself to not try to "improve" faster than I should. I have been wanting to get this off my chest ever since I did these solves, so in some ways I am glad that this happened. No more fake solves in the future.

For those who were wondering about my actual single and ao5:

Single: 8.85

ao5: 12.11

Also, my 18 ao100 is rather outdated, and I have a low 16 one from a few days ago.
As mentioned above, a majority of the scrambles from the average were from a thread with easier scrambles. I realize now that using scrambles like these and counting the times is unethical, and should not be counted as a personal best. I have removed all of this average from my timer, pb sheet, etc. I apologize for doing this and will be careful to not use any easier than normal scrambles in the future. I am using this scenario as a wake up call to myself to not try to "improve" faster than I should. I have been wanting to get this off my chest ever since I did these solves, so in some ways I am glad that this happened. No more fake solves in the future.

For those who were wondering about my actual single and ao5:

Single: 8.85

ao5: 12.11

Also, my 18 ao100 is rather outdated, and I have a low 16 one from a few days ago.
One of the most genuine apologies I've ever seen, I myself have been tempted to use easier scrambles to get PBs! Can't wait to see your progression!! Also what events are you focusing on at the moment?
One of the most genuine apologies I've ever seen, I myself have been tempted to use easier scrambles to get PBs! Can't wait to see your progression!! Also what events are you focusing on at the moment?
I've been really into BLD lately! I have been working on just being able to write pairs down and solve with them in order to understand new cycles and flipped pieces. I am going to start trying to do solves with memo in a few days. I might make a new thread for my progress after this because of all of the posts and whatnot.
I've been really into BLD lately! I have been working on just being able to write pairs down and solve with them in order to understand new cycles and flipped pieces. I am going to start trying to do solves with memo in a few days. I might make a new thread for my progress after this because of all of the posts and whatnot.
Good luck! I've always wanted to do BLD but I've never been able to do a full solve without writing down the memo.
As mentioned above, a majority of the scrambles from the average were from a thread with easier scrambles. I realize now that using scrambles like these and counting the times is unethical, and should not be counted as a personal best. I have removed all of this average from my timer, pb sheet, etc. I apologize for doing this and will be careful to not use any easier than normal scrambles in the future. I am using this scenario as a wake up call to myself to not try to "improve" faster than I should. I have been wanting to get this off my chest ever since I did these solves, so in some ways I am glad that this happened. No more fake solves in the future.

For those who were wondering about my actual single and ao5:

Single: 8.85

ao5: 12.11

Also, my 18 ao100 is rather outdated, and I have a low 16 one from a few days ago.
Good apology! Hope for good times in the future