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[Unofficial] Skewb - 4.17 avg12


Apr 14, 2013
Burbank, California
Visit Channel

1. 3.288 U' B' U' R' B' U B R'
2. 7.709 B L R' B L B' U B U'
3. 3.593 U B' R U' L B' L' U R'
4. 2.834 R' L' R L U R B' R
5. 4.342 U' L R' U R' U' L' U L'
6. 4.089 R U' R' B U' R U' R'
7. 2.801 R U L' B' L' B' U' R'
8. 4.624 B U B' R' L' R' L' U L
9. 3.041 U L' B' U' L' U L B'
10. 6.208 R' L B' R' L U' L R L
11. 4.480 R L' B' U B R' U R
12. 5.273 R U R' U' B' R' U L U'
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