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Ryan Lybarger

Mar 28, 2014
Erie, Colorado
What's up guys, I wanted to reach out to the speed solving community and see if I could get some help out with a non-speed solving related competition.

I was selected to compete in Tony Hawk's Skatepark Hero Contest, to win a trip to San Diego to meet Tony and skate with him.

If you could check out my profile and give me some votes that would be much appreciated!

The speed solving community has always been really good to me, helped me learn a lot and encouraged me to compete in the 3x3 when I was in college. I found speed solving after an ankle injury from skateboarding and it will always have a special place in my heart.

You can vote at the link here:


voting is free, if you would like to make a Hero vote your money will go to the Skatepark Project to help fund skateparks for underserved communities!

Thanks again, friends!


Feb 5, 2023
um the world i guess
What's up guys, I wanted to reach out to the speed solving community and see if I could get some help out with a non-speed solving related competition.

I was selected to compete in Tony Hawk's Skatepark Hero Contest, to win a trip to San Diego to meet Tony and skate with him.

If you could check out my profile and give me some votes that would be much appreciated!

The speed solving community has always been really good to me, helped me learn a lot and encouraged me to compete in the 3x3 when I was in college. I found speed solving after an ankle injury from skateboarding and it will always have a special place in my heart.

You can vote at the link here:


voting is free, if you would like to make a Hero vote your money will go to the Skatepark Project to help fund skateparks for underserved communities!

Thanks again, friends!
How’s it going?