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siwoo progression thread: open it.. trust me!


Aug 1, 2023
hello everyone, i'm siwoo kim, my wca is 2022KIMS12
i've been in 3bld for about 2-3 months
I use op/op as of today, but i have started learning 3style.
my pb single is 3:27.xx using OP/OP.
my pr single (and only official success) is 6:14.59

i wanna become really good
current goals are to make it into korea NR100
which will take me about a mid 3 single

upcoming comps with 3bld:
Oct 28, 2023
Nov 24, 2023
Nov 25, 2023
Dec 2, 2023
Dec 3, 2023
Dec 16, 2023
Dec 17, 2023
Hi guys I totally forgot about this thread but now I wanna trauma dump

So I'm supposed to head to southern championship and in order to do that, my dad devised the plan to fly to dallas (1 hour flight) and then drive up north to Oklahoma city where the competition will happen.

So the flight was gonna leave today at 12:53 (about 4 hours before this message) but then it gets delayed to 2, then 3, then 4. Delays happen so I wasn't too mad...

At 4, people were getting ready to board but then the COPS show up. They go through the boarding door and close it.

Turns out they went through to ARREST the PILOT of the plane. People crowded up to watch him make a walk of shame to the cruiser ....

I hate my life !!!!!!!

now take this, take it down a notch because this is insane even for me, and multiply that by 10... you'll see how I feel after missing over 10 competitions for the stupidest reasons (one of which being I didn't do ONE assignment for school, JUST ONE, I also got grounded for 2 months because of that)
Hi guys I totally forgot about this thread but now I wanna trauma dump

So I'm supposed to head to southern championship and in order to do that, my dad devised the plan to fly to dallas (1 hour flight) and then drive up north to Oklahoma city where the competition will happen.

So the flight was gonna leave today at 12:53 (about 4 hours before this message) but then it gets delayed to 2, then 3, then 4. Delays happen so I wasn't too mad...

At 4, people were getting ready to board but then the COPS show up. They go through the boarding door and close it.

Turns out they went through to ARREST the PILOT of the plane. People crowded up to watch him make a walk of shame to the cruiser ....

I hate my life !!!!!!!

View attachment 33748View attachment 33749
Average Texas moment ngl you should've seen this coming