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[Review] ShengShou 5x5x5

What do you think of this puzzle?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 43 45.7%
  • Above Average

    Votes: 39 41.5%
  • Average

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • Below Average

    Votes: 2 2.1%
  • Poor

    Votes: 3 3.2%

  • Total voters


Mar 13, 2010
This thread is for reviews of the ShengShou 5x5x5. You can vote in the poll above, but please only vote if you own this particular puzzle.

When posting your review, please follow a template similar to this:

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  • When the puzzle was purchased:
  • Thoughts on the puzzle:
What are your thoughts of this puzzle? Please vote one of the options above - but please only vote if you own and have used this puzzle extensively!

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Very bad Review.
You have to compare this cube to a V-Cube as a V5 was the best cube on the market.
You say we shouldn't mod the cube. My cube is modded and turns way better then unmodded ones.
At all people mod the inner corners and the ouder corners and the cube turns way better.

In my view the SS 5x5 is much better then a V-Cube especially for the redux part. I turned many V-Cubes. V-Cubes from normal persons have no chance against a modded SS 5x5. I turned even very good ones like from Corny and faz, but even their cubes don't feel so good like my cube in my opinion.
Very bad Review.
You have to compare this cube to a V-Cube as a V5 was the best cube on the market.
You say we shouldn't mod the cube. My cube is modded and turns way better then unmodded ones.
At all people mod the inner corners and the ouder corners and the cube turns way better.

In my view the SS 5x5 is much better then a V-Cube especially for the redux part. I turned many V-Cubes. V-Cubes from normal persons have no chance against a modded SS 5x5. I turned even very good ones like from Corny and faz, but even their cubes don't feel so good like my cube in my opinion.

I'm not going to compare it with something I don't even have. And nothing says I HAVE to spend money on something just so I can compare it.
I say you don't have to because the cube already turns good. A V5 would need modding because it doesn't turn as good.
And the rest you say is personal preference.

Not a bad review at all. I don't see why you HAVE to compare it to a v-cube. Also, he said it's not necessary to mod it. He didn't say you shouldn't. There's a HUGE difference.

Thanks! :)
Honestly, you covered everything that needed to be covered. You gave your personal opinion about it. Sure, there were problems with lighting, but it's not always possible to fix that if you don't have a great camera. According to your opinions only, I think I could make an informed decision about whether to get the cube or not.
Honestly, you covered everything that needed to be covered. You gave your personal opinion about it. Sure, there were problems with lighting, but it's not always possible to fix that if you don't have a great camera. According to your opinions only, I think I could make an informed decision about whether to get the cube or not.

Thanks, I really appreciate you saying that! :)
ShengShou 5x5x5 [Review]

This thread is for reviews of the ShengShou 5x5x5. You can vote in the poll above, but please only vote if you own this particular puzzle.

When posting your review, please follow a template similar to this:

  • Where the puzzle was purchased:
  • When the puzzle was purchased:
  • Thoughts on the puzzle:
What are your thoughts of this puzzle? Please vote one of the options above - but please only vote if you own and have used this puzzle extensively!
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Where I got the cube: I got this cube from 51MoreFun
When I got it: I got it about 2 months ago (December 2011)
My thoughts: First, I got it in black. Out of the box, this cube basically smacked my GhostHand in the face. Each layer is smooth but has a few bumps. The outer layer has the bumps more than the inner layer. The cube, on factory tensions, can cut about half a cubie. The inner layers can cut about 3/4's of a piece, so not that bad. Out of the box, you will probably want to tighten it as it is quite tight. The stickers are the same as Dayan stickers, and as all of you may know, they suck. I got some Z-Stickers and put them on, much better.
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Where: ICubeMart
When: Few weeks ago
Thoughts: This is the only 5x5 Ive ever touched so I have nothing to compare it to. Out of the box, it was very good. Turns good and doesnt lock up much. Sometimes if few layers lock up, the center piece might pop out, but its only happened once. You feel each bump, but it doesnt bother me. I think, like the 4x4, after time the cube will be smoother and faster, but im happy how it is now.
Where I got the cube: ICubeMart
When I got it: September 2011
My thoughts: Out of the box it was good. When I had used it for a few weeks, it was even better. And after I modded it, it was awesome. It´s fast, no lock-ups, not many pops and decent corner cutting. It is also very cheap.
Where I got the cube: CubeDepot
When I got it: October 2011
My thoughts: Amazing 5x5, gets even better with modification. Great out of the box with no need to break it in. Only problem is slight lockups (which are fixed by the aforementioned modification).
Where I got it: iCubeMart
When: I think October 2011
My Thoughts: Super awesome. I got a V5 for Christmas and it was really bad out of the box, with some pieces glued together, that I had to pry apart painfully. This out of the box was excellent, I really like the textured stickers. Lubing it makes it a little better, I haven't modded mine yet. It's really smooth.
•Where the puzzle was purchased: From a friend
•When the puzzle was purchased: Not sure, but I got it about 2 weeks ago (Mid February)
•Thoughts on the puzzle: Comparable to a broken in V-Cube out of the box, and modding and tensioning makes it even better. The size is slightly smaller than a V-Cube so it's nice. Stickers are very nice also, and for some reason I track pieces a lot quicker than on a V-Cube. Popping rate is significantly lower than the V-Cube, about once every 30 solves for me. Lockups are rare, even more so after modding. This is the most important advantage over the V-Cube.
Where the puzzle was purchased: Nogi v Ruki(russian shop for lots of lame stuff currently also has some speedcubes)
When the puzzle was purchased:mid jan 2012
Thoughts on the puzzle: its ok, suitible replacement for my v-cube, cuts a tad less than 1 cube
i had some popping issues today but i suck at tensioning