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Selling GAN 356 X Stickerless Numerical IPG


Dec 28, 2019
GAN 356 X Numerical IPG Stickerless - New - $50.00 shipped USPS Priority Flat Rate - US Only - Paypal

My next purchase I plan to make is Valk 5 M after I sell a couple extra cubes. I have a new Air SM I need to sell soon and likely will sell the Air SM I've lightly used (like 3 solves) - haven't decided if I wanted to keep one yet or not, but I really don't need an Air when I already have a couple XS and X.
Gatornade if you have a couple of xs and x can I get a x for much cheaper. Cause I really would like to try new cubes right now cause I can't do anything at home during quarantine so can you go like really cheap.