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Selling BiSu-serviced cubes - Thoroughly broken in puzzles with lubrication


Premium Member
Apr 1, 2017
in your walls :3
BiSu puzzles (Broken in + Set up) are now for sale!
These cubes, as the title suggests, are serviced with breaking in as well as lubrication.

Here's what happens after you purchase a BiSu puzzle from me:
1) I order your 3x3 or 2x2 cube from an online retailer
2) Upon receiving the cube, I will give it a nonspecific lubrication (to prevent the plastic from wearing out)
3) I will break in your puzzle with ≥ 1,500 solves (see Pricing spoiler)
4) I will clean out your puzzle and re-lubricate it with a more strategic combination of lubricants
5) I will ship it out to you.
Steps 2-5 should usually only take a handful of days, depending on my schedule and if I can easily make time to go to the post office.

The service costs $8.95 + the cube's retail price, and if you like you may add additional break-in solves for $1.95 per 300 solves! (There is also a flat shipping fee of $5.95 in the US).

Optionally, I can sticker the cube with your preferred shades for an upcharge of $3.50 + $3 for the stickers themselves.

For example: a GAN356 R with a total of 2100 solves would cost $8.95 (service) + $16.99 (retail) + $3.90 (extra 600 solves) = $29.84 total.
For this much breaking in and the addition of lubrication, I would say this is fairly reasonable.

If you live outside of the United States and wish to purchase a BiSu cube, contact me and we can discuss.

If there is enough interest in these puzzles I can make a comparison video of an out-of-the-box cube (YuXin Little Magic maybe?) and the same type of cube when given a full BiSu service.
Definitely getting one of these. I invested all of my money into a metal detector after I got fired from the sweatshop. But once I get it I know I will become rich. How much will shipping to Shanghai be?
I can't tell whether or not you're serious about getting one, but if you are, shipping would cost at least $25 (probably more). If you really do want one though I can go to the post office and get a better estimate!
I am serious about my purchase and that is enough information about the shipping fee good sir. Also a few of my friends at the internet cafe are interested in your product. They are wondering if you accept cryptocurrency as payment.
I am serious about my purchase and that is enough information about the shipping fee good sir. Also a few of my friends at the internet cafe are interested in your product. They are wondering if you accept cryptocurrency as payment.
I do not, sorry! At the moment I only accept PayPal outside of the US.
I'll DM you!
I'm going to Carolina Clock 'Stravaganza on November 17, if you're interested in purchasing anything but you don't want to pay for shipping costs. I could also prepare a few test cubes for you all to try out!