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Roux CFOP mix.


Aug 13, 2011
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Hi i do not know if anybody does this but for f2l in cfop I mank 2 1x2x3 blocks like roux. Then I do m moves to get the last two edges then finish the solve.
Is it just me or there other people who do the same thing?
Also is this way of f2l good for comp?
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Sure, the idea crops up every now and then.

Maybe it's a fast way of doing F2L, no one really knows.

You should try and do DF/DB edges while finishing the second block. It's often easy.
Hi i do not know if anybody does this but for f2l in cfop I mank 2 1x2x3 blocks like roux. Then I do m moves to get the last two edges then finish the solve.
Is it just me or there other people who do the same thing?
Also is this way of f2l god for comp?

My friend Taylor does it too, but not all the time.

If you think it gets you faster times then go right ahead. But if it slows you down you might want to reconsider. :)
Free First two layers, then last layer.
It should be called FreeFLL. You don't have to necessarily finish with OP IMO.

Yes I think normal Roux is faster due to no last layer, free M Slice etc.

Edit: not necessarily. You can use lucky cases where this would be easy to your advantage.
If you use CFOP and see easy Rouxblocks this would be faster than regular Roux for you so if a case like this came up in comp it'd be better to do this than regular Roux finish.

On the other hand if I solved my Roux blocks and had DF DB solved I'd NOT do this, but finish with Roux!
Why? Well putting aside the fact that I have forgotten most of ELL, I am also very inexperienced with Last Layer compared to last two steps of Roux and am obviously slower.
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I've been dabbling with Roux while traveling. Without internet access I didn't have algs for CMLL (and not printing an alg sheet), so if I didn't know the case I was basically using OLL/PLL (sans edges) for a 2look corners. Obviously this is significantly slower than CMLL, so instead I wanted to try to solve more than just the corners with these 2looks.

I wanted to have a Roux-like finish, so rather than solving DF/DB and having a normal LL, I had the idea to place any two edges, oriented as either U or D, in DF/DB. Then solve OLL with U/D orientation. Doing this also skips the EO step of L6E. To finish solving the corners you have either a horizontal or diagonal swap. OLLCP can be used to skip this 2nd look.

Any PLL alg that swaps corners diagonally (usually Yperm) or horizontally (usually Tperm or either Jperm) can be used. Depending on where the edges are then different algs will leave better L6E cases.

The idea is to place any two edges into the D layer oriented as either U or D. This is sometimes skipped or can often be as simple as M'/M2/UM'/etc. I haven't calculated the average or maximum moves for this sub-step. Placing UL/UR in the D layer will leave a great transition for L6E.

If I didn't explain this well enough, I can try again, or maybe someone else could explain it better... =)
Also, I'm not suggesting that this is faster than Roux or CFOP or any other method.
This is not the way to learn Roux, but if you are a competent CFOPer you may find it fun to try.
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My friends and I are teaching my other friend how to solve Roux (We all solve Roux), and after he's done the first and second block he always puts in the DB and DF edges to make it look like he did more.

NOTE: We havn't finished teaching him yet, he's an corners.
just as a note, for all my EPLLs, I used M, U gen algs
when I switched to roux, if, after orientation, DF and DB are solved, I noticed I ended up doing the EPLLs

for example, Uccw, while doing LSE, I did M2 to bring one of UL/UR to the D layer, U' M U2 M' solves UL/UR, then M slice edges is U' M2
I ended up doing M2 U' M U2 M' U' M2
which is the alg I used for U perm before

people were talking about what you should do if you get DF/DB solved and I was just saying that, depending on when you get that case, you can end up doing PLL unintentionally