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Report Site Bugs, Issues, and Downtime Here


Staff member
Mar 13, 2006
SS Competition Results
Lately I've got a few reports of miscellaneous bugs or issues that came up. They mentioned they have been happening for months. Without me knowing of an issue, it isn't possible for me to fix it. Some issues only certain users experience, so I might not even know of an issue even if there is one unless it is reported to me.

It is important that if you experience an issue with the site to let me know about it. Reply here or PM me so I can work on it. If the site is slower than normal, if you experience an odd bug, or if you have any other technical related issue, please reply here so I know about it. This way these issues can be solved.

E: I stopped having any issues about half an hour after I posted this, but I'll leave it here anyway.

I've had errors happening all day so far; I've only just been able to get on.



Any pages I have been able to get onto have taken a long time to load.

Has anyone else had this problem?
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View attachment 37533
UPDATE: It is now fixed & displaying the thread. Might just be my internet playing up.

I tapped on the Premium Membership thread posted on the homepage and arrived at this screen.

Device: Apple iPhone SE (2nd Generation)
Browser: Chrome for iOS
Did this happen more than once? Has anyone else experienced this? Please let me know if it happens again, thanks.