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Random Cubing Discussion

I learned heise

D2 B' D2 L B D2 B' L' F' B' D2 L B' D' R' D R U2 R D R L U2 B' F


38 moves

Lately I've been using ZZ with the Heise two pair, three corner ending because I got tired of memorizing and forgetting sequences. I only use RUL after EOLine, even for the edge, pair, and corner cycles. The whole solve is too easy except, not that I solve for speed, sometimes I find it difficult to create the second pair without a long pause. Yeah, I could do an edge cycle if the corner I want to use is oriented, but I would rather not.
Throwing out an idea here:

My wtf method:

middle layer edges (not necessarily solved)
CO (uhm, if i don't know the an alg to orient the corners, i randomly do r2 U/U'/U2)
1 look separation (jacube)
parity (R2 U2 R2 or M2 U2 M2)
PBL (jaacube again)

not fast, inefficient, just pure fun playing around with my cube.
Scramble with cross color on bottom: L2 R2 B2 L2 R F' U' B U' F2 U2 D R2 D' R U D' L' F2 U B' U' D2 B' R

U2 L2 U F L B R D' L
y2 U R' F2 R L' F L' F' L F2
U R' F R2 U R' U' F2 U F
U2 R U R' U R U r' F R' F' r
41 moves

that was cool

I can do this in my head (without the piano).
Seems possible to get fast at, but I don't think I'll switch.
Basically assign one note of a scale to each corner.
If you wanted, you could also use a chromatic scale to have more notes (13 instead of 8, maybe for edges?) but then it gets very atonal and hard to remember.
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This may be me being stupid and I've somehow looked over this the last five years. I noticed that instead of writing "last slot", "last pair", "FR+DFR pair", or "UF+UFL pair", you can write dFR or lFU.
I am sub-35 , When i solve cube infront of people i kinda feel weird :( and usually i solve some like 5-10sec slow . I know i lack confidence but still you feel the pressure when so many people come and see you
Hm, I guess you could. I'd probably confuse it with wing notation though.

I hadn't thought of that. But, it should be easy to tell from context whether someone is talking about 3x3 or big cubes.
Anyone have any ideas for a CLL+1 system? Anything I think up isn't viable for one reason or another.

The only thing that is simple and doesn't require a billion algs is using a different system for each CLL case.

Would work, but it's a lot to work out for something I'm not going to use outside of FreeFOP.
I've always just heard people refer to it at FR pair, FL pair, etc. Seems simple enough already.

I've found it strange saying that because "FR Pair" could mean either "FR+DFR" or "FR+UFR". It's not so bad with CFOP, but when you're naming pairs in methods like Heise or describing a new step, it's confusing.
What's the maximum optimal movecount for a first 5x5 center? Has anyone ever done calculations about this?