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Race to 10 point MBLD- bldcuber314, yes cubing and BVCuber13

So I had some time and ended up doing a 6 cube attempt, and I got 3/6. What was really annoying was that I was confident I got all 6, or at least 5, was not expecting this result.

Cube 1 was off by a 2-twist as I forgot to do the 2-twist.

Cube 2 was off by 5e 2c, did RT instead of TR in edges and also messed up a 2-twist.

Cube 6 was off by a 2-flip, I thought I didn't do it but turns out I had already... so it was literally solved but I went back to it and messed it up again.

I'll try again tomorrow probably, but at least I didn't forget any memo, so it means I can probably do more. As expected the issue was general mistakes.
Im gonna order 2 3x3s tonight, I might get a 3rd, which would bring my total of 3x3s to 7. I'll slowly work up to 7/7 and only then will I get more cubes. My budget is 26 euro (random), and I'm not sure which cubes to get. Any recommendations would be good, and I would like 3 different cubes for some variety.
Im gonna order 2 3x3s tonight, I might get a 3rd, which would bring my total of 3x3s to 7. I'll slowly work up to 7/7 and only then will I get more cubes. My budget is 26 euro (random), and I'm not sure which cubes to get. Any recommendations would be good, and I would like 3 different cubes for some variety.
Any of the Meilong M series should be reasonable. They all have very good quality, easier to set up than most other budget cubes, very cheap, and the Meilong v3 Lite is only 7€ each at ukspeedcubing.com
Im gonna order 2 3x3s tonight, I might get a 3rd, which would bring my total of 3x3s to 7. I'll slowly work up to 7/7 and only then will I get more cubes. My budget is 26 euro (random), and I'm not sure which cubes to get. Any recommendations would be good, and I would like 3 different cubes for some variety.
I just use Qiyi sail Ws, mostly. They cost like 3 dollars and are very viable for an event where turning speed isn't as important as usual. I wouldn't recommend using all different cubes.
I just did a 6 cube attempt, and got 5/6 31:23(PB)!

The unsolved cube(The 4th cube I memoed and 3rd I executed) was off by 2 twisted corners, literally the closest DNF possible. I looked back and it looks like I did PO instead of PW for the letter pair PoW(which I memoed as a punch), as for some reason I thought I messed up and memoed PO as POw.

The attempt started very badly, as I was forgetting memo and blanking, something that doesn't normally happen. Thankfully I managed to pull through and didn't forget any memo except the mistake above. I might add a review after 2 cubes to help this.

The attempt was quite slow, but that's OK since the time limit for 6 cubes is an hour and I'm still finishing in 31 minutes.