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Quick question about Megaminx Scramble Program


May 1, 2006
While I'm generating the scrambles for the Spanish Championship, a question has invaded myself:

Is it possible to generate all the possible Megaminx Possitions with the Scrambling Program? I assume that the answer is yes thanks to Stefan, Jaap and Clement... but how could it be proven?


May 17, 2008
That's correct: For a quick proof that we can't generate all the possible states, consider that there are 70 moves in the scramble. Each move has one of two possibilities (++/ -- or U/U'). That's 2^70 = 1.18059162 × 10^21 different scrambles (which may not produce that many unique states) whereas the number of states on a Megaminx is roughly 1.01 x 10^68. In other words, the scrambler program can at most generate about 1.700 x 10^-45 percent of the total number of Megaminx states.