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[Help Thread] Pyraminx Discussion and Help


May 20, 2011
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Yay for pyra! Yeah, there's not a thread for pyraminx, and ottozing's recent megaminx thread made me think that a pyra thread would be good too.
Discuss algs, methods, hardware, whatever you want to discuss that is pyraminx related. If you have any questions, post 'em here!
Me gusta :tu

Question to everyone: how far do you plan in inspection? Personally I go to L3E if it's an okay scramble, L4E (but tracking an edge) if it's long or awkward.
I'd like to see some reconstructions of Oka's solves. I requested some in the Reconstruction thread already, but nobody replied :(

link me to some videos and I'll try to do it later.

Me gusta :tu

Question to everyone: how far do you plan in inspection? Personally I go to L3E if it's an okay scramble, L4E (but tracking an edge) if it's long or awkward.

I try to plan all the way to LL (using oka and keyhole), but if it's a hard scramble I just plan first two edges and center orientation, while tracking the third edge, like you.
Re: Pyraminx Thread

Me gusta :tu

Question to everyone: how far do you plan in inspection? Personally I go to L3E if it's an okay scramble, L4E (but tracking an edge) if it's long or awkward.

I've recently switched to 1 flip, so I'm not entirely used to it yet, but I try to inspect up L3E as well. It is definitely much easier to do with 1 flip than keyhole, I think. If it's a really tough scramble, sometimes I can't even inspect up to centers. T.T Then I just try to recog the flip case as fast as I can, haha.
I plan everything if it's super easy, if it's just easy I inspect everything but tips, if it's normal I inspect till L3E and track which type of LL I'm getting, if it's a hard scramble I just plan to L3E, if it's super impossible hard, I just go over inspection time and find super epic short solution :)
I use 1-flip and WO, and only inspect up to centers, even if the scramble is easy (well, if there is a top+centers in 1 move, ok, but else, i can't do it)
just realized that I've been unconsciously doing 1-flip haha. I end up doing lots of stuff similar to that so that the 3 edges are solved by the orientation of centers, rather than doing it separately. Actually, now that I think about it, I probably do that about half the time.
just realized that I've been unconsciously doing 1-flip haha. I end up doing lots of stuff similar to that so that the 3 edges are solved by the orientation of centers, rather than doing it separately. Actually, now that I think about it, I probably do that about half the time.

So basically you're doing intuiative Odder? That's pretty cool.
Can I ask for help on this thread? I am averaging 10ish. I use either LBL or Oka depending on scramble but now more Oka. Do you have any tips on how to get faster?

Odder has a really good video on how to get sub-5.

My own advice:
As far as methods go, don't just stick to one thing. Learn as much as you can, that way you can use whatever is best for the scramble.
Use your inspection time well. Try to plan as far ahead as possible: the more you can work out in inspection, the better.
Practise a lot. I know this goes without saying, but getting used to the puzzle is a big factor in getting better at pyraminx. The turning style is very different from cubic puzzles, and the more you practice, the better you will get at both turning quickly and working out solutions.