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Got a 1.71 pyra ao5 during a comp sim
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-21
avg of 5: 1.71

Time List:
2653. 1.71 B R L' U R' U B' R' r b' u'
2654. 2.02 R' B U' R' L' R' B' R l r'
2655. (5.18) L U' R B' L R B' L' l' r' b'
2656. 1.41 L' R B U L' R B R' u
2657. (1.39[1 look]) L' B' L' U' L' B L U'

And a Skewb PB single
Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-21
single: 1.91

Time List:
343. 1.91 L' U R U' R' B' R B
100 reaction score! That one being CubeLite's 👍 reaction to the post above!

Some of the craziest scrambles I've ever had.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-22
avg of 12: 2.36

Time List:
604. 2.29 U2 R' U2 F R' F R' U F
605. 1.70 F' U F' U2 F U2 F2 R F'
606. 1.46 U2 R' U' R2 U R2 U' R U'
607. 2.28 U' F' R2 U R' U' F' R U'
608. 2.92 R F U2 F R U2 R' F' U2 R'
609. 3.06 F2 U' R2 U2 R' F2 R2 U' R'
610. 2.74 U' R2 U2 R' F2 U R U2 R2
611. (1.33) F2 R' U F2 U F R2 F U'
612. 2.54 F U F U2 F' U2 F' U R'
613. 2.10 R' U F2 R2 F' U2 R U2 R'
614. (3.61) U R2 F2 R' F R2 U' F' R
615. 2.46 R' F2 R U' R U R' U' F'

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so uh I kinda got a 3.58 on clock

Generated By csTimer on 2024-06-23
single: 3.58

Time List:
890. 3.58[HO0bi8uga7gfugvugcdhuvsihvhvxwhiqqsihwxhv2ricykgooevb] UR6+ DR0+ DL6+ UL3- U5+ R2- D6+ L3- ALL5+ y2 U2- R6+ D3- L2- ALL3+

8 mover (at least that's what I did)
PB down from a 5.02 💀💀💀
bro I'm not even Sub-6 yet

Right before this I was experimenting with method development on Clock and started using a (probably invented before) blockbuildng method. Used it on the scramble and got a 3.58.

Recon soon.
PBs from the last couple of days:

One Handed

Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-08
single: 13.80

Time List:
178. 13.80 F' R' B2 D F2 L2 R2 F2 U' R2 U' F2 D L' U B2 F L' F' R U
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-08
avg of 5: 18.54

Time List:
189. 18.44 F' R2 F L2 D2 U2 F2 D2 R2 F' D2 R' B D' L F' R D' B L'
190. 18.16[Roux] R' F' L B R D2 B' L U' L U2 R' F2 U2 F2 R F2 L
191. 19.02 R2 B F D2 F' L2 R2 U2 R2 F' U F R' D B D F U'
192. (24.84) D2 B D2 B' L2 B' L2 R2 U2 F U2 L' D' R2 D B U L' D R2
193. (18.04) F' U2 L2 B D2 B R2 B2 F2 D F L2 R F2 D B2 L U
Clock (7-Simul)
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-08
single: 7.14

Time List:
70. 7.14[GO KB OC] UR1- DR5- DL6+ UL1- U3- R5+ D6+ L4+ ALL0+ y2 U6+ R5+ D5- L5- ALL3+
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-08
single: 6.14

Time List:
80. 6.14[BO OI KO] UR2+ DR5+ DL3+ UL4- U4+ R3+ D5- L3+ ALL3- y2 U2+ R4+ D4- L1- ALL2-
Generated By csTimer on 2024-07-08
avg of 5: 6.87

Time List:
112. (6.41[OG KJ FK (15.36 memo)]) UR2+ DR3+ DL3+ UL5- U3+ R0+ D2+ L3+ ALL2- y2 U0+ R3+ D2- L2- ALL5+
113. 7.00[JE KO DD] UR4- DR5+ DL2+ UL3+ U5+ R4+ D0+ L0+ ALL4- y2 U2- R3- D5- L2- ALL0+
114. 6.59 UR6+ DR2+ DL1+ UL6+ U1- R6+ D2- L1+ ALL4+ y2 U5- R2- D1- L3+ ALL1+
115. (8.22[AO AF FE]) UR3- DR4+ DL4- UL5- U3- R1+ D3- L3- ALL4- y2 U1+ R3- D2- L5- ALL3-
116. 7.01[FK KB CH] UR2- DR4+ DL5+ UL6+ U4+ R0+ D2+ L2- ALL3+ y2 U6+ R1+ D3- L4- ALL4+
Also hit 1000 Clock solves in my main Clock session!
Results from the last two SS Weekly Comps!

(The first of which I competed within the last three minutes of the week)

2024-04-27: 5.77 former overall PB ao5!
  • 20% 7-Simul, 20% Clockbuilding, and 60% Flip 💀
2024-04-28: 5.73 overall PB ao5!
  • Really nice turning!
2024-04-28: 4.64 SSPR2 ao5
  • Rather unexpected; haven't practiced Skewb in weeks
2024-04-27: 8.20 (SSPR2?) ao5
  • Crisp turning, easy cross scrambles. I knew the scrambles were already good, from a comment from 2x2MasterYT on that weeks' thread, so I rushed to the Weekly comp to compete.
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Generated By csTimer on 2024-10-15
avg of 5: 1.58

Time List:
1. 1.56[one move v one look] R L' U' L R U' B R' U' l b
2. (2.33) R' L' U R L' B U R' l u'
3. 1.59 L B' R' U' R L R' U' l r' b u'
4. 1.59 U' L U L' R L' B L r u'
5. (1.46["YEEEEEES"]) B U' R' B R L R' L' r

1.58 PB pyra ao5, long overdue!
Also added some more tags to the thread
Another Sub-5 Clock average with Flip, omw to Flip WR or at least NR

Edit: forgot to put in the actual average 💀
Generated By csTimer on 2024-10-23
avg of 5: 4.88

Time List:
1. 4.82[cb] UR4+ DR0+ DL3- UL1+ U2- R5- D2+ L6+ ALL0+ y2 U4- R3+ D6+ L4- ALL6+
2. 4.68 UR0+ DR1+ DL0+ UL0+ U3+ R2+ D1- L2+ ALL3- y2 U6+ R3- D3- L6+ ALL3-
3. (4.23) UR5+ DR3+ DL6+ UL3+ U4- R5+ D5- L0+ ALL2+ y2 U0+ R1- D1- L2- ALL3+
4. 5.15 UR4+ DR0+ DL4+ UL6+ U4+ R1+ D1+ L3- ALL1+ y2 U3+ R3+ D1- L0+ ALL2-
5. (5.16) UR1+ DR6+ DL3- UL2+ U6+ R1+ D5+ L6+ ALL5- y2 U6+ R6+ D3- L4- ALL4-
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Finally 5x5 PB single after 3 months!
Was previously an official 1:22.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-10-27
single: 1:19.80

Time List:
1. 1:19.80[finally] Dw B' Uw B' R Bw Lw2 F2 R Bw2 U Rw D2 U' R' D F2 Fw2 Uw' Lw' Dw F2 Rw' R' L' Bw Fw2 U F2 L Rw' F' Bw2 Uw2 Dw' Rw Bw' Uw' U2 Lw Uw2 U Bw Dw' Rw Fw' Bw Uw2 Bw2 D' F' R2 L' Uw2 B' Fw R2 D2 Lw2 Dw

Wow, Yau has made me faster, who knew? /j