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Puzzle Maniac

Jan 24, 2023
Speedsolving.com, where I've sent 988 messages.
Just a progression thread, of which there are many on this site (so idrc if no one replies). I'll post whenever I break a PB in any event, in which I'll explain the solve a little bit and analyze it some. Whenever I podium or do well in the few comps I go to, the results will be here, if it's WCA, my country's cube clubs, or a Speedsolving.com competition.

I'll limit it to one post a day, unless I'm relying to someone in this thread. When I get the first PB or good solve of the day, I'll reply to the thread, and slowly add on by editing it if I get other good solves later that day.
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Today's Sessions:
4x4: 51.24 ao5, down from 54.93, as well as a 41.33 single, with no parity and incredible lookahead (at least for me).
41.33 scramble:

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-26
single: 41.33

Time List:
143. 41.33 B L' D2 F2 L F2 L' U2 L' B2 R F' U2 F R F L U L' Rw2 F' R2 Rw2 F' Fw2 L F' Fw2 L' F' D2 B' Uw Fw2 U2 D' L' F' Fw' U Rw' Fw2 R' U2 Rw2

2x2: First Sub-1 on a computer-generated scramble! Also my first 5 mover was that solve, too.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-26
single: 0.86

Time List:
145. 0.86[5 mover] R' F U2 F' U' R' F U R'

z2 x // inspection
U' R' F2 R U' // layer [o]

First Sub-2 mo3 (down from 2.01)!

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-26
mean of 3: 1.90

Time List:
212. 1.83 U' F' R2 F' R F U2 F' U'
213. 1.62 R' U2 R' F R2 F U F2 U'
214. 2.26 U' R F R F' U2 F2 R2 F'

And in Skewb (which I global low 6 in):

A 3.88 ao5 (down from 4.03), and a 5.09 ao12, down from 5.24.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-26
avg of 5: 3.88

Time List:
289. 3.68 R' L B' U L U' L' R
290. 3.66 R' U L R' L' R' U R
291. (4.51) U L' B' R' U B R B' R
292. (3.56) B R L' U' L' U' B L
293. 4.31 L B' L' U L R B U' B

Edit: ao12 now 4.78

I have no idea how I used these last < 2 weeks, but at the start of the month I was averaging 8 in Skewb with a Mid-6 PB ao5.

5.99 ao100, meaning I'm probably close to globalling Sub-6 soon!
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Today's Sessions:

Probably my best ever 2x2 solution, a seven mover in 1.74. Not sure how many people see this, blue layer-1 (most people would have seen that) bc it's a three move insert, I tried to one-look it, which I could, it would be the easiest H case. Then I realized I could cancel the corner insert into the H alg, and finished inspection. Because it was a Sub-2, a one-look, and I canceled some moves, I'm very happy about the solve.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 1.74

Time List:
257. 1.74 R' F2 R F2 R F2 R F' R'

x' // inspection
R U' R U2 R U2 R2 // layer

2 minutes later:

I finally used an EG in an actual 2x2 solve! I normally use CLL but it was a two move face, another one-look! That also means that I one-looked the majority of the mean (only one solve in between this and the solve above).

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 1.98

Time List:
259. 1.98 F2 U R' U2 R2 F2 R2 U' R'


z2 y // inspection
U' F2 // EG-1 face
U' R U' R2 F R U' R' F R F' // EG
U' // AUF

Also it was one of the two EGs I learnt after discovering EG two years ago. The other one is Diag Pi.

Nice one-look of a two move layer.
Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 1.97

Time List:
267. 1.97 U R2 F' U F' R F2 R U'

Clean 8.34 3x3 mean:

Solve 1 was a forced 1LLL (don't ask)

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 8.40

Time List:
1823. 8.40[1LLL] F U2 F2 L D2 U2 L B2 L D2 U2 F2 B U' F' L' R F' D'

Solve 2 was just a nice scramble (y cross)

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 8.15

Time List:
1824. 8.15 L R2 U L2 B2 U2 B2 D F2 R2 B2 U' R U2 B' U B2 R2 D' F'

And the final solve was a forced LL skip with no AUF (R U2 R' WV)

Part of a nice 8.54 ao5

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
avg of 5: 8.54

Time List:
1823. 8.40[1LLL] F U2 F2 L D2 U2 L B2 L D2 U2 F2 B U' F' L' R F' D'
1824. (8.15) L R2 U L2 B2 U2 B2 D F2 R2 B2 U' R U2 B' U B2 R2 D' F'
1825. 8.47[FORCED LL SKIP NO AUF] L F2 R2 U R' B' U' F2 B2 L U2 R L2 B2 D2 L2 B2 D2 R
1826. (9.45) U' F' R' L' D R2 B' U R2 F2 D' F2 U D R2 L2 F2 L2 B D
1827. 8.76 L' U' D' R' U2 L' B F2 R2 D' L2 F2 D2 F2 D' F2 U B2 D2 L'

Interesting scramble for Roux
D2 L F2 R F2 D2 U2 L' D2 R D2 R2 B U R B' F' D' B

Pretty good pyraminx average

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
avg of 5: 2.18

Time List:
2146. (2.41) R L' B' R U' L' R' L' l r' b' u
2147. 1.96 U B' U' B L' U' L R l b
2148. 2.33 R L' U R' L' B U B' r' b'
2149. 2.25 R' U' R' U' B' R U' R r' b' u'
2150. (1.82) B R' L U' R L' B' L l r' b u

Nice 2x2 cancelation

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 1.37

Time List:
278. 1.37 F R2 F' U' F2 U' F' R' U'

Another EG I know?!?!?

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 3.24

Time List:
279. 3.24 U2 F' U R2 F U F U F

Layer Skip Sune U2 AUF... +2

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 2.96

Time List:
280. 2.96 U' R' U' R U' R' U2 R U'

Woah um cool single ig

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-27
single: 1.87

Time List:
284. 1.87 R2 U' R' F2 U2 R U' R' F

z' y // inspection
R U' R' U R // [r] EG-1 face
R U' R2 F R2 U' R' // EG-1
U2 // AUF
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-wow I just realized how many good solves I did yesterday-

This morning, and a bit of last night, has mostly been for upgrading RS3M 2020 for One Hamded solves. For quite a while now I've been interested in OH, but I haven't really known what method to use.

For my Two Handed solves, I use CFOP, like the majority of cubers. Officially, I've only ever used CFOP for One Handed, and get 21-22 averages. But with Roux, which I practice both 2H and OH with at home, along with mixing it into some CFOP OH Averages, I average 26.

Last night I added extra magnets into each piece of the RS3M, which makes it feel different noticeably, and it's definitely more stable. The morning is going to be for finding the perfect tensions and lubricating it to my liking. Attached are pictures of the bonus magnets.

Cool scramble

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
single: 22.24

Time List:
113. 22.24 D2 R2 U2 F' D F R' U F2 D2 F D2 B' L2 U2 L2 F' L2 B2 U'

Um did I really just do Pseudoslotting in Roux?

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
single: 26.27

Time List:
123. 26.27 D2 U2 L2 F2 L B2 R D2 L' R2 U2 R B D' B' F2 R' U L2 B2 L'

Random Pyraminx example solves because I'm on fire with pyraminx today (see next reply)

1. R B U B U' L R B r b
[r' U] [R' b'] L U L R2' L R L2' U L // V canceled into L3E

2. B U R' B U R' B' L U' l
U'R' B' [l' L] R U' R' U L // V
R U' R' // edge
U L' U' L U // L3E

3. L U' R' L B' L R B l r b' u
[b u'] [r' (sledge) ] [U l'] // V
oR' U L' U L2 R' L' R2 U' R' // L4E
U' // AUF

Um cool Skewb average ig + PB single

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
avg of 5: 4.18

Time List:
309. 3.73 B' L U R B L' U L'
310. (2.76) U' R U' R' U R' B U
311. (4.95) B U' L B L B' U' B'
312. 4.75 R L' U' R U' L' B R L
313. 4.06 L' B L' U' L' B R L'

Current Roux OH time to finish each step

FB 6
SB 12
EO 21
LSE 24


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Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
avg of 5: 1.89

Time List:
2152. (2.60) L' U R B' R' L' B R' l' b
2153. (1.67) L R L R' U L U L' r' u
2154. 2.06 B' L' B' U R' U L R l'
2155. 1.79 B' U' B L' U B U B u'
2156. 1.82 R U' B' U B' R L R b' u'


oL oR' // inspection
[b' B] [U' l'] L R' L' // V
U' L' U' L U' // edge
R U' R' // L3E

oU' // inspection
[b' u'] // tips
U L U' L' // left block
U R2 U' R' // V
U // AUF

oR // inspection
U' B' [L' u] // V
R U' R' // edge
U' (hedge) // L3E

[L' u] U' L' U' R // V
L' U L // L3E

R U' R' // V
[oL r] L' U L // edge
[R l] U R' // L3E

6 hours later:
Learnt alg-based L4E. Was always using intuitive, and only now realized that most of the intuitives I was using were the same as the algs. So I only learnt like 3 algorithms.

ML4E next.
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6.62 3x3 PB Single (down from 6.90)!

One move cross! Very happy about the solve, three pairs predicted, which I'm happy about, and lookahead in Last Layer was very clean, almost instantly recognizing the Ja Perm. The fact that the solve was on camera is cool, because I can't think of any time I've gotten a PB of any sort on camera, unless it's official.

U D L F U R2 F' L U B2 L2 D L2 U2 B2 U L2 F2 D


y' // inspection
[U' D] // [w] cross
R' U R2 U' R' // [og] 1st Pair
[y U2] R U' R' d' L' U L // [or] 2nd Pair
U' R U' R' U' R U R' // [rb] 3rd Pair
U R' U2 R U2 R' U R // [bo] 4th Pair
U2 R U R' U R U2 R' // OLL
U' L U' R' U L' U2 R U' R' U2 R // PLL
U2 // AUF

Alternate Solutions

Same Cross + F2L
U R' U2 R U R' U R // OLL
canceled into
R U' R' U' R U R D R' U' R D' R' U2 R' // PLL
U // AUF

y2 // inspection
[U' D] L' U L R U' R' // 1st Pair
y U' R U R' d' F R' F' R // 2nd Pair
R' U L' U L // 3rd Pair
y U2 R U' R' U' R U // 4th Pair
canceled into
M' U R' U' r' F R F' // OLL
U x' R2 D2 R U R' D2 R U' R // PLL
B // AUF

Part of this average

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
avg of 5: 8.80

Time List:
1832. (6.62) U D L F U R2 F' L U B2 L2 D L2 U2 B2 U L2 F2 D
1833. (9.59) U' B2 U' L' F' R2 L2 D F' B2 D2 F2 R U2 B2 L D2 B2 D2
1834. 8.10[PLL skip] F D' R' B R2 U2 R2 F' D2 U2 F R2 B2 F L' D U R' F2 D F
1835. 9.52 L F' R U2 L D2 R2 F2 U2 R2 U2 R2 F' U R B D' F' U'
1836. 8.79 B' L' U2 R' B2 L' R' U2 R' B2 F2 L' B D' U L B2 R2 B' R'

Edit: Part of a 8.92 PB ao12, down from 8.94

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
avg of 12: 8.92

Time List:
1829. 9.41 D2 F2 D2 R2 B D2 F2 D2 L2 U2 F' U L R' D' L F L2 D F2
1830. 9.08 B2 U' L2 B2 R2 U B2 R2 D' L2 D2 B L' R' B R' U' B D R2 F
1831. (10.73) R' D2 R2 D' R' F' L B D2 F' D2 B2 D2 F L2 U2 R2 D2 B' U R'
1832. (6.62) U D L F U R2 F' L U B2 L2 D L2 U2 B2 U L2 F2 D
1833. 9.59 U' B2 U' L' F' R2 L2 D F' B2 D2 F2 R U2 B2 L D2 B2 D2
1834. 8.10[PLL skip] F D' R' B R2 U2 R2 F' D2 U2 F R2 B2 F L' D U R' F2 D F
1835. 9.52 L F' R U2 L D2 R2 F2 U2 R2 U2 R2 F' U R B D' F' U'
1836. 8.79 B' L' U2 R' B2 L' R' U2 R' B2 F2 L' B D' U L B2 R2 B' R'
1837. 9.49 L2 F R2 U' B2 U' F2 R2 U F2 U R2 F L D2 B D2 U' R B' R2
1838. 9.58 F R' L' D' R' B' R U B2 U' D2 B2 U F2 R2 D' B2 R2 F2 L F
1839. 7.27 L D' L2 D U F2 L2 F2 D F L2 U B' R' D2 F D R
1840. 8.35[OLL skip sledge] F B U2 R' B L D2 F' U' B2 D F2 R2 U R2 D2 F2 R2 D2 R'

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Well, that 8.92 ao12 is now an 8.77. Now it's an 8.66. Okay, now it's an 8.48. Guess I just broke my PB ao12 by 0.46.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-28
avg of 12: 8.48

Time List:
1832. (6.62) U D L F U R2 F' L U B2 L2 D L2 U2 B2 U L2 F2 D
1833. (9.59) U' B2 U' L' F' R2 L2 D F' B2 D2 F2 R U2 B2 L D2 B2 D2
1834. 8.10[PLL skip] F D' R' B R2 U2 R2 F' D2 U2 F R2 B2 F L' D U R' F2 D F
1835. 9.52 L F' R U2 L D2 R2 F2 U2 R2 U2 R2 F' U R B D' F' U'
1836. 8.79 B' L' U2 R' B2 L' R' U2 R' B2 F2 L' B D' U L B2 R2 B' R'
1837. 9.49 L2 F R2 U' B2 U' F2 R2 U F2 U R2 F L D2 B D2 U' R B' R2
1838. 9.58 F R' L' D' R' B' R U B2 U' D2 B2 U F2 R2 D' B2 R2 F2 L F
1839. 7.27 L D' L2 D U F2 L2 F2 D F L2 U B' R' D2 F D R
1840. 8.35[OLL skip sledge] F B U2 R' B L D2 F' U' B2 D F2 R2 U R2 D2 F2 R2 D2 R'
1841. 7.93 R' D' F2 L2 U F2 U B2 D2 B2 L2 R2 D' R F D' L2 U2 F' R' D
1842. 7.96 U' F2 D2 U' R2 D F2 D F2 L' D2 R F' L R D2 L' F' U'
1843. 7.82 B2 L2 U' B2 D' U2 B2 F2 L2 D F2 L' F' U' R F R' D2 B'

Oh, and part of the ao12 was an 8.08 ao5. Whoops, I mean 7.90. Uh, wth? PB ao5 by 0.51?

Recons and thoughts coming later.
A new cube arrived today!​

YongJun MGC Square-1 Review

Out of the box, the cube was very smooth and a huge improvement from my last main Squan, the Yuxin Little Magic. However, thr cube was a bit too loose, and I knew I'd have to unscrew it and tighten it. What also didn't help was that I immediately swapped colour scheme using ( / E2 / ), which changed something in the slice magnet, which made it feel even worse.

After my first impressions I started to swap a side with the black tiles which came with it. I managed to remove two white tiles with my own method, which involved reaching into the center Florian hole and trying to move the tile up. After watching a few tutorials, mostly from Cube Master, I figured out how to properly remove the tiles, by pushing the up from the side.

After replacing the tiles, it looked so much better and I knew I'd have better recognition with it than with yellow/white. I pulled off the E layer tiles and began to unscrew it. I tensioned it and lubed it, and it became my main.

Overall, it lives up to its name and I know I'll improve faster with it than any other Square-1.
Um I think this means I'm getting good at Squan...

Generated By csTimer on 2024-04-29
single: 11.98

Time List:
134. 11.98 (4,0)/ (0,-3)/ (0,3)/ (-1,-4)/ (3,-3)/ (0,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (3,-3)/ (3,-3)/ (0,-2)/ (-1,0)/


I think I forgot to solve Cubeshape...

22.21 Speedsolving.com competition ao5, PB3 and rolled into my cstimer for a 21.42 PB ao5
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um wth just happened I'm barely sub 4 on 2x2

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-09
avg of 5: 1.99

Time List:
331. (1.62) F2 R F2 R F2 R' F R2 F
332. 2.06 F2 U2 R U' R2 F U R2 U'
333. 1.88 U' F R F' U' R2 U2 R2 U2
334. 2.04 F' U' R2 F R' F R' U' F R2
335. (3.08) R' F U' R U2 F2 R U' F

Also yesterday my very last order  ever from DailyPuzzles arrived. Two cube covers, one black, other white, and the YJ HuangLong v2 Pyraminx (I think).

Out of the box, the cube was very stiff, but after setup by loosening by about 720 degrees, and lubrication, it became quite fast, however the tips were still as horrible as they were at out of the box.

Overall, a nice feel, and the black internals look quite nice. Tips are still the worst I've ever felt.

The cube covers have a nice external feel, are quote tall and therefore fit many cubes, including clock, and all WCA big cubes.

Also my second Sub-2 average on Pyraminx!

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-09
avg of 5: 1.95

Time List:
2200. 2.06 R B L' B' U' R U R l' r' b'
2201. (2.61) U' L R' U' R L B' L l' r' b' u'
2202. (1.05) L R' U' R U B' L' B' r
2203. 2.37 R' B' L R U' L' B L' u
2204. 1.42 R' L' B U R' B U' B R l' b

The average includes my PB single, a 1.05, down from 1.17 (1.05 OcR!)

Recon for 1.05:

oF' oR' // inspection
[l' L] U' L' // V
R U' R' U // L3E
1 tip, 7 moves, 8 total
7.62 TPS (i think)

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-09
single: 2.41

Time List:
2234. 2.41 U R' U' L U' R U' L' r' b'

I don't even know how I miscambled but it was just two tips and an L3E if anyone wants to find it.

Clean 3x3 average
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-09
avg of 5: 8.38

Time List:
1868. 7.60 U' F R2 D2 U' B2 L2 D2 R2 U' F2 R2 B2 R' B2 L D' L2 B U2
1869. (9.23) L B2 D2 B2 D L2 D' B2 U' B2 L U2 L' R F' D' U
1870. (7.32) L2 U' B2 D U2 L2 R2 F2 D' B2 F2 R U2 R F U' B2 U' R2 F'
1871. 8.97 B' L F' U2 B' U2 R2 B F2 R2 U2 F U2 F' U' B' L2 B R' U' F'
1872. 8.57 L2 B2 U2 L2 F2 U2 F2 U B2 U F2 L2 B L2 U L R' B F2 U' R
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If someone could please find my megaminx consistency, that would be great. I think I left it in Australia.

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-11
avg of 12: 1:21.83

Time List:
84. 1:29.28 ++ +- ++ -+ -- U'
++ +- +- -+ +- U'
++ -+ -- ++ -- U
+- +- -- -- +- U'
-+ -- -- ++ ++ U'
-- -+ -- -- +- U
-- +- ++ +- -- U

85. 1:18.63 -+ +- +- -+ -+ U'
++ +- -- +- +- U'
-+ -- -+ +- -+ U'
++ +- -- -- ++ U
++ -- -+ -+ +- U'
-- -- -- -- ++ U'
-+ -+ +- +- -+ U

86. 1:30.30 +- +- ++ +- ++ U
-+ +- -- +- -+ U'
-- -- -+ +- ++ U'
-- -- ++ -+ -- U
++ -+ +- +- -+ U'
++ +- -+ ++ ++ U
-+ -- ++ -+ ++ U'

87. 1:20.61 +- -+ ++ +- -- U
-+ ++ ++ ++ -+ U'
-- -- +- ++ +- U
-- +- ++ ++ -+ U'
++ ++ -- ++ ++ U
++ +- +- -- ++ U'
+- +- -- -+ -+ U'

88. 1:13.14 -- ++ -- -+ ++ U
++ -+ +- +- ++ U'
-+ -+ -+ -+ -+ U
++ -+ ++ +- ++ U
++ -- -+ -+ -+ U
-- -- -+ +- +- U'
-+ -+ -- -+ -- U

89. 1:19.90 -+ ++ -- -- +- U
-- -+ -- +- -+ U'
-+ -+ -- ++ -+ U'
-- +- -+ -+ -+ U
++ -+ -- ++ ++ U
+- -+ -+ -+ +- U'
++ ++ ++ ++ -+ U

90. 1:31.20 ++ -- +- -+ -- U'
-- +- ++ ++ +- U'
+- ++ -+ ++ ++ U'
+- -- ++ -+ ++ U
++ -+ ++ -+ -+ U
-- -+ ++ ++ -+ U'
-- ++ ++ +- +- U

91. (1:00.53[FULL PLL PLL SKIP]) +- ++ +- -+ -- U'
++ -+ ++ +- +- U
+- +- -- -+ +- U
++ -- -- +- +- U'
-+ ++ ++ -+ -+ U
++ -+ -+ +- ++ U'
-+ -+ -- -- +- U'

92. 1:15.42 -- -- +- -+ -- U
-- +- -- +- +- U
-- -- -- ++ -+ U
++ -- -+ -- -- U'
+- -+ -- +- ++ U
-- ++ -+ +- -+ U
-- -+ -+ +- ++ U

93. 1:18.12 -- +- -+ ++ +- U
-- +- -- +- ++ U
-+ ++ -+ +- -- U
++ +- -- -- -+ U
-+ +- -- -+ ++ U
+- ++ ++ +- ++ U
++ -- +- -- ++ U'

94. 1:21.70 -+ +- +- -- ++ U
++ -+ -- -- ++ U
++ ++ ++ +- ++ U'
-+ +- +- -+ -- U
-+ +- +- ++ -- U'
++ +- +- +- -+ U
+- +- ++ -+ ++ U'

95. (1:33.15) -+ +- +- ++ +- U'
++ -+ +- ++ +- U
-- ++ -- -- ++ U
++ -+ +- -+ ++ U
+- ++ -- +- -+ U'
+- -- -+ -- +- U
-- -+ -+ -- -- U

But anyway, cool, a one flat.

"Don't beep at me, I got NR"
- Kalin Doherty

Also first Sub-2 5x5 ao5

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-11
avg of 5: 1:59.57

Time List:
142. (1:55.24) R Uw' F' U' Fw' U2 Lw Dw2 L F B Bw' Uw2 B Bw' L R2 Rw Lw2 F' D R' F2 Fw' Rw L2 Uw' Bw2 F Rw R' U2 F Uw B Uw2 F L Bw' L Fw2 Bw' L2 F Rw Uw2 F' R Dw2 F2 U2 Lw' F' U' Uw2 Fw Uw' Lw D Rw2
143. (2:12.00) F' U2 D B' Uw2 Bw Dw2 D2 Rw' D' L Rw Dw2 D' Fw' Dw' Fw2 U2 R2 D' Rw' Uw Lw2 B' Bw F' Rw' Bw2 B' Fw2 Uw2 Bw' F' B2 D2 B' L2 Bw2 B' Fw' Lw' U' R F U D2 R' B' L Rw' R' Uw2 Fw2 Bw F2 Dw' Lw Rw' R2 F2
144. 2:06.04 Fw Uw B' R' Fw2 U' Fw2 L2 B2 Dw2 R2 F R F2 Uw2 L' Bw2 B2 F' Uw' F' B Lw2 F' U F2 Rw D' F2 R2 Rw' U' Bw2 Fw' Dw L D Uw' B' R2 L B' Bw Lw' Dw' D' Fw2 Uw Fw2 R2 Dw2 Uw Rw R' F' Fw D' Dw Uw' U'
145. 1:55.88 R L Uw2 Lw2 Dw' Fw F2 B' Lw2 Bw2 Uw U D L Lw2 Dw Lw2 Uw Lw L R Rw2 F' R2 Rw2 Lw Fw' Lw' D' L R B2 U' Bw R2 F' Dw2 F' L' U Uw D' F' U2 Dw' Bw R' Lw' Fw' F Lw2 Dw Fw2 Uw L Rw U' Fw2 R2 B'
146. 1:56.80 D2 Uw' B2 Rw Fw' L' Fw' B' Lw2 F' Fw' Lw Uw2 B2 Uw' Lw Uw' Rw U2 B F Lw' B2 U2 R' Fw' Dw' Uw2 Rw2 Uw2 Dw B' F2 U Dw Uw' Lw Uw Dw' Fw Uw' L' D2 Uw' R Dw' U' Rw2 L' B' Dw' Uw2 Lw2 Fw' Rw2 Fw' Uw Lw2 Uw2 Rw2

WOO first Sub-1
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-11
single: 57.94

Time List:
105. 57.94 +- -- ++ -+ +- U
++ ++ +- ++ -+ U
++ ++ ++ -+ -- U'
+- -+ -+ ++ +- U
++ -- ++ ++ -- U
+- -+ ++ -+ ++ U
-+ ++ -- -+ -+ U

Third ever 2x2 Sub-1

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-11
single: 0.94

Time List:
399. 0.94[7 mover ] F' R2 F' R U' R' F R2 F

omg this took way too long but i finally recreated the classic adweeham thumbnail!

Last edited:
Some cool 2x2 singles and scrambles

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 1.93

Time List:
445. 1.93 R2 F2 R' F' U2 F' R' F R'

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 2.21

Time List:
443. 2.21 U F' U R2 F' R F' R2 U' R'

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 2.25

Time List:
441. 2.25 F2 R F' R2 U' R U F' U'

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 2.10

Time List:
440. 2.10 R2 U' R2 U2 F2 U' F U' R

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 1.60

Time List:
433. 1.60 U2 R' U R' U' R' F U' R'

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 1.90

Time List:
429. 1.90 R2 U R U' F2 R' F R2 U'

Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-14
single: 1.82

Time List:
425. 1.82 U2 R F2 U' F' R U2 R2 F2
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-23
avg of 5: 1.71

Time List:
2280. (1.45) U L B L B U B L U' b' u
2281. 1.69 U B U R' U R' U' R B' b' u
2282. 1.45 L U' B U R' U' R U' r'
2283. (2.26) B' L' B' R' L U R' B' R' b u'
2284. 1.99[4 tip] B U' R' U L B L' B' l' r b u'

Speechless. First Sub-1.8 average, and almost Sub-1.7!

First downsolved average:
= 1.61 (OcR2)

Best downsolved ao5:
= 1.51 (OcR2 still)
Last edited:
Generated By csTimer on 2024-05-23
avg of 5: 1.71

Time List:
2280. (1.45) U L B L B U B L U' b' u
2281. 1.69 U B U R' U R' U' R B' b' u
2282. 1.45 L U' B U R' U' R U' r'
2283. (2.26) B' L' B' R' L U R' B' R' b u'
2284. 1.99[4 tip] B U' R' U L B L' B' l' r b u'

Speechless. First Sub-1.8 average, and almost Sub-1.7!

First downsolved average:
= 1.61 (OcR2)

Best downsolved ao5:
= 1.51 (OcR2 still)
Nice detailed updates, keep it coming yo!