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Printable Rubik's Cube Guides (PDFs for 2x2x2 - 5x5x5)


Premium Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hey everybody, I just remade my webpage and moved it over to its own domain. There are a bunch of new printable Rubik's cube guides and quite a few updates to my old ones. You can check them out below or you can go to my website: http://www.kungfoomanchu.com


These guides were made for the person that is trying to memorize new algorithms and wants a hard copy of the algs to carry around.

I made these because, as of right now, there are a ton of web and video tutorials out there on the web, but very few of them offer a printable version of their information. So I made it my mission to compile all the best information from various tutorials on easy to read PDF files so you can print them out, write on them, get them dirty, tear them to pieces in frustration, carry them around, and even laminate them (if you've never laminated something, I definitely suggest it… often an uncontrollable urge to laminate more things follows).

  • Each guide is designed to contain every algorithm you need to solve the cube, but assumes that you know the basics of how to link them all together
  • Each guide can be printed out on a single sheet of paper, so they are really easy to carry around
  • Each guide is in full eye-popping color
  • I made them with the goal of making the algorithms easy to memorize. To do this, I grouped similar algorithms together, color coded common triggers and have chosen related algorithms whenever possible (e.g. for the J permutation, I chose algorithms that were related for the first entry as opposed to the fastest ones. This only occurs a few times and you will probably still find the faster algorithm listed below.)
  • You don't need to read English to understand each guide because there are very few words and the words aren't really necessary anyway

The Guides
Please Note - a full description and key can be found at the full website
  • 3x3x3 Speedcubing – Single Page Three Look Last Layer
  • 3x3x3 OLL – The OLL Addition. Each algorithm contains color coded triggers
  • 2x2x2 Speedcubing – Contains the Ortega and Guimond Method
  • 2x2x2 CLL – All the CLLs are organized in columns by their OLL case, then organized in pairs based on the color pattern of the U face. I've got a working draft that shows how to distinguish each case within the pair on the second page so that you can quickly recognize each of the CLLs
  • 4x4x4 Guide – Contains 2 Pair Edge cases and all Parity Cases
  • 5x5x5 Guide – Contains all last two edges cases with and w/o parity
  • 3x3x3 Beginner's Guide – a 9 algorithm beginner's guide that doesn't hold your hand but does give you the tools you need to solve the cube
  • Megaminx Last Layer – A beginner's as well as an advanced guide to the megaminx last layer
  • Bonus! Mental Date Calculation – How to quickly calculate the day of the week based on a given date

Example Screen Shots

I welcome your feedback and really hope you like them!
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This look great! I like the 2x2 because it has Guimond which I wanted to get around to learning. The 3x3 is sadly not really useful for me any more, but the printable beginners method will be useful so I don't have to teach people!
Wow, first post and already contributing so much to the speedcubing community!

This would have been useful a few months ago, because I had to turn on my computer just to refer to a few algorithms that I just can't memorize. Too bad I've more or less quit cubing.
I haven't downloaded them because I don't need them, but they look like they would be excellent for a beginner. From the screen shots it looks like you put a whole lot of time and effort into making them.
Sticky maybe?
Lol, sounds like those useless facts in advertisements. "4 of 5 dentists prefer Crest to other brands."

His post actually has many useful things in it. 8, if you want to count all the files and the website link. He has two posts, so he averages 4 useful things for every post.
The main parity one is correct. The thing is, his lines are parallel for the two opposite edge switcher. It doesn't really matter, but it's actually swapping them diagonally.
oh and by the way: it happens to me by the 4x4x4 that i cant´t do normal F2L after pairing the edges. the colours are switched so that they don´t fit in their slots... Any ideas for that?