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Printable Rubik's Cube Guide

Jun 25, 2009
Miami, Florida
Visit Channel
I have made a Printable Rubik's Cube guide, I was thinking of selling it for a dollar,(hopefully to raise money for new cubes and what not) But if people think I shouldn't sell it and just give it away for free let me know and I gladly will. Just want to know what your thoughts are. It would all be based on my website.
Well, honestly, Most people will just say, "oh damn, that costs money, I'ma go to another site"
You can try making money, but chances are, not many people will buy it. A better way of making money is sucking up to your parent(s)/guardian and do everything in the house. Usually, that'll at least make you some money.

if worse comes to worse, mow lawns.
I wish I could mow lawns, but I live in this private community thingy where everyone uses the same lawn care people so that's out of the question, I guess it's time to solve rubiks cubes in public for cash
Well, honestly, Most people will just say, "oh damn, that costs money, I'ma go to another site"
You can try making money, but chances are, not many people will buy it. A better way of making money is sucking up to your parent(s)/guardian and do everything in the house. Usually, that'll at least make you some money.

if worse comes to worse, mow lawns.

It's true, as soon as someone sees a feature for money that they know can be free, they look for a different source.
i would offer it with the donation button next to it like my site

free information, but for those that appreciate the information, the donate button is there to help