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Picking up cubing after some months

GAN Lover

Jan 3, 2023
Rito Villiage
Visit Channel
After some months of abandoning my cubes,I have decided to pick up cubing again!
But naturally, there are a few problems.

My TV3 was lost and now the only 3x3 I have is the terrible GAN X V2(I’m not a big GAN fan lol). So now I would like to buy a main cube at a reasonable price. I have considered buying the TV4, but I have fond bad comments about it, especially the pioneer version. I can accept cubes that are slightly more expensive than the TV3. Here are a few things that I want with my cube(s):
1. No spring noise
2. Fast speed
3. Flexible but no corner twisting

Any advice would be appreciated!

Edit: I would like a cube with repelling edge magnets.
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moyu wrm v9 ball core UV
Corner twists are kind of an issue, and @GAN Lover specifically said that the cube shouldn't have a corner twisting problem.
Tonardo V2 if you can still get one.
OP wants a flexible cube and the V2 is the exact opposite of that (the cube also kind of sucks)
v10 is bad and has breaking issues. get a v9 if you want a weilong that bad. you should look into the pioneer xt3 v1
Don't listen to Kami he doesn't know how to turn
V10 is a great cube, and no breaking issues either.

I would recommend either the Ball-Core V5 (maglev) or the Ball-Core V10 (without maglev).
I really like the YS3M ball core. I have tried many cubes and I think it is the best performing by far. The feel is not remarkable, just your normal blocky RS3M type feel, but the performance is ridiculous and I can spam as hard as I want without the slightest worry of any even minor catching or resistance. It just tanks any kind of turning. It's a seriously upgraded RS3M which already has excellent performance
After some months of abandoning my cubes,I have decided to pick up cubing again!
But naturally, there are a few problems.

My TV3 was lost and now the only 3x3 I have is the terrible GAN X V2(I’m not a big GAN fan lol). So now I would like to buy a main cube at a reasonable price. I have considered buying the TV4, but I have fond bad comments about it, especially the pioneer version. I can accept cubes that are slightly more expensive than the TV3. Here are a few things that I want with my cube(s):
1. No spring noise
2. Fast speed
3. Flexible but no corner twisting

Any advice would be appreciated!
Tbh I did the same and started all over again so ik how you feel.
I don't know much about what are the best cubes to use so if you could hook me up I would appreciate it.(since I'm only a 14 year old kid)
I do hope you find what you are looking for and hopefully with alot of help.
After some months of abandoning my cubes,I have decided to pick up cubing again!
But naturally, there are a few problems.

My TV3 was lost and now the only 3x3 I have is the terrible GAN X V2(I’m not a big GAN fan lol). So now I would like to buy a main cube at a reasonable price. I have considered buying the TV4, but I have fond bad comments about it, especially the pioneer version. I can accept cubes that are slightly more expensive than the TV3. Here are a few things that I want with my cube(s):
1. No spring noise
2. Fast speed
3. Flexible but no corner twisting

Any advice would be appreciated!

Edit: I would like a cube with repelling edge magnets.
I would deffo reccomend a wrm v9, but the corner twisting might be an issue. Even then its not too bad.
Go with a v10. I like it and it got me a PR average in comp. Rare chances of corner twists, although those types of lockups depend on your turning style. Since you want fast cubes I would assume you have a pretty stable turning style and are looking to improve TPS.
The V10 is a very strong option, and the breaking issues are really just user error in my experience. I have two and neither have broken because I have been very gentle when taking it apart. Put it on the loosest settings to take it apart and don't turn extremely aggressively and you shouldn't have any issues at all.