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People with large sessions


Aug 25, 2022
Doveland, Wisconsin
Visit Channel
I know this is pretty niche, but who else never resets their sessions?

I personally have a 60k 3x3 solve session, 21k on 2x2, and a bunch more for different cubes (probably about 100k or so solves)

anyway, if you have any big sessions, post them here. I’m just curious to see if someone has a bigger 3x3 session than me
i only have about 8.6k solves for 3x3, about 5k solves for 2x2, and only like 800 solves for OH, plus another 500 solves for 4x4. I know it’s not alot of solves but back then i used to delete my session after every ao5 lol (big mistake💀💀)
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I know this is pretty niche, but who else never resets their sessions?

I personally have a 60k 3x3 solve session, 21k on 2x2, and a bunch more for different cubes (probably about 100k or so solves)

anyway, if you have any big sessions, post them here. I’m just curious to see if someone has a bigger 3x3 session than me
I should probably put the amount of solves I have on my ~2 year old sessions

3x3- 60.7k
2x2- 21.1k
4x4- 1.5k
5x5- 2.9k
6x6- 1.1k
7x7- 250
OH- 800
Skewb- 1.6k
Pyra- 475
Clock- 200

So about 87k in total so far. Probably about a few months away from 100k total solves
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i only have about 8600k solves for 3x3, about 5k solves for 2x2, and only like 800 solves for OH, plus another 500 solves for 4x4. I know it’s not alot of solves but back then i used to delete my session after every ao5 lol (big mistake💀💀)
I'm guessing you meant 8.6 k not 8.6 million