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Owen's Progress Thread | Finally some updates |

How long will it take me to get a sub 40 single?

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Owen Morrison

Aug 16, 2019
Visit Channel
Day 6 is out!

Today I just did some solves.
Generated By csTimer on 2020-05-21 (solving from 2020-05-21 08:13:26 to 2020-05-21 20:24:41)
avg of 100: 24.873

Time List:
790. 24.330 F' U2 B2 U2 R2 U2 L2 R2 B' L2 B2 D2 U' B' U2 R F U' F L' R @2020-05-21 08:13:26
791. 22.490 B U' B U2 L2 F2 U2 F L2 B2 R F L R D' U' L2 F' @2020-05-21 08:14:23
792. 19.340 L' F' R L2 B2 D' F2 R2 U B2 R2 F2 U' L2 F R' D' L' B D2 @2020-05-21 08:15:17
793. 30.330 U B F2 D2 R2 D2 U' L2 D' R2 B2 U' R2 B2 R B L D' B2 U F' @2020-05-21 08:16:07
794. 24.570 F' U' F2 D' B2 D2 B2 R2 F2 D' B2 U2 R' F2 D' L B' U2 L2 U R' @2020-05-21 08:17:39
795. 22.810 L2 F' L2 B R2 U2 B2 F' L2 U2 F D F L2 U' L2 B L' D2 U F @2020-05-21 08:26:04
796. 26.060 R L' B' L' D' F' L D R' F2 B2 D' F2 U' L2 B2 U R2 U' F2 U @2020-05-21 13:14:43
797. 22.440 L B2 R2 F2 L2 F D2 L2 F' D2 B D2 F L' R2 D B2 U' L D2 @2020-05-21 13:15:44
798. 25.700 B2 D B2 R F B' R' B' R2 D2 L F2 D2 F2 U2 R F2 R B2 L2 @2020-05-21 13:16:40
799. 23.170 F' D B2 D R L2 D' U2 L' F2 B2 L' F2 D2 B2 D2 B2 R L B' R' @2020-05-21 13:17:31
800. 25.070 D2 R' B2 F2 D2 L2 R F2 L D2 R D' L B F L D2 B' R @2020-05-21 13:18:26
801. 24.920 U R' F2 U L2 R2 U' B2 L2 F2 R2 D B2 R' F2 R2 D U R' B @2020-05-21 13:40:30
802. 26.660 L D' L2 R2 D L2 U' F2 R2 F2 L' U2 B F' R' B' U' L' R2 @2020-05-21 13:41:19
803. DNF(20.740) B2 U L2 D F2 R2 D' B2 L2 D2 R F2 U' B' D B' L2 F2 U2 @2020-05-21 13:42:11
804. 48.650 F' R2 U2 F2 D' F2 R2 U L2 D B2 R2 B' L' B' U' L' R B F D @2020-05-21 13:43:25
805. 18.520 L' B' D B R2 U2 R2 D2 R2 B L2 B2 R2 F2 U' R' D' R B D2 L' @2020-05-21 13:44:44
806. 27.650 L2 B' D2 R' U2 L F2 R2 D2 R' F2 R D2 R U' R' D' B2 U2 B U2 @2020-05-21 14:21:00
807. 22.200 U' B L U2 L' B R2 L2 U' B' U2 R2 F' R2 L2 U2 L2 F' R2 L2 @2020-05-21 14:21:45
808. 32.100 R' B2 L2 U2 R2 U2 F D2 F' U2 B2 R2 U2 L' D L R' B D L D @2020-05-21 14:22:28
809. 24.950 B U F2 L2 B2 L2 F L D' F' L2 F' L2 D2 B' R2 B' R2 U2 F2 L2 @2020-05-21 14:23:32
810. 24.250 F L2 F2 U2 D B R' U' F' R U2 D2 B2 R' F2 L' U2 R F2 @2020-05-21 14:24:26
811. 24.310 R U' B L2 D2 R' F' B2 R2 D' F2 U' R2 U L2 U L2 B2 L2 R' @2020-05-21 14:41:58
812. 21.880 B' U F2 L2 D2 B2 L2 U F2 U2 R2 U2 R2 L' D B' L D L2 U2 B2 @2020-05-21 14:42:47
813. 24.700 D R2 F' R2 F' U2 B' L2 B2 D2 F' L' B2 L' F' L R F D' @2020-05-21 15:20:55
814. 28.071 D2 L D L2 D' R2 D U R2 F2 U2 F2 U' B' L D R F L2 D' @2020-05-21 15:23:16
815. 27.496 B2 U2 D' B2 R D2 R' F L2 D2 L2 B2 U2 D2 B' D' B @2020-05-21 15:24:14
816. 34.940 F' L2 F2 U' B2 L2 U' B2 L2 B2 D L2 B2 L' U' R' B U' B2 U' F' @2020-05-21 15:25:00
817. 22.866 L' D F' R2 B' U2 F2 L2 F D2 L2 F R' B U2 L2 U' R D2 @2020-05-21 15:25:52
818. 27.320 D' R2 F2 U2 R2 D' L2 F2 R2 B2 D' R2 B L' R2 B' U L B' L' @2020-05-21 15:26:33
819. 24.963 L U F' U2 F D2 B L2 F2 D2 R2 D2 L2 D R2 U B D R B' @2020-05-21 15:27:16
820. 25.959 L2 B U R2 D2 L2 F2 R2 D' B2 D2 L2 D2 L2 F L U' R' B2 F D' @2020-05-21 15:27:57
821. 28.990 L2 U B2 U2 R2 D R2 U B2 R2 U2 R F2 L' D U B' L' B2 L' @2020-05-21 15:55:23
822. 35.830 L U' B' D' B2 D B2 L2 D2 L2 U R2 B2 R B R' U L F2 L @2020-05-21 15:57:29
823. 35.260 L2 B2 R2 D' F2 D2 B2 D F2 R2 F2 L' U L2 R' F U B2 D L2 U @2020-05-21 15:58:46
824. 23.450 F' R' F R2 D L' B L' U2 L2 B2 L2 U' F2 U F2 D' B2 R2 D' @2020-05-21 16:01:13
825. 19.040 D2 B U2 R F' R' B' L2 U' L2 D R2 F2 D B2 D' B' D' @2020-05-21 16:53:52
826. 18.810 U2 L' U F' B R2 U L R2 B2 D F2 B2 U R2 U F2 D' R' @2020-05-21 16:57:13
827. 21.970 B R2 U2 B U2 R2 D2 F' U2 F' U' F L' F2 R2 D' F2 L D2 @2020-05-21 16:59:29
828. 32.410 U L2 F2 B L' F' D' U2 F U2 F L2 B2 U2 B L2 B' L2 B L' @2020-05-21 17:01:00
829. 24.470 D' R' B2 F2 R2 U' R2 D2 U2 F2 U B' R B F D' R2 F2 R2 @2020-05-21 17:02:11
830. 26.060 U B' R F2 U L2 U L D R2 D L2 B2 U2 L2 U B2 U2 L2 B2 @2020-05-21 17:03:01
831. 21.290 L' F U2 D' B L F' U2 D F2 R2 B D2 R2 B2 U2 D2 B R2 B D2 @2020-05-21 17:03:52
832. 29.110 B2 F L2 B2 L D2 B2 F2 L2 R' B U L' D2 L' D' R2 @2020-05-21 17:05:02
833. 21.620 B' D' F' L' U' D2 B L U2 F2 L F2 U2 F2 R F2 L F2 D' B' @2020-05-21 17:13:07
834. 24.960 L2 F2 R2 F2 U2 B2 D2 B R2 B' D2 F2 R' B' U' F2 L' F' L F' @2020-05-21 17:13:08
835. 22.360 U' R2 D2 L2 R2 U' F2 U2 R2 L' D' F' U' R D B' L U' L2 @2020-05-21 17:13:15
836. 24.800 L U2 R2 F U R' U2 F' R' U2 F' D2 F2 U2 F U2 D2 L2 F2 @2020-05-21 17:13:17
837. 34.000 D F2 D R2 U' B2 F2 U B2 F2 U' F2 R' F L' B' L2 R' U2 F' U' @2020-05-21 17:14:29
838. 24.340 F' R' U2 L B2 R U2 R B2 R2 F2 R U B' F L' U F2 U2 R F' @2020-05-21 17:15:56
839. 26.730 U B U' L D2 B2 L2 F' R F2 L2 U B2 D' R2 U F2 R2 U2 @2020-05-21 17:16:57
840. 29.780 D F' L D R U2 B U' R2 D2 B2 R2 F' U2 D2 F' R2 F' D2 F2 @2020-05-21 17:19:01
841. 31.920 U2 R' F' R2 B2 D2 F' L2 F U2 B U2 R U' R F R2 D' L' @2020-05-21 17:20:08
842. 21.010 D2 L2 F' D2 U2 R2 B2 F R2 F R2 D B2 D L U2 R2 F U' F2 R' @2020-05-21 17:22:13
843. 26.000 U R2 B' L2 B2 R2 U2 L2 D' F2 D' L2 F2 L' F' R U' R' D2 L' @2020-05-21 17:23:14
844. 24.530 B' L2 R2 D2 R2 D L2 F2 D2 U L2 D F L2 U' R' B2 F2 U' L F @2020-05-21 17:24:44
845. 26.360 L' B2 R2 U' R2 F2 R2 F2 U' F2 D U L2 R' B' F' R F' R2 F' U' @2020-05-21 17:25:47
846. 20.350 U2 B2 F2 D' R2 B2 F2 D B2 U L2 F2 B' L' U F' U R B' L D2 @2020-05-21 17:27:19
847. 27.910 B U' L2 U' B' L F D2 L2 B2 R' D2 L B2 D2 B2 U2 L' D' @2020-05-21 17:27:59
848. 14.950 D2 B2 U2 R' F2 L D B L2 F R2 B' D2 B2 U2 F' D2 B' D B' @2020-05-21 17:29:13
849. 23.300 U2 B U2 L2 B U2 B U2 B2 U2 B2 F' L' B2 R' F' L F' U R F' @2020-05-21 17:53:14
850. 20.110 L F2 D2 R F2 L R2 F2 U2 L R F U2 L' R' B2 L' D' R B @2020-05-21 17:53:21
851. 18.790 F' R U R' D2 R' B' D2 R F2 U2 R' F2 D2 L F2 D2 L' U' B @2020-05-21 17:53:28
852. 23.530 R2 F2 U' L' B L' U2 B' D' R2 F' L2 D2 F' D2 R2 F R2 B U2 @2020-05-21 17:54:18
853. 22.720 L2 F2 L2 B2 D U2 F2 D' U' F U R2 B2 D F' D R' D F @2020-05-21 17:55:51
854. 30.960 F D L D2 L D2 B2 D2 L2 F2 R F2 U' L' U' B L2 B R' @2020-05-21 17:57:13
855. 26.510 D' L2 D2 R2 F2 U F2 L2 D' B2 U2 R D U2 B2 U2 L F U' R' @2020-05-21 17:58:47
856. 24.640 R2 D' L F' U B2 L' U2 D B2 U' R2 D B2 L2 D2 F2 U' R2 F' D @2020-05-21 18:00:10
857. 18.080 F2 D2 U2 L B2 L' D2 R2 U2 R2 U2 F' L R2 D U F R U B' F' @2020-05-21 18:01:11
858. 25.140 B L2 B2 F2 D' L2 D R2 D L2 R2 F2 U2 B' L R2 U B' R' F' R @2020-05-21 18:06:14
859. 23.230 B2 D' R2 D L2 U' L2 B2 D L2 D2 B L2 D' R B2 U L R' F2 @2020-05-21 18:09:13
860. 20.070 L' D L' U' R' U F' B L' U2 F R2 F' L2 D2 F' B2 L2 U2 F @2020-05-21 18:12:25
861. 28.730 R' U' L' R2 F2 L2 U F2 U2 R2 F2 D' U' B L D2 U' L U2 F' @2020-05-21 18:13:32
862. 29.830 F2 U F' B' U F2 D L D L2 B2 D B2 R2 U R2 F2 D F2 U' @2020-05-21 18:14:48
863. 20.310 F' R2 F2 U' R2 L U F U2 F U2 R2 F' L2 B' U2 D2 B' R2 L' @2020-05-21 18:22:45
864. 28.110 F U2 F' R2 F' D2 L2 U2 L2 B' R2 D2 L' F' U B2 R D2 F' U2 R' @2020-05-21 18:27:34
865. 23.810 U2 B2 R2 U B2 R2 U' F2 U' L2 B' R' U' R U L' D B' L2 R @2020-05-21 18:32:11
866. 31.690 D2 R2 F L2 B R2 D2 B2 R2 U2 F2 R B L2 U2 L' B' D' L2 F U2 @2020-05-21 18:33:08
867. 30.510 F2 B R2 U2 L' F2 U' R' B' D' F R2 U2 F L2 F B2 D2 B2 U2 L2 @2020-05-21 18:34:23
868. 22.020 U2 L2 U2 B' L2 B' L2 F2 D2 B2 D2 R2 D' F D F2 U' L B2 F2 @2020-05-21 18:36:08
869. 26.020 B2 F2 D' L2 F2 L2 U2 F2 U' L2 D2 F' D' F2 L2 U' B2 R D F' @2020-05-21 18:39:53
870. 23.080 F D' F2 D' R2 U B2 F2 D' B2 U' B2 U' F' L' U' L2 D2 B R F' @2020-05-21 18:41:29
871. 23.880 L F' B2 R2 D2 L2 D B2 D2 U F2 U R2 F' L D2 B2 D2 L' B D2 @2020-05-21 18:42:45
872. 22.340 U D2 R' U2 F2 R2 D2 F2 R2 U2 B2 R' B L2 D L' U' B U' L @2020-05-21 18:44:19
873. 22.340 F2 R2 U L2 F2 D U2 R2 B2 L2 B' F' D L2 B' L' R' D' R' U' @2020-05-21 18:45:46
874. 19.790 D2 F U' B2 U2 F R U2 R2 D2 F' B2 D2 R2 B' L2 B' R' B @2020-05-21 18:47:47
875. 18.080 L' B' D2 F2 D2 L B2 F2 R2 U2 L' D2 R2 D F' D F' U R' F' @2020-05-21 18:49:13
876. 26.120 D' B D F U L F' B2 L U2 R U2 F2 L2 D2 B2 R' B2 L2 D L @2020-05-21 18:50:12
877. 19.080 D B2 L2 B2 U R2 D2 U' F R' F D' L2 U L' F D' R' @2020-05-21 18:53:51
878. 21.250 U' D' F2 L2 D' B R D B2 L2 B2 L F2 R D2 L2 U2 B2 @2020-05-21 18:55:20
879. 26.260 L' U' B' R D B2 U F' L F R2 U2 B' R2 L2 B D2 F' D2 R2 L' @2020-05-21 18:56:19
880. 25.900 R2 B2 D' B2 R2 U' R2 D R' D L B' F R' B' U B2 D' @2020-05-21 18:59:22
881. 29.560 F2 R' F U2 R2 B U2 B2 L2 F U2 R2 D' U B' R D2 B' F R2 @2020-05-21 20:24:08
882. 18.180 D2 F U2 L2 B D2 B2 L2 B' D2 L2 D R' F' R D B' L' U' B' L2 @2020-05-21 20:24:22
883. 20.080 L' F R' D' L' U L' R2 F L2 U2 F R2 L2 U2 B' R2 B' R D' @2020-05-21 20:24:23
884. 24.080 L U' B2 D2 R' D2 L2 R' B2 U2 R F2 R' F L D' R' F D' U @2020-05-21 20:24:24
885. 24.980 D' U2 F2 L2 D2 B2 L2 U2 B2 R' D F L F' U2 F' D' B2 D' @2020-05-21 20:24:27
886. 28.870 R F' L2 U' B2 U' R2 D U L2 R2 B2 R2 F' U F2 L D' R2 D2 L @2020-05-21 20:24:27
887. 23.570 U F2 D F R' F2 D F2 D' B2 L' B2 L D2 R F2 R2 U2 F2 @2020-05-21 20:24:38
888. 17.650 D L' U2 B2 D' F2 R2 D B2 R2 U' B2 D L B' U F2 L2 R2 F2 @2020-05-21 20:24:47
889. 29.970 B U' F' U' L' D2 B' R D F2 L2 D2 B' U2 L2 B' U2 R2 F D2 B' @2020-05-21 20:24:41
I also did some racing on cubngtime so these aren't all the solves.

After the first week I will start updating this weekly so I don't clog anything.


May 7, 2018
Washington State, USA
Visit Channel
Yes, I can, but not without looking at the CP stuff. Also, I am really confused about how to solve EO with YruRU.
You'll get used to CP eventually. As for EO, use this. It gives all the cases if DB is good and there aren't 8 bad edges (i.e. using pEO). Try to learn them like F2L algs: intuitively, seeing the setups to the nice cases.


May 7, 2018
Washington State, USA
Visit Channel
How do I go about finding the algs intuitively? Is there anything I should look for?
There are a few algs used to do EO, while the other moves are setting up to those. I'll cover them in my tutorial part 3 but here's the quick version

(r U r) flips UF, UR, RF, DF
(r U2 R2 U r) flips UF, RF, RB, DF (changing R2 to r2 does the same from the back, UB-RF-RD-DB)
(r' U' r2 U r) flips UF, UL, UB, RF, RB, DF

Then for each case just figure out how the setup works


Jan 12, 2020
Day 7 is out, I learned how to solve with the YruRU method. Now I am going to be working on efficient EO and planning CP line in under 15 seconds.

Also, how are you supposed to plan CP line in inspection when you don't already have two corners solved? it seems impossible to me.
because its the best oh method


Apr 21, 2020
Day 7 is out, I learned how to solve with the YruRU method. Now I am going to be working on efficient EO and planning CP line in under 15 seconds.

Also, how are you supposed to plan CP line in inspection when you don't already have two corners solved? it seems impossible to me.
It’s awesome that you’re brave enough to venture through unexplored territory, best of luck with the method! It’s going to be challenging, but it certainly is also a lot of fun.

One way of dealing with cases when you do not have DL corners solved is to try to find a 1-mover or a 2-mover that solves a pair or DL corners, and track where every other corner moves to before beginning to trace CP (it’s not as bad as it sounds). As far as I’m aware, Cuberstache uses this approach.

Another way of handling this situation is to pretend that the corner supposed to be solved in DFL is the corner currently in DFL and do the usual tracing. Then see which corner to swap with the DFL corner and set it up UBR, while setting up the corner supposed to go to DFL an F or F’ away. I use this approach.

The first approach is usually more efficient, while the second approach is more inspection-friendly. I believe that if the DL corners are 1 move away from being solved, the first approach is worth it. But if they are 2 (or more) moves away, the second approach is a good retreat.

If you’re x2 y neutral, you’ll probably be fine with just using the first approach, though it will take a bunch of practice. If you are x2 y2 neutral (I totally recommend x2 y2), you’ll find a lot of 2-move optimals for solved DL, and maybe even 3-move optimals once in a while; so you’ll probably be better off checking out the second option and using it as and when necessary.

Owen Morrison

Aug 16, 2019
Visit Channel
It’s awesome that you’re brave enough to venture through unexplored territory, best of luck with the method! It’s going to be challenging, but it certainly is also a lot of fun.

One way of dealing with cases when you do not have DL corners solved is to try to find a 1-mover or a 2-mover that solves a pair or DL corners, and track where every other corner moves to before beginning to trace CP (it’s not as bad as it sounds). As far as I’m aware, Cuberstache uses this approach.

Another way of handling this situation is to pretend that the corner supposed to be solved in DFL is the corner currently in DFL and do the usual tracing. Then see which corner to swap with the DFL corner and set it up UBR, while setting up the corner supposed to go to DFL an F or F’ away. I use this approach.

The first approach is usually more efficient, while the second approach is more inspection-friendly. I believe that if the DL corners are 1 move away from being solved, the first approach is worth it. But if they are 2 (or more) moves away, the second approach is a good retreat.

If you’re x2 y neutral, you’ll probably be fine with just using the first approach, though it will take a bunch of practice. If you are x2 y2 neutral (I totally recommend x2 y2), you’ll find a lot of 2-move optimals for solved DL, and maybe even 3-move optimals once in a while; so you’ll probably be better off checking out the second option and using it as and when necessary.
Thanks for the tips!

Another way of handling this situation is to pretend that the corner supposed to be solved in DFL is the corner currently in DFL and do the usual tracing. Then see which corner to swap with the DFL corner and set it up UBR, while setting up the corner supposed to go to DFL an F or F’ away. I use this approach.
I was a little confused by this method of doing it, it seems a little easier than the 1st way, but I can't really understand what the steps to this are, do you mind explaining just this part again?
Last edited:


Jan 4, 2018
Visit Channel
Good luck! If you want to get the most out of Briggs you're gonna want to learn how to track CP through FB (you can learn that from this website https://johnli0135.github.io/2GR/CPLine/CPLine.html). Also, it is definitely a fun thing to do but ultimately it's faster to skip the CP step and learn ZBLL eventually but until then enjoy! CP methods are really fun!


Apr 21, 2020
Thanks for the tips!

I was a little confused by this method of doing it, it seems a little easier than the 1st way, but I can't really understand what the steps to this are, do you mind explaining just this part again?
Perhaps an example would help.
Scramble: R2 D' R2 D L2 F2 U2 F2 U' F2 L2 B' L' F2 R' F2 R' U' R' B U2

In my orientation scheme (W/Y top, G/B front) there are no solved DL corners or even 1 move to solved corners for that matter. I see that Yellow-Red in DL would be a decent idea for some reason so I start inspecting:
y2 // putting the green red yellow corner in DBL.
The corner that is supposed to be in DFL (i.e. the blue red yellow corner) is in DBR. The corner in DFL currently is White red green, which is 4 in my numbering scheme. So, I will assume that the blue red yellow corner is 4.
Now, I’ll do the normal tracing:
5 and 6 are friends, in UFR and UBR. Since UFR is an even location, the beginner tracing path is DBR>DFR>ignoreUFR>ignoreUBR>UBL>UFL.
Thus, the corner order is “4”>3>2>1.
Now, in this corner order, 1-3 can be swapped, 2-4 can be swapped, or 5-6 can be swapped. Since the real 4 is stuck in DFL, we will use the 2-4 swap.

S // a random move that doesn’t affect corners
R // sets up the blue red yellow corner an F away from being solved
U // sets up 2 in UBR
F // solves DL corners

Thus, our CP-line solution is y2 S R U F.

I hope this made sense. The steps are:
0. Come to an orientation where DBL corner is solved.
1. Assume the actual DFL corner is the corner currently stuck in DFL spot.
2. Do usual tracing.
3. Set up the actual DFL corner an F or an F’ away from being solved.
4. Set up the swap partner of the corner stuck in DFL to UBR.
5. Do F or F’.

Owen Morrison

Aug 16, 2019
Visit Channel
Perhaps an example would help.
Scramble: R2 D' R2 D L2 F2 U2 F2 U' F2 L2 B' L' F2 R' F2 R' U' R' B U2

In my orientation scheme (W/Y top, G/B front) there are no solved DL corners or even 1 move to solved corners for that matter. I see that Yellow-Red in DL would be a decent idea for some reason so I start inspecting:
y2 // putting the green red yellow corner in DBL.
The corner that is supposed to be in DFL (i.e. the blue red yellow corner) is in DBR. The corner in DFL currently is White red green, which is 4 in my numbering scheme. So, I will assume that the blue red yellow corner is 4.
Now, I’ll do the normal tracing:
5 and 6 are friends, in UFR and UBR. Since UFR is an even location, the beginner tracing path is DBR>DFR>ignoreUFR>ignoreUBR>UBL>UFL.
Thus, the corner order is “4”>3>2>1.
Now, in this corner order, 1-3 can be swapped, 2-4 can be swapped, or 5-6 can be swapped. Since the real 4 is stuck in DFL, we will use the 2-4 swap.

S // a random move that doesn’t affect corners
R // sets up the blue red yellow corner an F away from being solved
U // sets up 2 in UBR
F // solves DL corners

Thus, our CP-line solution is y2 S R U F.

I hope this made sense. The steps are:
0. Come to an orientation where DBL corner is solved.
1. Assume the actual DFL corner is the corner currently stuck in DFL spot.
2. Do usual tracing.
3. Set up the actual DFL corner an F or an F’ away from being solved.
4. Set up the swap partner of the corner stuck in DFL to UBR.
5. Do F or F’.
Thank you so much for the very detailed example!

The only thing I didn't understand was how just an F move can swap 2 and 4, I though using a 3 move trigger was needed to swap 2 pieces. I might have just learned YruRU the wrong way though.


Apr 21, 2020
Thank you so much for the very detailed example!

The only thing I didn't understand was how just an F move can swap 2 and 4, I though using a 3 move trigger was needed to swap 2 pieces. I might have just learned YruRU the wrong way though.
The three move triggers are basically 4-cycles that we interpret as 2-cycles (or in other words, swaps). A similar thing can be done with a single F move if your DL corners aren’t solved, though a lot of the flexibility is gone since there’s only one pair you can swap and only two ways (F or F’) you can do that. Though, it doesn’t matter how it works really, just memorise that it does.

Owen Morrison

Aug 16, 2019
Visit Channel
Thanks so much to everyone who has been supporting me as I switch to a new method, especially @Devagio for helping me learn it.

I just got a very consistent mid 32 OH average of 5 with YruRU! and I only had one CP error, where I used to get a CP error almost all of the time before Devagio helped me.

Screenshot 2020-05-25 at 10.55.06 AM.png
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