Hello everyone,
I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.
I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.
About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.
I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.
I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47
I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.
I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.
About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.
I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.
I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47