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[Member Intro] Older beginner in scotland


Mar 14, 2022
Hello everyone,

I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.

I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.

About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47

Hello everyone,

I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.

I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.

About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47

'lo. Would you like some tips in proving your speed?
Hello everyone,

I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.

I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.

About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

Nice to see another older cuber on these forums. Note that you don't need to have good times on 3x3 before learning FMC and blind. The methods and skills involved are mostly quite different to regular 3x3 so if they sound interesting to you, just go for it and watch or read some tutorials.
Welcome! If you do want to get into speedcubing, please learn how to be color-neutral it is my one regret when I was a beginner.
Hello everyone,

I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.

I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.

About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47

Hi Brian! There's actually a comp coming up in Glasgow and the registration hasn't opened yet:

If you're not sure about competing, I'd definitely suggest taking advantage of the opportunity and going to this one. Comps in Scotland tend to be a bit rarer, and you're more than fast enough to fit right in.

Although I'd also suggest registering for the comp quickly after registration opens, as UK comps have been filling up quite quickly lately.

I won't be going to Glasgow, nor am I *that* old, but hopefully I'll see you around at some point:)
Hello everyone,

I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.

I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.

About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47

Hi Brian! There's actually a comp coming up in Glasgow and the registration hasn't opened yet:

If you're not sure about competing, I'd definitely suggest taking advantage of the opportunity and going to this one. Comps in Scotland tend to be a bit rarer, and you're more than fast enough to fit right in.

Although I'd also suggest registering for the comp quickly after registration opens, as UK comps have been filling up quite quickly lately.

I won't be going to Glasgow, nor am I *that* old, but hopefully I'll see you around at some point:)
Thanks for letting me know. I haven't thought about competitions but I will have a look at the details.
Welcome! If you do want to get into speedcubing, please learn how to be color-neutral it is my one regret when I was a beginner.
You don't need to do that if you are a beginner, but It would be helpful once you are sub 20 and you know full oll and pll ( btw I'm not color neutral and i average 13/14 )
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Welcome to the forum. I'm 46 and from switzerland.
Cool that you have learned all the methods.

I'm still at CFOP and try to reduce my times with this one. But i want at least learn the others, even if I think that will stay at CFOP.

Welcome! If you do want to get into speedcubing, please learn how to be color-neutral it is my one regret when I was a beginner.

I'm just a beginner but I think color neutrality is overrated. There are even Top 10 Cubers who are not color neutral.
It's good to learn it but as a beginner it's hard enough to find the white pieces.
You don't need to do that if you are a beginner, but It would be helpful once you are sub 20 and you know full oll and pll ( btw I'm not color neutral and i average 17/18 but i'm trying to learn color neutrality)
It is easier to learn colour neutrality when you are a beginner as steps like the white cross is not completely drilled into memory. I average 12 and I am not colour neutral, when I try to solve on another colour, I only look out for white pieces during cross. Right now, it is difficult for me to become colour neutral.
Hi guys,

I am also in my 40's, and I started 1,5 years ago. I average now about 23 seconds (avg of 100) I learnt to solve in yellow when I was about sub-30. Actually it was quite easy because yellow and white become very similar patterns and as others say it was not so much drilled in my mind. In my experience there are pros and cons with dual neutrality, and probably does not give me much advantage

  • if you use long inspection time, it is much easier to find a cross that you can remember completely in inspection. With long inspection, color neutrality is great!
  • but if I use just the oficial 15 seconds I cannot analyze both colours at full so I just check if one piece (yellow or white) is correct, then I stick with this colour (mostly), but sometimes the other colour could have been better, who knows. So I don't know how much advantage you get.
  • Because I use the two colours, it is harder for me to remember if green goes right of red or left (depends on where I solve). With only white this is very clear.
  • Buuut, definitely it is more fun to use two colours, more creativity in inspection.
Hello everyone,

I am new to cubing and i have to say I'm slightly hooked.

I am almost 40 and living in Scotland. I have always had a Rubik cube in my life from as young as a can remember. There was an original one in my house growing and because I like puzzles i have been gifted a few throughout my life.

About a month ago I randomly saw a YouTube video by Michelle khare where she learned, from jperm, to solve the cub in under a minute. So I decided to learn. I found my cube and here I am.

I have learned beginners CFOP, roux and have managed a zz solve. I'm really interested in FMC and blind but want to get good times before I start learning more about the those events.

I average around 1:20 and have a pb of 47

I started cubing last year in August.
I'm 61 and I love it!
I'm not as fast as the younger kids but I can solve, using CFOP 2Look, 1:12 seconds. Glad there are older Cubers like me!