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[Unofficial] OH 7.19 single by Moritz Karl


Sep 28, 2008
Visit Channel

my second best time ever :)
nothing really happened there. just a straightforward F2L and a PLL skip.
description said:
OH 7.19:
scramble: R B' L' D' F2 L D2 F2 R2 F U2 F2 D2 B2 U2 B2 R2 F2 B2 D L2
xcross: x2 R' U' R U L2 R u' R u
2nd pair: y' R' U' R2 U R'
3rd pair: U2 y R U R'
4th pair: U2 R' U' R U R' U' R
LL: R U2 R' U' R U' R' U'
34 HTM, ~4.7 tps
lol 2nd try 5.94 xD
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Mats should practise that reaction in front of a mirror. That would be a good start.

On topic:
Nothing really happened? 34HTM is something really ;)
Anyway, really cool solve, congratz

Edit: I got 7.34 on my 4th try OH.
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Nice Moritz, you gonna own OH this weekend!
probably not. my average went from 15.0 to 16.5 again due to a 4-week-pause.
well my PB is 6.95

R' F B2 R2 L F2 R' U' F' U L' F2 L B' R2 U' B' U' B L2 D F' D B F'

triple xcross: U R2 F U' D' L y U2 R2 U R2
4. pair: U2 R' U' R
OLL: U2 R U2 R2 U' R U' R' U2 y r U r'

27 HTM, 6.95 seconds
3.88 tps

and if you believe the stuff that andrew brown uploaded its at least 6.27... who cares about lucky single solves anyway?