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North American Championship 2024


Jul 13, 2022
New York City
Visit Channel

This is the North American, as well as USA national championship.

It will be hosted in Minneapolis and will start July 18th

This is the North American, as well as USA national championship.

It will be hosted in Minneapolis and will start July 18th
Yeah, it's been up for a few days. I wonder why registration starts so early though.
What do you mean by "qualify"?
There are qualification times for each event at this competition

Basically, you have to have under a certain official average in order to compete in each event (except for FMC and MBLD. You have to be top 30 in the world by average to qualify for FMC and top 20 to qualify for MBLD)

You can set these times before June 6th 2024 in order to compete in events
I was concerned when I saw those qualifications. But it looks like that's top 20 and top 30 of competitors registered for this competition, not top 20 and top 30 in the world. Which is good because otherwise it would probably mean only a few people competing in those events, which would be ridiculous for NAC.

As is, I'm still disappointed those numbers are so much smaller than at US Nats this year. You'd think they'd be able to handle a similar number of people.

Especially FMC. How much harder is it to handle 100 FMC competitors vs. 30?