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NonSpeed Solving Game


Jul 8, 2016
I wanted to post this game I made up back when I first started solving the cube with no cheats about 10 years ago. (took me 6 weeks). This game might already exist, but I have never run into anyone that has ever heard of it.
It's so simple, yet gets increasingly challenging quickly. Hopefully this is the right place to put this.
You can play with 1 or many people.

Start with a solved cube.
Round 1: 1 person puts the cube behind their back, makes as many turns on the cube as the round, in this case, 1. (A MIDDLE COUNTS AS 2 TURNS/MOVES). then hands the cube over to the second person. (If playing by yourself, I usually close my eyes and spin the cube in the air for a sec before opening my eyes). Now the second person has to solve the cube in exactly as many turns as the round indicates. No more, no less.
If person 2 solves, then person 2 will now put the cube behind their back and turn the cube the number of rounds. Now person 2 will either hand the cube back to the first person or pass it onto a third person.

Round 2: Once the cube gets back to the first person, round 2 begins and the first person has to put the cube behind their back and complete 2 turns. and they give it to the second person to solve in as many moves.

Round X: And on and on and on.
Keep going until someone can't solve. Then they are out!
Has anyone heard of this game? Any cool variations you can think of?
How many rounds can you get? My best is about 6 or 7.
Any other fun cube games?


Oct 31, 2008
I often use this when sitting with someone who can't solve the cube and doesn't believe they ever could;
frequently they can do three twists and are very pleased with that! It doesn't really help them solve a
full scramble, but it's a quick and easy game they have fun with. One little girl was totally disinterested
(her brother could solve it) but she *loved* this game, and got a four move scramble that her brother
could not duplicate.